All You Need

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The Last Verse

Psalm 119:176
With God, endings are always new beginnings. We’ve come to the end of Psalm 119 and so many of us are prone to wander. Let us remember His commandments and renew our commitment to spend time in God’s Word every day. It truly is all you need!
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His Word and My Words

Psalm 119:169-176
God not only wants you to hear His Word - He wants you to repeat it. He not only wants you to receive His Word - He wants you to relay it. In this broadcast we will discover three verbal responses from us to God’s Words.
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Every Good Thing

Psalm 119:161-168
Today’s section offers a summary of every good thing we find in God’s Word, and together we will make a list of them. But what good is it if we only talk about the good things found in God’s Word? What are we going to do about it? God’s Word will keep us – will we keep it?
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Psalm 119:153-160
As a key opens a door, so a keyword can open our understanding of a portion of Scripture. Such is the case in our study today. The section emphasizes both who is against us and Who is for us. Let’s spend a few minutes together considering our affliction, our affection, and God’s attention.
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Sometimes We Cry

Psalm 119:145-152
Where should we turn our attention when we feel like crying? God’s Word teaches that we can bring our emotion, feelings, and desperation to the Lord, and His Truth never changes. Even when we’re crying, we can find an anchor in God’s Word.
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What Are You Zealous About?

Psalm 119:137-144
Zeal can reveal! It can also be misplaced or grow cold. Unless we are careful to root our zeal in God’s righteousness, it can lead us away from what matters. What else will we learn about zeal in today’s study of God’s Word?
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Seeking God’s Face

Psalm 119:129-136
So often we seek God’s hand, but not His face. We look for something from Him but fail to truly seek Him. When our eyes view God’s face, we find that it shines, smiles, and speaks to us. Let’s investigate another portion of Psalm 119 and remember to seek God’s face.
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I Am Thy Servant

Psalm 119:121-128
In a world of injustice, we may resist the thought of being a servant. But when your Master is perfect, there’s no better relationship to have. You can take your eyes off those who would oppress you and draw confidence, mercy, and instruction from your wonderful and perfect Master. Today we dive into the gift of servanthood.
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Psalm 119:113-120
George Whitfield, the renowned preacher of the Great Awakening said, “I am immortal until God is finished with me.” As we look at another section of Psalm 119, principles will be discovered that help us understand the safety we have in the Lord. He always takes care of His own.
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To the End

Psalm 119:105-112
God wants you to experience His blessing in your life from beginning to end. Many who start well do not finish well, but it doesn’t have to be that way. God will give you, through His Word, all you need until the very end.
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8 Things to Do with God’s Word

Psalm 119:105-112
How do we make God’s Word our own? As we look at these 8 verses again (Psalm 119:105-112), we find 8 things that every Christian ought to be doing with God’s Word. Listen today to determine which actions are you doing well and where you have room for improvement.
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A Love/Hate Relationship

Psalm 119:97, 104
Love and hate are powerful emotions, and emotions are the outgrowth of your thoughts. Like every other part of your life, your emotions need to be sanctified – brought under the Lordship of Christ. As we come to love the Lord like we ought, we learn to hate everything that is the enemy of the One we love.
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Psalm 119:89-96
Because no person, no family, no place, and no life is perfect, we may feel unsettled in this fallen world. But the Christian can have a settled heart in an unsettled world. For all of eternity our covenant God remains established and unchanged. Place your hope and confidence in Him and His Word, today and forever.
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When It All Falls Apart

Psalm 119:81-88
It may seem like we’re beating the same drum again and again in this study, and that’s because we are! God’s Word truly provides all we need. So, what do we do when life is coming apart at the seams? The Psalmists demonstrates it for us – and the good news is we can all do what he did!
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My Life in God’s Hands

Psalm 119:73-80
Many people experience anxiety when they are not in control. We say we believe our life is in God’s hands, but we live like our lives are in our own hands. Be reminded from our study today that the hands that made and fashioned you are the same hands that care for and keep you!
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Teach Me

Psalm 119:12, 26, 33, 66, 68, 108, 124, 135
Eight times in Psalm 119 we find this little prayer – “teach me.” Worship, humility, faith, confidence, and so much more is revealed in the heart of one who prays this simple prayer. Do you long for the Lord to teach you today?
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Good in the Midst of Bad

Psalm 119:65-72
If everything was perfect all the time, we would become self-sufficient and lose sight of the goodness of God. But God has a way of teaching us about Himself even through circumstances that seem bad. He can always turn the bad into our good, for His glory. Let’s rejoice in this truth together!
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At Midnight

