Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

The Truth, the Whole Truth, Nothing but the Truth
The Lord Jesus reveals the truth about us and about God. In this amazing story we see the perfect wisdom, love, and power of our Saviour. Tell Him the truth. He knows it already.

Start at Home
Do you want to do something big for the Lord? Jesus tells us where to start. His words to a man He had just changed would change the lives of many others..."Go home." Begin your work for the Lord right where you are today.

What to Do In Your Storm
It is inevitable. Storms are going to come into every life. How will you respond? As we discover three things Christ did not do when a vicious storm came it will help us to see the one thing that we must do.

Becoming Teachers
Today we examine Christ's message and how He delivered it. Learning to communicate as Christ did will help us all to better messengers for Him. The students must become the teachers.

Better Hearers
Are you a good listener? Christ tells us that the way we "hear" God has everything to do with how much He can accomplish in us. Learn to be a better listener today - especially when it is God who is speaking!

Which Are You?
There are four types of hearers, four types of hearts. Today we examine each and they examine us. Which of the four are you?

Christ’s Most Important Story
Jesus frequently told stories to teach truth. There is one story that He said was the foundation of every other one. If we understand and apply this parable we will be ready for every truth He wants us to know.

The Unpardonable Sin
What is the unpardonable sin? Jesus gave the answer to a group of religious people who refused to believe on Him. This stern warning should cause every soul to listen to the Holy Spirit. He always tells the truth.

The Friendship of Christ
Today we discover simple, practical ways to deepen our friendship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Apply these truths and you will find the joy and power of a life lived "with him."

With Him
Ordinary people make an extraordinary difference for one reason. It is not simply opportunity and natural ability. The difference is the presence of Christ. When we learn to live "with him" we find all that we need to minister to others.

Get in the Game!
Are you a spectator or a participant in what God is doing in this world? Our world is full of great need and religious talk is not enough. Christ is looking for genuine disciples - people whose lives have been changed to make a difference in the world.

Learning to Work for the Lord of Rest
Those who desire to work for Christ must first learn to rest in Him. Today we meet "the Lord of the sabbath" and discover His heart for His servants.

Dealing With the Pharisee in Me
So much Christian living has been reduced to simply maintaining the form and function of religious things. Christ wants more than our habits - He wants our hearts! Too often we see this hypocrisy in others but fail to see it creeping into our own lives.

Questions, Questions, Questions!
Pharisees don't ask questions as students - they ask as skeptics. Their questions reveal a lack of sincerity. Are we more concerned with truth or with our opinions and how we appear to others?

The Spirit of the Pharisees
The spirit of a Pharisee is seen quickly in our attitude toward others...especially those who are despised in our world. When we fail to realize the sinfulness of our own hearts we begin to think more highly of ourselves than we should. Look at yourself and others through the eyes of Jesus!

Bringing One Person to Jesus
I cannot do everything, but I can do something. I cannot reach everyone, but I can reach someone. What would happen if every believer simply brought one person to Jesus? Today we learn how to do the greatest work in the world -bring one person to Jesus.

Touching Lepers
You don't touch lepers! Unless you are Jesus. He loves people where they are. He touches them with compassion and makes them whole. You will find yourself in this powerful story and learn how to touch others with the love of God.

Busy…But Not in a Hurry
No person who has ever lived had more to do than the One who said, "I must be about my Father's business." Yet He never seemed to be in a hurry! His words and works grew out of His private times of communion with His Father. In our busy world we must learn not to hurry past the Lord. Make time for prayer.

Power for Every Need
Whatever you are going through Christ has power to meet that need. In the middle of your circumstances look to Jesus today! He is more than enough.

A Different Kind of Preacher
Do you have a favorite preacher? No one ever preached quite like Jesus. His preaching was marked by something that was unique. Discover the one thing that sets powerful preaching apart.

Walking Through Your Wilderness
We all have our wilderness experiences. Even Jesus did. When you follow the Spirit you will have to fight the devil! Learn how to come through your wilderness in victory and power as you journey with Jesus.

Is God Pleased With Me?
At the baptism of Christ we hear the most important testimony ever given - the testimony of God. Publicly He announced that He is well pleased with His Son. Christ gives us the perfect example of obedience. Ask yourself today: Is God pleased with me?

The Servant Who Introduced the Servant
Mark knew something about service; he is identifed in Scripture as a "minister." His book presents Christ as the perfect Servant. How appropriate that a humble servant named John the Baptist would be used to pave the way for Him. In these few verses we learn the one mark of a true servant.

The Beginning
It all begins with the gospel! Mark's account and our life finds its true beginning in the good news of Jesus Christ. There are four gospel records but only one gospel: the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rejoice today in the the gospel and share it with others.