On to the Next Place…
If we are going to accomplish the Lord’s work, then we must step out of our comfort zone. In today's Scripture, we see several examples of God’s people stepping out for the furtherance of the gospel. May God help us to make a difference in our Jerusalem and the uttermost parts of the earth.

A Little Hinge and a Big Door
The Lord is not dependent on any of us; we are simply tools for Him to use. In Scripture, you’ll often find the Lord using little hinges to open a big doors. Stephen allowed the Lord to use him as a hinge for the furtherance of the gospel — are we willing to do the same?

Asleep in Jesus
Sleeping is a gift from Almighty God! In Scripture, sleep is viewed in the physical realm, but it is also a picture of what happens when a believer dies. If you have put your faith in Him, you will simply fall asleep in Jesus when you die.

The Day Jesus Stood Up
There are two occasions in Scripture where you see the Lord Jesus standing in Heaven — one is in Acts 7, and the other is in the book of Revelation. Discover today why the Lord Jesus stood then and will stand again someday.

Finishing Well
At the end of Acts 7, we find a beautiful picture of a man finishing well. Stephen not only started full but finished full. If we want to finish well, the same way Stephen did, then we must serve the Lord and believe that this is not the end of the story.

We see a picture of rejection in the response of the hearers to Stephen’s sermon. They were not rejecting Stephen; they were rejecting Christ. Many will not accept the truth, but some will receive it — are you willing to share the gospel despite being rejected?

Where Does God Live?
We cannot limit God to one place! In the book of Acts, the people had reduced religion to a building. God is greater than all of that; He cannot be confined to one place or time.

Look What God Did! – Part 3
The same God that grants mercy also brings judgment. Beware of turning away from the Lord after He has brought you out of so much difficulty. Today we discover an example for all of us in the story of Israel.

Look What God Did! – Part 2
Are you wondering where God is today? We must remember that even in difficult seasons, He is still present and speaking. The Lord is working behind the scenes on every detail of our lives, but we must be ready with listening ears for His direction.

Look What God Did! – Part 1
The right kind of preaching always points you to Jesus! As we unfold Stephen’s famous sermon in Acts 7, we find one of the greatest models of Bible teaching. It is a continuing drama in which we have the opportunity to learn what the God of glory did.

The God of Glory
Stephen, the first martyr of the church, was allowed to see the God of glory as he died. Yet the secret of his strength was that he lived every day with his eyes on the God of glory. God lived in him, rested on him, and spoke through him! Learn how the God of glory can be revealed in us.

Serving the Lord Where You Are
We imagine that God does great things in far off places, but the ever present God desires to work wherever you are! In every place where Philip is found, he is serving the Lord. In your church, in this world, in your home - you can serve the Lord where you are.

People God Can Use
God uses all types of people from all kinds of backgrounds. In fact, He can use anyone! The difficulty is not to be used by God, but to simply stay usable. Take this spiritual check-up and see if you are a person God can use.

A Full Life
What constitutes a full life? Today we identify four things that should fill the life of every believer. Life is not to be measured in length, but in spiritual strength. A life that is full of God and His resources is a full life!

The Deacon’s Business
Everything is not "my business." We each have our assignment from God. In the local church, the business of deacons is to help both pastor and people. Not all of us will be deacons, but all of us can become servants.

It’s Not Just About the Numbers
So much of life is measured by numbers, but the work of God is not just about the numbers. In this study we learn some higher math and are reminded that God's calculations are always greater than ours!

God’s Gospel Plan
God's command to take the gospel to the whole world was coupled with divine enabling and a divine plan. Human schemes and brilliant strategies fall short of the simple method the Lord set in motion. One verse summarizes God's gospel plan.

False Teachers and Lasting Truth
Gamaliel. Theudas. Judas. These little known men in Acts 5 are a reminder that all lies come to nothing in the end. Identify the marks of false teachers and remember that only the truth lasts.

We Ought to Obey God Rather Than Men
Everyone obeys someone. Our days will either be lived to please people or to obey God. God's power is demonstrated and God's protection is experienced through the life of obedience.

The Lord Opens Prison Doors!
Three times in the early church God miraculously opened prison doors. Each instance teaches us a truth about when the Lord demonstrates His power - and why! Find out what all three have in common in this episode.

What Ever Happened to the Fear of God?
If we do not have the right view of who God is, we will not fear Him. This is the missing element in so much of modern Christianity. The fear of God is not a dreaded thing, but a needed thing! When God is truly at work we will always stand in awe of Him.

A Great Tragedy
Everything God ordains, Satan opposes. As the first church grew, the enemy tried to gain entry! He caused Ananias and Sapphira to lie to the Lord and the church. If we are to avoid such tragedy we must guard our own hearts and homes.

Encouraging the Fallen
All of us have failed the Lord and others. Who around you has fallen and needs encouragement? Be a Barnabas, and look to lift up someone that God has placed in your path.

Encouraging the Preacher
The pastor encourages the church body, but who encourages the pastor? We see in Acts 13 that Barnabas was a blessing to God’s servant. Make it your business to minister to the leaders God has placed in your life through both your prayers and encouragement.