Psalm 119:62
Midnight is when you least expect company, but very often it is the hour the Lord makes His house calls. Remember that out of the darkness of Calvary came the light of salvation. In this broadcast we’ll learn to pray, praise, and ponder during the midnight hours of life.
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Divine Sufficiency, Part 2

Psalm 119:57-64
In our last broadcast we began making a list of all we have through God’s Word. In this great summary passage of divine sufficiency, we see that it is our portion, prayer, path, possession, praise, partner, and provision. Rejoice and rest in this, dear friend – you have the Divine Sufficiency!
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Divine Sufficiency, Part 1

Psalm 119:57-64
Today we remember and rejoice in the Divine Sufficiency. Nothing we need is beyond His supply! We learned in a previous study that Christ is enough, and today we’re reminded that God’s Word is likewise all that we need. God’s sufficiency is tied to His Word. Will you dive into His Word today?
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The Blessings of Affliction

Psalm 119:50, 67, 71, 75, 92, 107, 153
We take a break from our usual pattern of study to focus on a single word. At least seven times in Psalm 119 we see the word affliction. Often, we think the blessing of God means we won’t suffer affliction, yet today we will meditate on this thought - in affliction God brings His greatest blessings.
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Don’t Forget What You Have!

Psalm 119:49-56
When we look at the difficulties of life around us, we may forget that we have eternal blessings through God’s Word. Lasting gifts like hope, comfort, and songs belong to the Christian who keeps God’s precepts. In times of loss or difficulty, don’t forget what you have!
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Psalm 119:49-56
Today we become aware that memory is a tool God uses to stir our hearts. To continue moving forward, we must learn to remember. Your challenge is to intentionally go back and remember God’s faithfulness, goodness, and so much more. May God encourage and lift your heart as you tap into divine, spiritual memories.
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Talk, Talk, Talk

Psalm 119:42, 43, 46
Our words and our hearts are connected; therefore, we must do more than just read and listen to the Word of God. We must speak it! It’s the open secret to the Christian life. Let’s talk today about when, where, and with whom to speak the Word of God.
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Let God Answer

Psalm 119:41-48
We are faced every day with questions, challenges, attacks, and more. Yet in every situation, God’s Word is always the right answer. If you will learn to love the Word and let it deal with whatever comes to you today, you’ll find it truly is all you need.
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Right Turns

Psalm 119:36-40
We’ve all made wrong turns, haven’t we? So, what do we do when our heart has become cold or indifferent and we’re not sure how to get back on the right path? As we discover how the Psalmist desired to finish right – “unto the end,” we also learn how to return to and remain on the right path!
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Three Things You Should Pray for Today

Psalm 119:33-35
Today we see the heart of the Psalmist revealed by three requests he offers up to God. We’ll learn that our prayers often reveal what is meaningful to a person. Do you ever listen to your own prayers? What do they reveal about your heart?
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Dependence and Obedience

Psalm 119:25-32
The Christian life can be described as one of utter dependence and complete obedience. Today we encounter the beautiful union of our dependence on the Lord to change us from the inside and our deliberate obedience to His commands on the outside. Let’s explore this connection as we study Psalm 119:25-32.
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The Reviving Power of Scripture

Psalm 119:25
Can you identify the one word in today’s passage that teaches us the reviving power of Scripture? Did you know every verse in this passage has two things in common? Tune in for today’s episode and rediscover how God’s Word is the source for revival in our lives!
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All the Time

Psalm 119:17-24
Our God is an all the time God! He works all the time, His Word speaks all the time, and His Spirit is with us all the time. The emphasis of our passage today is on the necessity and sufficiency of God’s Word in every situation, at all times. What are the implications of this truth?
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I Am a Stranger

Psalm 119:19
In a world where God’s people often feel like strangers, His Word remains our guide and map bringing clarity on our pilgrim journey. It is the one thing we ought to know well. Do you feel like a stranger in this world? As we remember His commandments, we will.
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Staying Clean In An Unclean World

Psalm 119:9
Sins of a lifetime often begin in youth. Young people are bombarded with temptation, and Satan continues his attacks throughout all of life! Fortunately, it’s not hard to get right with God. Unfortunately, it’s hard to STAY right with God. But God’s word has the answer! In today’s episode you’ll be invited to accept a powerful 22-day challenge. Join us!
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Blessing the Lord

Psalm 119:9-16
When’s the last time you blessed our Blesser? Does your study of the Word lead you to think more of God and less often of yourself? The Word always leads to worship. We must decide day by day to live a life of true worship in the Word of God.
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The Answer

