Did you know that the first time the word “worship” is used in the Bible is in the context of the home? On top of Mount Moriah Abraham taught Isaac what it truly meant to worship God (Genesis 22:1-18). I promise you this was not a lesson that young man forgot!
The first “worship leaders” should be parents. The first demonstrations of worship should be as dad and mom lead their children to pray, read God’s Word, and praise the Lord. Such an emphasis would plant the seed of revival in hearts and homes of this generation.
Many years ago Thomas Boston was burdened over the cold spiritual state of his church. It was not only cold, but practically empty. He decided that the way to bring revival to his church and community was to establish the family altar in every home. He went from home to home, leading people to Christ and establishing family altars. After nearly three years, revival fires were burning in his church, and multitudes of rejoicing saints and seeking sinners would crowd the church every Sunday.
Richard Baxter followed exactly the same procedure in his spiritually cold parish, with exactly the same results. Revival may not begin at the church house – it may begin at your house!
Allow me to give a few simple suggestions to consider:
- Develop a prayer relationship with your spouse.
- Begin when your children are little to have a time that is both appropriate and enjoyable in God’s Word. Keep it brief. Use simple Bible stories and sanctified imagination. Pray with them at night from the earliest ages.
- Use this time as your family grows to emphasize specific things: Application of Scripture to life – questions, discussion, answers to prayer – praise and thanks, sharing one another’s burdens in prayer – everyone voicing some prayer to God, prayer for and encouragement of missionaries, getting acquainted with great hymns/songs, etc.
- Work to keep the spiritual emphasis a priority in your schedule. Find a time that every family member can participate. Do it before lesser things and don’t allow it be rushed. Seek to be consistent without being in bondage to mere routine. Plan for this time by using some devotional guide.
I have learned more about family worship by my failures than by success. We have never been as consistent as we should have been, but I am more convinced than ever that this is God’s way.
What have you learned about family worship? Perhaps more important, what are you doing about it?
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