Encouraging the Church
Every Christian is in need of encouragement in their life. The joy of the Lord is meant to be shared. Join us as we look at how Barnabas shared the love of God with the people around him.

Encouraging the New Believer
Every time we find Barnabas in the book of Acts he is obeying the prompting of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 9, he is encourager a new believer — through his ministry, he gives us several steps we can also use to encourage new believers. Pray that the Lord will make you more like brother Barnabas and choose to encourage someone today!

Encouraging the Needy
Today we are stepping out of chronological order to study the message of Barnabas’s life. He was so completely given to the Lord that he viewed giving to others as an extension of what God had given to Him. We see three ways he gave, and his example teaches us how to be better encouragers to the needy.

Brother Barnabas
Barnabas was a good man filled with the Holy Spirit and a great help to the church.The only way to be a good man is by being filled with Christ. Would you pray today that the Lord would make you a Barnabas?

Praying in His Name
Have you ever wondered how many times you’ve ceased praying just before the breakthrough? The more you pray, the more you allow the Lord to work in and through you. Today we see several instances where God’s people prayed in His name and allowed Him to work in their lives.

Praising His Name
In Acts 4, we see a group of Believers praising the name of Jesus. As we study this Scripture, we discover that when you praise the Lord it not only gets Heaven’s attention, but it increases your faith to believe God for much more.

Preaching in His Name
Sadly, today there is a great deal of preaching that ignores the person of Jesus Christ. Preaching is to lift up the name of Jesus by proclaiming His Word! This is not just for preachers though, all believers are to exalt the name of Christ to those around them!

Pardon by His Name
In two verses we are given a picture, a principle, and a promise of salvation. When Christ changed one man’s life many came to know Him. If we have been forgiven, others should hear about the Savior from us!

Persecution for His Name
The name of Jesus is a reminder to those who hate it, but to Christians, it is an identification. How you feel about His name reveals what relationship you have with Him. Do not be intimidated — proclaim Jesus Christ to those around you!

Power in His Name – Part 2
Do you love to speak the name of Jesus? His name is the only one that has the power to bring conviction and blot out your sins. Take the challenge to share Jesus Christ with someone today!

Power in His Name – Part 1
The name of Jesus Christ is the only name that has the power to change our eternal destiny. Today we are given two applications about the power of His name. When you are weak and tempted to speak, do not forget the mighty name of Jesus!

A Moment of Truth
Today in Scripture the Lord gives us three pictures to help us share the truth of the gospel with others. The Lord wants to use you! Apply these principles today, and see what God does through you.

An Hour of Prayer
Peter and John went to the Temple to pray after coming out of a season of great answered prayer. They demonstrate how to make every hour an hour of prayer - keep praying! Run to the Lord and commune with Him today.

A Season of Blessing
God makes every day holy! When Peter preached at Pentecost it was not about a day, but a season. God is working even on the days we consider ordinary — do not limit Him to a certain day of the week.

Having God’s Favor
The favor of God is not something you can produce or manipulate. As we trust and obey the Lord, we find favor with God and He gives favor with men. Let's observe this pattern in the early church...

4 Duties of the Church
The Book of Acts is foundational to all of the Church Age. While looking at the closing verses of Acts 2, we discover the four duties given to us. May the Lord help all His disciples fulfill the great work He has given to us!

It’s Time to Respond.
In this study we are given several thoughts about the response on the day of Pentecost — and how we can apply it. We cannot control the response of others, but we can share the truth with them. Take this challenge and urge someone else to come to Him this week!

Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
When the Holy Sprit came in Acts 2, He came to speak about Jesus. As we study this Scripture we see the demonstration, crucifixion, resurrection, and exaltation of Jesus Christ. We are reminded that as we speak about Him the Holy Spirit begins to work.

So What?
Until we connect the truth of the Word of God to our lives, it makes no lasting impact. The message given on the day of Pentecost still speaks to us about the work of the Spirit and our response to Him. Stop and acknowledge your own need, and then share the truth with someone else.

Peter’s First Sermon
Today we listen to Peter’s first sermon after the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Lord gives us this message as a model of New Testament preaching. His sermon on the day of Pentecost helps us consider both the past and the prospect of the future.

The Mark of New Testament Preaching
Do you know how to identify New Testament preaching? In Acts 2 we discover three simple elements that mark the preaching of the Word. May the Lord help us all to become better hearers of truth and true New Testament students!

What We Know About Tongues
On Pentecost the Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to communicate in languages they did not previously know so that all people could hear the gospel. As we learn more about the miraculous sign gifts given on that day, we discover more about both God’s heart and His power.

Wind and Fire
In Acts 2 the Holy Spirit describes the day of Pentecost to us. That day will never be reproduced, but the power exhibited can be lived out in our own lives each day. We all need the fresh life-giving wind and the blazing fire of the Holy Ghost in our lives.

One in Christ
While studying the life of the disciples, we realize that true unity only comes through the Lord. The only way God’s people can have true oneness is by making it all about Christ. Stop trying to manufacture His power, and allow God to use you!