Psalm 119:9-16
What is the greatest thing a young man (or any person) can discover? We will find the answer to this question beginning in Psalm 119:9. And another truth brought to light in today’s study is this–it’s a happy life when we learn to live in God’s Word. Let’s find out why!
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Nine Words for the Word, Part 3

Psalm 119:9, 91
In this final look at the terms used in Psalm 119 to describe God’s Word, we see “word” and “ordinances.” The first simply refers to God’s spoken commands, and the second reminds us of the order by which God rules His creation. May we humble ourselves and allow the Word of God to order our steps today!
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Nine Words for the Word, Part 2

Psalm 119:4-8
We continue our look at the nine terms used in Psalm 119 to describe God’s Word. Precepts, statutes, commandments, and judgments are words that will help us see God is concerned about the details of our life. He is unchanging. His commands guide us, and His judgments are the rules He has established for our good.
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Nine Words for the Word, Part 1

Psalm 119:1-3
Words matter! Nine different terms are used in Psalm 119 to describe God’s Word, and each one is significant. In today’s lesson we will seek to understand three of those terms – law, testimony, and ways.
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Whole-Hearted Christianity

Psalm 119:4-8
It’s one thing to know the Word of God, but it’s another thing to know the God of the Word. Is your passion to know the Lord with your whole heart, not just academically or intellectually? Whole-hearted Christianity means getting to know Him and striving to keep His statutes!
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Positive and Negative

Psalm 119:1-3
Sin always brings a curse and obedience to God and His way always brings blessing. So, how do you keep sin from having dominion over you? Let’s look at both the positive and negative sides of obedience as we continue our study today in Psalm 119.
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The Beginning of the Blessing

Psalm 119:1-3
Sin is the dam that holds back the floodtide of God’s blessing. We’ll see today that when God blessed people in the Bible, they weren’t perfect. But they had confessed their sin and were living upright lives. Is there anything between you and God, between you and the blessing of the Lord today?
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God’s Bookends

Psalm 119:1, 176
God’s blessing in your life is always connected to His Word. Yet sometimes we find ourselves tempted to neglect it. Today, as we look at the bookends of Psalm 119, we’ll be challenged to walk in the Word because all that we need for life and godliness is found there!
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All You Need

2 Peter 1:1-4
Today we begin a rich study of Psalm 119 - the longest psalm in the Bible. Nearly every verse references the word of God. Our lessons will come from the overflow of what God has been teaching me in this amazing passage. Plan to personally apply what we learn today!

The Last Verse

Psalm 119:176
With God, endings are always new beginnings. We’ve come to the end of Psalm 119 and so many of us are prone to wander. Let us remember His commandments and renew our commitment to spend time in God’s Word every day. It truly is all you need!

His Word and My Words

Psalm 119:169-176
God not only wants you to hear His Word - He wants you to repeat it. He not only wants you to receive His Word - He wants you to relay it. In this broadcast we will discover three verbal responses from us to God’s Words.

Every Good Thing

Psalm 119:161-168
Today’s section offers a summary of every good thing we find in God’s Word, and together we will make a list of them. But what good is it if we only talk about the good things found in God’s Word? What are we going to do about it? God’s Word will keep us – will we keep it?


Psalm 119:153-160
As a key opens a door, so a keyword can open our understanding of a portion of Scripture. Such is the case in our study today. The section emphasizes both who is against us and Who is for us. Let’s spend a few minutes together considering our affliction, our affection, and God’s attention.

Sometimes We Cry

Psalm 119:145-152
Where should we turn our attention when we feel like crying? God’s Word teaches that we can bring our emotion, feelings, and desperation to the Lord, and His Truth never changes. Even when we’re crying, we can find an anchor in God’s Word.

What Are You Zealous About?

Psalm 119:137-144
Zeal can reveal! It can also be misplaced or grow cold. Unless we are careful to root our zeal in God’s righteousness, it can lead us away from what matters. What else will we learn about zeal in today’s study of God’s Word?

Seeking God’s Face

Psalm 119:129-136
So often we seek God’s hand, but not His face. We look for something from Him but fail to truly seek Him. When our eyes view God’s face, we find that it shines, smiles, and speaks to us. Let’s investigate another portion of Psalm 119 and remember to seek God’s face.

I Am Thy Servant

Psalm 119:121-128
In a world of injustice, we may resist the thought of being a servant. But when your Master is perfect, there’s no better relationship to have. You can take your eyes off those who would oppress you and draw confidence, mercy, and instruction from your wonderful and perfect Master. Today we dive into the gift of servanthood.


Psalm 119:113-120
George Whitfield, the renowned preacher of the Great Awakening said, “I am immortal until God is finished with me.” As we look at another section of Psalm 119, principles will be discovered that help us understand the safety we have in the Lord. He always takes care of His own.

