Journey Through Matthew January 28, 2025

Journey through Matthew, Written to the Jewish mind, Matthew is the transitional book between the Old and New Testament. Study Matthew and discover the King!

Overview: Matthew, the first Gospel Record, serves as an appropriate transition from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant. Matthew makes plain that the Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New Testament — He is the King.

Listen to An Overview of Matthew:

Journey Through Matthew

Have you ever looked at four portraits of the same person taken from different vantage points? Each gives you a different perspective on the subject. The first four books of the New Testament are the same way. They are four portraits of the same Person: The Lord Jesus Christ. While varied, they are united. They do not compete; they complete. 

The Gospel Records

Each record places a different emphasis and was written to a different target group. 

  • Matthew writes primarily to the Jewish mind.
  • Mark writes to the Roman mind.
  • Luke writes to the Greek mind.
  • John writes to all mankind.

The first three gospel records (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) are referred to as the “Synoptic Gospels.” They give a synopsis – an account of the whole thing, a comprehensive view. Largely, these three books cover the same ground.

John wrote the fourth Gospel Record much later. His record is more interpreted. He gave spiritual insights into many of the events recorded in the first three Gospel Records. Why four accounts? It is like looking at four sides of a pillar. They all stand together to support one main character: Jesus Christ.

Four is the number of the earth. There are four points of the compass, four dimensions, four seasons, four parts of the day, four material elements, four basic members of the family unit, and on and on we could go. Therefore, four is the number of Earth. These four Gospel Records give us a view of Christ during His earthly life and ministry.

Matthew’s Gospel Record

A Book of Transition

Matthew is divided into 28 chapters. It is the key transitional book from the Old Testament to the New Testament. (Listen to “A Stop in the Silent Years.“) Since the Gospel of Matthew is addressed primarily to the Hebrew mind, there are 53 quotations from the Old Testament in this one book. Additionally, there are 76 references to the Old Testament.

Further, Matthew refers to 25 out of the 39 Old Testament books. It is a transitional book in the greatest Book in the world. 

The Human Author

The Holy Spirit of God used Matthew to help the Jewish believers understand that the Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New Testament. Matthew, the son of Alpheus, also called Levi (Matthew 10:2-3), penned this Gospel Record.

His name means “the gift of God.” He was a publican or a tax collector who was gloriously saved (Matthew 9:9). Jesus changed him. He was a Jew from Galilee. As an educated Jew, he was well equipped to write to the Jewish mind. His book covers a span of more than 34 years. And what is his great message?

The Great Message

The key verse of the book unlocks the great message. Here, the key is found near the door. Matthew 1:1 says: “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the son of Abraham.” Notice to those two phrases: “the Son of David, the son of Abraham.” In that one verse, Christ is connected to both the royal line of David and the covenant given to Abraham (Genesis 12).

In other words, Christ is the fulfillment. He is the awaited King. The book’s message is all about the King and His Kingdom. The King is the Lord Jesus Christ. He’s the fulfillment of both the Davidic and the Abrahamic Covenants of the Old Testament.

Key Words

Christ is referred to as “King” at least five times in this book, but the great message is about His kingdom. What is that kingdom? As you read the Book of Matthew, you find the Kingdom is a literal, physical kingdom. One day, Christ will rule upon a throne on this earth.

When He came, He offered Himself to the Nation of Israel. They rejected him. The Bible records later, in John, “He came unto his own, and his own received him not.” (John 1:11) One day, they are going to receive Him. He is going to return and set up his physical kingdom. It’s a worldwide kingdom that will rule over both Jews and Gentiles. 

Dive Deeper: Revelation: The King is Coming

However, this is very important: The Kingdom is not the church. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ will be set up fully and finally, at the Second Return of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are a part of the Kingdom of God right now. The Bible says the Kingdom of God is in you. The Kingdom of God is “righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Romans 14:17). One day, the Lord Jesus is going to set up His Kingdom on this earth. That will be called the Kingdom of Heaven.The rule of Heaven will be on earth. Aren’t you looking forward to that?

