Books That Changed My Life
Paul said, “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine” (I Timothy 4:12, 13). The great old apostle gives the admonition, “…give attendance to reading….” It’s a subtle, but definite message — the way to be encouraged in our discipleship is to read profitable materials. In other words, first and foremost, read the Bible and after that, read good books.
President Truman said, “Readers of good books, particularly books of biography and history, are preparing themselves for leadership. Not all readers become leaders. But all leaders must be readers. Many readers become historians and teachers. They are retiring, timid when publicity is involved, and are among the greatest assets to this republic.” (From a hand-written manuscript found in Truman’s desk after he died, Post-Presidential Papers.)
Often times I am asked by church members and minister friends around the world what books helped shape, mold and guide me. This is not an exhaustive list, but I offer it to you, because lately I have been asked by more than one person for a listing of these books. What a blessing to read! It takes you places you’ve never been. You have the privilege, through reading, to initiate a bonding of the mind with great thinkers of the past. A good book can stir up your faith, give you ideas for life-change, and enhance your overall mental attitude.
The following are some of the most influential books that I recommend:
1. The Suffering Saviour Meditations on the Last Days of Christ
F. W. Krummacher; Moody-Press, Chicago, 1947
2. The Holy Spirit Who He Is, and What He Does
R. A. Torrey; Fleming H. Revell
3. The Shadow of the Broad Brim (The Life of Charles Haddon Spurgeon Heir of the Puritans)
Richard Ellsworth Day; The Judson Press, 1934 *recently reprinted by Crown Christian Publications, Powell, TN
4. All of Grace
C. H. Spurgeon; Moody & Pilfeim
*Try to read it in Spurgeon’s Victorian/Puritan English; there has been an update to modern English.
5. Why Revival Tarries
Leonard Ravenhill; Bethany Fellowship
6. The Pursuit of God
A. W. Tozer; Christian Publications, Inc. Harrisburg, PA
7. The Knowledge of the Holy
A.W. Tozer; Christian Publications, Inc. Harrisburg,
8. In His Steps
Charles M. Sheldon; Grosset & Dunlap
9. George Muller of Bristol
Arthur T. Pierson; Fleming H. Revell
10. David Brainerd, Beloved Yankee
David Wynbeek; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
11. The Real Billy Sunday
Elijah P. Brown; Larry Harrison, Christian Book Gallery
12. The Works of Thomas Brooks, (6 volumes) for a great sample: Heaven on Earth
Thomas Brooks; The Banner of Truth
13. The Pilgrim’s Progress
John Bunyan; Various publishers (get in original format, not up-dated English)
14. Charles G. Finney An Autobiography
Charles Finney; Flemming H. Revell also Christian Book Gallery, St. John, IN
15. Stonewall Jackson
James I. Robertson; Macmillan Publishing
16. Screwtape Letters
C. S. Lewis; Macmillan Publishing
17. The Cross
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones; Crossway
18. Revival
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones; Crossway
19. Studies In The Sermon on The Mount
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
20. The Applause of Heaven
Max Lucado; Word
21. The Beatitudes
Thomas Watson; The Banner of Truth
22. The Ten Commandments
Thomas Watson; The Banner of Truth
23. The Mystery of Providence
John Flavel; The Banner of Truth
24. The Bruised Reed
Richard Sibbes; Various publishers, but try to get it in the language of the day it was written in 1630.
25. R. E. Lee
Douglas Southall Freeman; Charles Scribner’s & Sons
*(A new biography of Lee came out in 2014. Very interesting, Entitled, Clouds of Glory, The Life and Legend of Robert E. Lee by Michael Korda, HarperCollins)
26. Autobiography of Peter Cartwright
Charles L. Wallis (Edited); Abingdon Press
27. E. M. Bounds On Prayer
E. M. Bounds; Whitaker House (among many others)
(All of his books, now in one volume – if possible get original edition, not up-dated English)
28. The Shepherd of The Hills
Harold Bell Wright; Bethany, most recent publisher
29. George Whitefield (The Life and Times of the great Evangelist of the 18th Century Revival)
Arnold A. Dallimore; The Banner of Truth (and at one time) Crossway
30. Prayer, Asking and Receiving
John R. Rice; Sword of The Lord Publishers, 1942
31. Mornings On Horseback (the world of the Young Theodore Roosevelt)
David McCullough; Simon & Schuster
32. Rhapsody in Black (The Life Story of John Jasper)
Richard Ellsworth Day; Judson Press
33. Think and Grow Rich
Napolean Hill; Random House Publishing Group
34. The Luggage of Life
F.W. Boreham; Kregal Publications, Grand Rapids, MI
35. With Malice Toward None (A biography of Abraham Lincoln)
Stephen B. Oates; Harper/Perennial Publishers
36. Ordering Your Private World
Gordon MacDonald; Thomas Nelson
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-Bro. Mike Cadiz
from Philippines