Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes


Laying Aside Your Pride

Psalm 131
Nothing will hinder your journey into the presence of God like pride. The baggage and burden of the self life always keeps you from moving forward. In three simple verses God outlines the life of humility and the way to live it.

Low Points Along the Way

Psalm 130
Every day is not easy. At times we all feel as if we are living in the depths of despair. There are four things that you can do at your lowest point. God will meet you there!

How To Deal with Hard Things and Difficult People

Psalm 129
What do you do when faced with challenging circumstances and individuals? When stress, strain, and struggle come into your life follow the pattern given to us by the psalmist in Psalm 129.

The Greatest Blessings On Life’s Journey

Psalm 128
The greatest blessings are not things; they are the people God has given us to make the journey with! Learn the way to God's blessing in your heart and in your home.

A Family Road Trip

Psalm 127
You are not making this journey through life alone. God gives us family so that we can make the trip together. The Lord has lessons for us and for our children in this family psalm. Read it together and ask God to bring it home to you.

Relief for the Weary Traveler

Psalm 126
Travelers get weary. Relief and refreshment comes from the Lord. He has helped us this far and He will not fail us now! Cry out to Him in faith and believe that He will meet every need.

Safe Travels

Psalm 125
There are dangers on every journey. Our safety comes from the One who is traveling with us. Discover the promise and principles of divine protection in this brief psalm.

What If…

Psalm 124
Have you ever thought about what life would be like if the Lord had not worked in your life? Where would you be? Take the time today to think of what God has kept you from and sing a song of praise to Him!

Finding Supplies Along the Way

Psalm 123
You are going to need more than money and material resources to make it through this world! Find the supply that never fails in the Lord. This psalm will help you look to Him today.

The Traveler’s Joy

Psalm 122
One thing makes life worth living: being in the presence of God. As we worship the Lord He gives joy that strengthens us for every step of the journey.

The Traveler’s Rest

Psalm 121
Travel can be wearying, but our traveling Companion is never tired! The Lord watches and keeps us so that we can rest in Him.

Pack Light for the Trip!

Psalm 120
Some things should not be carried through life. They should be given to God. The first "Song of Degrees" teaches us to lay aside our hurts so that we can move forward with God.

Songs for the Road

Hebrews 11:13-16
Those who travel know that music makes the trip more enjoyable! We are all pilgrims in this world and His songs help the journey be filled with joy. In this new study we will learn more about a group of songs divinely inspired to help travelers along their way.

How It All Ends

Joshua 6:1-16
Those who follow God's will find joy and victory in the end. Joshua did. Jesus did. Will you? Find out how it all ends.

Get Your Steps In!

Joshua 6:1-16
Many people have a goal of taking so many steps each day. This practice is not only healthy in the physical realm but also in the spiritual. Each day God has specific steps for us to take. Don't get behind...and don't get ahead of Him. Get your steps in today!

The Secret of Silence and Stillness

Joshua 6:1-16
Our noisy world and busy lives do not allow for much quiet time. Yet it is in the stillness that God speaks to us. If you are serious about finding and fulfilling God's will today's study will provide practical help for your pursuit.

Sights and Sounds Along the Journey

Joshua 6:1-16
God's will does not always make sense to us. Human reasoning and human resources are never sufficient. Our eyes and ears must look and listen in faith to God alone. Only He knows the way.

When the Lord Leads You In Circles

Joshua 6:1-16
Life is not always neat and tidy. Sometimes it is messy. Do you feel like God is leading you in circles? There is a reason. Find out why today from one of the greatest stories in all of Scripture.

The Way to the Will of God, Part 3

Genesis 24:26-56
Today we examine the final three steps on the journey to God's will. The will of God is not simply a decision. It is a discovery. Along the way we learn so much about the Lord. This is God's way.

The Way to the Will of God, Part 2

Genesis 24:11-21
Praying and waiting - God always connects them to one another in Scripture! We must learn to connect them to our lives. As we pray and as we wait God works. There is no other way to the will of God.

The Way to the Will of God, Part 1

Genesis 24:1-10
Trust and obey - these are inseparable truths and the only way to find God's will. Commit yourself to dependence on God and obedience to Him.

The Led Life

Genesis 24:27
The greatest life on earth is the "led life." God leads and we follow. Are you facing some impossible assignment? Do you need divine intervention? Relax. Look to the Lord and let Him lead.

How God Confirms His Will

Acts 9:17-18
God confirms His will through His Word. He speaks! Get in the place where you can hear His voice and expect the Lord to give you definite direction. Look for divine confirmations and then obey.

What To Do While You’re Waiting

Acts 9:6-9
One of the hardest things to do on the journey is to sit still. Wait. God is not looking for planners; He is looking for followers. Often the Lord makes us stop and wait on His time. What can you do while you're waiting to see what God will do?