This cruel world will be ruled by the Prince of Peace. Those who love and serve Christ will rule and reign with Him! Matthew reveals to us the King. But he also is getting us ready for the Kingdom. 

Do you know the King today? Do you know him personally? Are you ready for His return? If you have doubts, CLICK HERE.

The word “Kingdom” occurs 50 times. We find it 50 times in this one book. And the most frequent usage of it (32 times) is for this phrase, “The Kingdom of Heaven.” It reminds us that the Book of Matthew is not just a book of history, it’s a book of prophecy.

We’re not just looking back at the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are looking forward to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ; the same Messiah that came the first time is coming again!

The Structure of Matthew

As we walk through the book of Matthew, consider the structure:

  • Matthew 1-2: The Presentation of the King (Christ’s Birth)

  • Matthew 3-4:11 – The Preparation for the King

  •  Matthew 4:12-18:35 – The Proclamation of the King

    • His teaching – for example, the Beattitudes (Ch. 5-7) and the Parables
    • His preaching – especially chapters 13, 15-16
    • His mighty works: Jesus performed countless miracles that illustrated the truth He delivered
  •  Matthew 19-27 – The Passion of the King

    • His journey to Jerusalem (Ch. 19-23)
    • His teaching on the Second Coming and wrath to come (Ch. 24-25)
    • His rejection, torture, and crucifixion (His passion)
      • Why the Passion? To purchase salvation for every man. (CLICK HERE to learn more about the salvation Christ offers.)
  •  Matthew 28 – The Power of the King

The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes the Kingdom of Heaven. Then, it ends with Jesus going up into Heaven. As He went, Christ commanded His followers to tell everybody about Him (Matthew 28:18-20) because He is coming again.

The word “righteous” is used more in Matthew than any other Gospel Record. Why? Because Jesus Christ alone that makes us righteous! He is the only righteous One.

All The Titles of Jesus in Matthew

Study the titles given to the Lord Jesus Christ, to the King in the Book of Matthew:

Relational Names:

  • The Son of David (1:1; 21:1-11)
  • The King of the Jews (2:2; 27:37)
  • The Son of Abraham (1:1)
  • A Nazarene (2:23)
  • Friend of sinners (11:19)
  • The Prophet of Nazareth.
  • He’s called the Heir (21:38-39)
  • The Bridegroom (25:1-13)
  • Son of Man

Referential Names (names with Old Testament significance):

  • A Greater than Jonah (12:41, Jonah)
  • A Greater than Solomon (12:42, 1 Kings 10)
  • This Stone (21:44; Psalm 118:22)
  • Emmanuel, God with us (1:23; Isaiah 7:14)
  • A Ransom (20:28; Hosea 13:14)

Reverential Names:

  • Jesus Christ
  • The Lord
  • My Beloved Son (3:17; 17:5)
  • The Son of God
  • Master
  • The Son
  • The Lord of Sabbath (12:8)
  • The Servant of God
  • The Sower (13:18-23)
  • The Christ (16:16)
  • The Son of the Living God (16:16)
  • Good Master (19:16)
  • The Risen Lord

*References have been provided for specific or lesser-used titles.

Matthew shows us plainly that the Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New Testament.

The King of the universe is the King who is coming back to set up His Kingdom. The Lord will rule and reign on the earth. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. I want to challenge you today to acknowledge the King in your own heart and life. Then, keep your eye on the sky, because at any moment the Lord Jesus Christ may return.

About Scott Pauley

Related Resources:

Read: What is the Great Commission?

What is the Great Commission?

Listen: Journeying With John the Baptist

Journeying with John the Baptist, the life of John the Baptist

Click HERE to study the life of John the Baptist.

Watch: New Attitudes for A New Year

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