To the End

Psalm 119:105-112
God wants you to experience His blessing in your life from beginning to end. Many who start well do not finish well, but it doesn’t have to be that way. God will give you, through His Word, all you need until the very end.

8 Things to Do with God’s Word

Psalm 119:105-112
How do we make God’s Word our own? As we look at these 8 verses again (Psalm 119:105-112), we find 8 things that every Christian ought to be doing with God’s Word. Listen today to determine which actions are you doing well and where you have room for improvement.

A Love/Hate Relationship

Psalm 119:97, 104
Love and hate are powerful emotions, and emotions are the outgrowth of your thoughts. Like every other part of your life, your emotions need to be sanctified – brought under the Lordship of Christ. As we come to love the Lord like we ought, we learn to hate everything that is the enemy of the One we love.


Psalm 119:89-96
Because no person, no family, no place, and no life is perfect, we may feel unsettled in this fallen world. But the Christian can have a settled heart in an unsettled world. For all of eternity our covenant God remains established and unchanged. Place your hope and confidence in Him and His Word, today and forever.

When It All Falls Apart

Psalm 119:81-88
It may seem like we’re beating the same drum again and again in this study, and that’s because we are! God’s Word truly provides all we need. So, what do we do when life is coming apart at the seams? The Psalmists demonstrates it for us – and the good news is we can all do what he did!

My Life in God’s Hands

Psalm 119:73-80
Many people experience anxiety when they are not in control. We say we believe our life is in God’s hands, but we live like our lives are in our own hands. Be reminded from our study today that the hands that made and fashioned you are the same hands that care for and keep you!

Teach Me

Psalm 119:12, 26, 33, 66, 68, 108, 124, 135
Eight times in Psalm 119 we find this little prayer – “teach me.” Worship, humility, faith, confidence, and so much more is revealed in the heart of one who prays this simple prayer. Do you long for the Lord to teach you today?

Good in the Midst of Bad

Psalm 119:65-72
If everything was perfect all the time, we would become self-sufficient and lose sight of the goodness of God. But God has a way of teaching us about Himself even through circumstances that seem bad. He can always turn the bad into our good, for His glory. Let’s rejoice in this truth together!

At Midnight

Psalm 119:62
Midnight is when you least expect company, but very often it is the hour the Lord makes His house calls. Remember that out of the darkness of Calvary came the light of salvation. In this broadcast we’ll learn to pray, praise, and ponder during the midnight hours of life.

Divine Sufficiency, Part 2

Psalm 119:57-64
In our last broadcast we began making a list of all we have through God’s Word. In this great summary passage of divine sufficiency, we see that it is our portion, prayer, path, possession, praise, partner, and provision. Rejoice and rest in this, dear friend – you have the Divine Sufficiency!

Divine Sufficiency, Part 1

Psalm 119:57-64
Today we remember and rejoice in the Divine Sufficiency. Nothing we need is beyond His supply! We learned in a previous study that Christ is enough, and today we’re reminded that God’s Word is likewise all that we need. God’s sufficiency is tied to His Word. Will you dive into His Word today?

The Blessings of Affliction

Psalm 119:50, 67, 71, 75, 92, 107, 153
We take a break from our usual pattern of study to focus on a single word. At least seven times in Psalm 119 we see the word affliction. Often, we think the blessing of God means we won’t suffer affliction, yet today we will meditate on this thought - in affliction God brings His greatest blessings.

Don’t Forget What You Have!

Psalm 119:49-56
When we look at the difficulties of life around us, we may forget that we have eternal blessings through God’s Word. Lasting gifts like hope, comfort, and songs belong to the Christian who keeps God’s precepts. In times of loss or difficulty, don’t forget what you have!


Psalm 119:49-56
Today we become aware that memory is a tool God uses to stir our hearts. To continue moving forward, we must learn to remember. Your challenge is to intentionally go back and remember God’s faithfulness, goodness, and so much more. May God encourage and lift your heart as you tap into divine, spiritual memories.

Talk, Talk, Talk

Psalm 119:42, 43, 46
Our words and our hearts are connected; therefore, we must do more than just read and listen to the Word of God. We must speak it! It’s the open secret to the Christian life. Let’s talk today about when, where, and with whom to speak the Word of God.

Let God Answer

Psalm 119:41-48
We are faced every day with questions, challenges, attacks, and more. Yet in every situation, God’s Word is always the right answer. If you will learn to love the Word and let it deal with whatever comes to you today, you’ll find it truly is all you need.

