Keep Your Windows Open! Scott Pauley

Keep the Windows open!

“Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime”  (Daniel 6:10).

The decree was clear that no one was to pray for 30 days. Daniel goes to his room, opens his window toward Jerusalem, and prays. He did not open his window so others could see in, though he was not ashamed of that. In 2 Chronicles 6:36-39 we find that if God’s people were ever carried away captive, they were to pray toward Jerusalem.  Daniel could not see Jerusalem from his window. He was separated by 550 miles and the Arabian Desert. Yet this simple act of opening his window declared his faith in God’s Word and confidence that the Lord would hear his prayer. What can we learn from this man of prayer?

First, he had a specific place to pray. Learn to enjoy being alone with the Lord. Find a quiet place to commune with God without distraction. Matthew Henry said, “Wherever we pitch a tent, God must have an altar.”

Then, Daniel had a definite time for prayer. It is clear that this busy many set aside at least three times each day for prayer. The psalmist wrote, “Evening, morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud” (Psalm 55:17). In Psalm 119, we are encouraged to praise the Lord seven times a day (Psalm 119:164). How many times a day do we consider God? The place we give to prayer reveals the place we give to God. Daniel did not begin praying when he got to the den of lions, and he did not stop when he got out.

Finally, Daniel had a spirit of prayer. At nearly 80 years of age, this chief of the presidents of Babylon is still getting down on his knees. Spurgeon said that the habit of prayer is good, but the spirit of prayer is better. The spirit of prayer is a humble, conscious dependence upon God.

Determine to open your windows toward Heaven today in prayer. Choose a place. Set aside time. Humble yourself. Keep your windows open and watch God open His windows of blessing on your life.

Bible Message: Keep Your Windows Open!

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