Looking Vertically November 17, 2022


Looking vertically in a world where the majority looks horizontally can be quite the difference maker. To be a dynamic follower of Christ and not a discontent believer, we must keep our spiritual eyes of faith gazing upon Christ. “Looking onto Jesus…” as Hebrews 12:2 states is not a one-time event but a way of life. Keeping your eye on the Lord helps you live for the eternal, not the temporal.

When we arrive at 2 Timothy chapter 4, the Apostle Paul was still looking to the Lord even when a fellow worker departed, and another man caused him much evil. No doubt some start and depart; others may cause problems, but we all have the responsibility to keep our eyes of faith fixed one way – on Christ. He continually looks to the Lord…

—4:8 “The Lord”
He looked to Christ in confidence.

—4:14 “The Lord”
He looked to the Lord to reward.

—4:17 “The Lord”
He looked to the Lord for strength.

—4:18 “The Lord”
He looked to the Lord trusting His providence.

—4:22 “The Lord”
He encouraged Timothy to look to the Lord.

Paul was in prison, yet free. Chained, but not detained from the work of the Lord. How? His eyes were heavenward, not man-ward. Paul was on the doorstep of death yet full of God and ready to depart. May God help us live every day as Paul lived his last days.

– Chase Whitten 

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  1. Mrs. Wendy Bullard on November 17, 2022 at 8:25 PM

    Reading this, thinking about it, and prayerfully applying it to the things that tempt me to turn my gaze down is a helpful encouragement. Thank you Enjoying the Journey

    • scottpauley on November 21, 2022 at 9:22 PM

      God bless you!

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