Right Turns

Psalm 119:36-40
We’ve all made wrong turns, haven’t we? So, what do we do when our heart has become cold or indifferent and we’re not sure how to get back on the right path? As we discover how the Psalmist desired to finish right – “unto the end,” we also learn how to return to and remain on the right path!

Three Things You Should Pray for Today

Psalm 119:33-35
Today we see the heart of the Psalmist revealed by three requests he offers up to God. We’ll learn that our prayers often reveal what is meaningful to a person. Do you ever listen to your own prayers? What do they reveal about your heart?

Dependence and Obedience

Psalm 119:25-32
The Christian life can be described as one of utter dependence and complete obedience. Today we encounter the beautiful union of our dependence on the Lord to change us from the inside and our deliberate obedience to His commands on the outside. Let’s explore this connection as we study Psalm 119:25-32.

The Reviving Power of Scripture

Psalm 119:25
Can you identify the one word in today’s passage that teaches us the reviving power of Scripture? Did you know every verse in this passage has two things in common? Tune in for today’s episode and rediscover how God’s Word is the source for revival in our lives!

All the Time

Psalm 119:17-24
Our God is an all the time God! He works all the time, His Word speaks all the time, and His Spirit is with us all the time. The emphasis of our passage today is on the necessity and sufficiency of God’s Word in every situation, at all times. What are the implications of this truth?

I Am a Stranger

Psalm 119:19
In a world where God’s people often feel like strangers, His Word remains our guide and map bringing clarity on our pilgrim journey. It is the one thing we ought to know well. Do you feel like a stranger in this world? As we remember His commandments, we will.

Staying Clean In An Unclean World

Psalm 119:9
Sins of a lifetime often begin in youth. Young people are bombarded with temptation, and Satan continues his attacks throughout all of life! Fortunately, it’s not hard to get right with God. Unfortunately, it’s hard to STAY right with God. But God’s word has the answer! In today’s episode you’ll be invited to accept a powerful 22-day challenge. Join us!

Blessing the Lord

Psalm 119:9-16
When’s the last time you blessed our Blesser? Does your study of the Word lead you to think more of God and less often of yourself? The Word always leads to worship. We must decide day by day to live a life of true worship in the Word of God.

The Answer

Psalm 119:9-16
What is the greatest thing a young man (or any person) can discover? We will find the answer to this question beginning in Psalm 119:9. And another truth brought to light in today’s study is this–it’s a happy life when we learn to live in God’s Word. Let’s find out why!

Nine Words for the Word, Part 3

Psalm 119:9, 91
In this final look at the terms used in Psalm 119 to describe God’s Word, we see “word” and “ordinances.” The first simply refers to God’s spoken commands, and the second reminds us of the order by which God rules His creation. May we humble ourselves and allow the Word of God to order our steps today!

Nine Words for the Word, Part 2

Psalm 119:4-8
We continue our look at the nine terms used in Psalm 119 to describe God’s Word. Precepts, statutes, commandments, and judgments are words that will help us see God is concerned about the details of our life. He is unchanging. His commands guide us, and His judgments are the rules He has established for our good.

Nine Words for the Word, Part 1

Psalm 119:1-3
Words matter! Nine different terms are used in Psalm 119 to describe God’s Word, and each one is significant. In today’s lesson we will seek to understand three of those terms – law, testimony, and ways.

Whole-Hearted Christianity

Psalm 119:4-8
It’s one thing to know the Word of God, but it’s another thing to know the God of the Word. Is your passion to know the Lord with your whole heart, not just academically or intellectually? Whole-hearted Christianity means getting to know Him and striving to keep His statutes!

Positive and Negative

Psalm 119:1-3
Sin always brings a curse and obedience to God and His way always brings blessing. So, how do you keep sin from having dominion over you? Let’s look at both the positive and negative sides of obedience as we continue our study today in Psalm 119.

The Beginning of the Blessing

Psalm 119:1-3
Sin is the dam that holds back the floodtide of God’s blessing. We’ll see today that when God blessed people in the Bible, they weren’t perfect. But they had confessed their sin and were living upright lives. Is there anything between you and God, between you and the blessing of the Lord today?

God’s Bookends

Psalm 119:1, 176
God’s blessing in your life is always connected to His Word. Yet sometimes we find ourselves tempted to neglect it. Today, as we look at the bookends of Psalm 119, we’ll be challenged to walk in the Word because all that we need for life and godliness is found there!

All You Need

2 Peter 1:1-4
Today we begin a rich study of Psalm 119 - the longest psalm in the Bible. Nearly every verse references the word of God. Our lessons will come from the overflow of what God has been teaching me in this amazing passage. Plan to personally apply what we learn today!