Our April Itinerary March 15, 2017

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The last few days of March will be very busy. We are excited about the opportunities before us in April. Only the Lord knows how long we have to serve Him – Jesus could come today! Until then, we want to be faithful in the work of revival and the gospel.

Several folks have asked about our itinerary recently. Although we have tentatively scheduled meetings well into the future, we only post our schedule online about 60 days out. If you have a question about meetings beyond what is posted please feel free to email us at any time.

It has been a joy to reunite with so many friends while on the road. God bless you for your continued prayers for our family. We deeply appreciate the love and intercession of God’s people. Thank you for being our friends.

Here is a brief overview of next month’s meetings…

Sunday-Tuesday, April 2-4 – Revival, Faith Baptist Church, Meeker, CO, Pastor Derek Dewey

Sunday, April 9 – Morning Service, Oak Glen Baptist Church, Yuma, VA, Pastor Danny Sykes

Sunday, April 9 – Evening Service, Bible Way Baptist Church, Kingsport, TN, Pastor Rick Vannoy

Sunday, April 16 – Resurrection Sunday Services, Lewisburg Baptist Church, Lewisburg, WV, Pastor Jonathan Comer

Monday-Tuesday, April 17-18 – Revival, Maple Valley Baptist Church, Mount Hope, WV, Pastor Brad Williams

Thursday-Friday, April 20-21 – Youth Conference, Fellowship Baptist Church, Durham, NC, Pastor Rick Finley

Sunday, April 23 – Morning and Evening Services, Kegley Baptist Church, Kegley, WV, Pastor Rick Setzer

Tuesday-Wednesday, April 25-26 – ATI Family Conference, Big Sandy, TX, Director: David Waller

Thursday-Saturday, April 27-29 – Youth Conference, Heritage Baptist Church, Barrie, Ontario, CANADA, Pastor Brett Pennell

Sunday, April 30 – Come Home Sunday, Cranberry Baptist Church, Beckley, WV, Pastor Roger Pauley

My family and I also look forward to attending the Baptist Friends Conference at Temple Baptist Church and Crown College in Powell, TN. The dates for this year’s meeting are April 9-12. We look forward to seeing many of our friends at this wonderful meeting.

More details on each meeting may be found at enjoyingthejourney.org/itinerary or by contacting the host church.

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