Do You Have A Favorite Book Of The Bible? December 23, 2018


As many of you know, my favorite book of the Bible is the New Testament book of Philippians. But, like one of my college professors, I too would have to say that my favorite book of the Bible is whichever one I am studying at the time! “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable…”

The gospel records receive a great deal of attention at this particular time of year because of the emphasis on the birth of Christ. However, our attention on the life, ministry, and lasting work of the Lord Jesus should not be limited to one season! We need to walk closely with our Savior every day.

For several years I have tried to adopt a book each year to study in more depth. This has kept me digging into portions of Scripture that I too often have neglected. In the coming year I plan to spend a great deal of time in the Gospel according to Mark and I would love for you to join me.

I am excited about a study that we are about to embark on. In just two weeks we will begin to walk through the gospel according to Mark. This “Journey With Jesus” will be a longer podcast series and one that I am praying will be a great blessing to your heart and home.

Most Bible teachers believe that this briefest of the gospel records is also the earliest one written. It is written in the form of a fast-moving drama and reveals so much about the God of action as we watch Jesus at work. Over the years it has become my favorite of the four records and I can’t wait to study it with you.

A young man in a secular university many years ago testified that it was the book of Mark that helped him to keep his faith. Every day liberal, God-denying people sought to tear down his faith in Christ. Every night he read through all sixteen chapters of this amazing book. It was the anchor for his soul through those turbulent times. Perhaps you would like to begin reading Mark again for yourself!

As we begin a new year I hope that you will make this “Journey With Jesus” a regular part of your daily time in God’s Word and share it with others along the way. We will begin our study on Monday, January 7 at or on your Apple or Google podcast player.

May God help us all to know, love, and follow Jesus as never before in the coming months!

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  1. Bernie on December 25, 2018 at 3:10 AM

    Malachi ch 3

  2. Delbert Hawley on December 27, 2018 at 10:01 AM

    Excited about taking this journey with you!

    • Scott Pauley on December 27, 2018 at 11:47 PM

      Thank you for joining us! I am excited about our study in the new year.

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