How to Find God’s Choice
As we study in the book of Acts, we find Peter leading the remaining disciples in a business meeting. Throughout this account, we are given four practical applications for finding the will of God. Trust the Lord’s leading in your life today!

What Happened to Judas?
Have you ever wondered what happened to Judas? As we study the life of one of the saddest men in history, we see how he missed the value of Jesus. Just as his life displayed, you can be in the crowd but not in God’s family.

God’s Time, God’s Place, and God’s Power
In Acts 1, the Lord gives us three things that every disciple needs and an outline of His advancing work throughout history. He has given us the tools needed. Don’t miss the adventure we are on with Him!

Still Praying!
Prayer is not just for special times — it is for all times! As you continue in prayer, use the Scripture as a guide, and allow the Lord to direct your decisions. We must connect our prayer to His will.

Prayer is the faith of man put into words. In Acts 1, we find not only a prayer meeting but a season of true prayer. God desires the unity of His people— the secret to the Lord’s blessing is united prayer!

We learned the secret of waiting, but now we learn the necessity of believing. In today’s Scripture, the Lord is teaching the disciples how to wait on Him in faith. As we study three new truths, what in your own life do you need to believe God for?

Our God is the God of perfect timing. Even when it seems we are just waiting, He is at work! Come with us today as we learn three ways we should be waiting on the Lord.

Pass It On!
As we study the gospel according to Luke and the book of Acts, we discover a beautiful pattern of discipleship. Two books of our New Testament reveal the testimony of Luke to Theophilus. Luke did what we all must do - pass it on!

Who Is Your Theophilus?
Who is your Theophilus? Though little is known about this man, it is obvious that Luke invested much in teaching him God's truth. Luke's example should challenge us all to find someone that we can reach and teach for Christ.

God Always Finishes What He Starts
God always finishes what He starts. He is the "author and the finisher of our faith." As we study Acts 1 we see the continuing work of Christ in His people. Rejoice today that He is still working in you!
On to the Next Place…
If we are going to accomplish the Lord’s work, then we must step out of our comfort zone. In today's Scripture, we see several examples of God’s people stepping out for the furtherance of the gospel. May God help us to make a difference in our Jerusalem and the uttermost parts of the earth.
A Little Hinge and a Big Door
The Lord is not dependent on any of us; we are simply tools for Him to use. In Scripture, you’ll often find the Lord using little hinges to open a big doors. Stephen allowed the Lord to use him as a hinge for the furtherance of the gospel — are we willing to do the same?
Asleep in Jesus
Sleeping is a gift from Almighty God! In Scripture, sleep is viewed in the physical realm, but it is also a picture of what happens when a believer dies. If you have put your faith in Him, you will simply fall asleep in Jesus when you die.
The Day Jesus Stood Up
There are two occasions in Scripture where you see the Lord Jesus standing in Heaven — one is in Acts 7, and the other is in the book of Revelation. Discover today why the Lord Jesus stood then and will stand again someday.
Finishing Well
At the end of Acts 7, we find a beautiful picture of a man finishing well. Stephen not only started full but finished full. If we want to finish well, the same way Stephen did, then we must serve the Lord and believe that this is not the end of the story.
We see a picture of rejection in the response of the hearers to Stephen’s sermon. They were not rejecting Stephen; they were rejecting Christ. Many will not accept the truth, but some will receive it — are you willing to share the gospel despite being rejected?
Where Does God Live?
We cannot limit God to one place! In the book of Acts, the people had reduced religion to a building. God is greater than all of that; He cannot be confined to one place or time.
Look What God Did! – Part 3
The same God that grants mercy also brings judgment. Beware of turning away from the Lord after He has brought you out of so much difficulty. Today we discover an example for all of us in the story of Israel.
Look What God Did! – Part 2
Are you wondering where God is today? We must remember that even in difficult seasons, He is still present and speaking. The Lord is working behind the scenes on every detail of our lives, but we must be ready with listening ears for His direction.
Look What God Did! – Part 1
The right kind of preaching always points you to Jesus! As we unfold Stephen’s famous sermon in Acts 7, we find one of the greatest models of Bible teaching. It is a continuing drama in which we have the opportunity to learn what the God of glory did.
The God of Glory
Stephen, the first martyr of the church, was allowed to see the God of glory as he died. Yet the secret of his strength was that he lived every day with his eyes on the God of glory. God lived in him, rested on him, and spoke through him! Learn how the God of glory can be revealed in us.
Serving the Lord Where You Are
We imagine that God does great things in far off places, but the ever present God desires to work wherever you are! In every place where Philip is found, he is serving the Lord. In your church, in this world, in your home - you can serve the Lord where you are.
People God Can Use
God uses all types of people from all kinds of backgrounds. In fact, He can use anyone! The difficulty is not to be used by God, but to simply stay usable. Take this spiritual check-up and see if you are a person God can use.
A Full Life
What constitutes a full life? Today we identify four things that should fill the life of every believer. Life is not to be measured in length, but in spiritual strength. A life that is full of God and His resources is a full life!
The Deacon’s Business
Everything is not "my business." We each have our assignment from God. In the local church, the business of deacons is to help both pastor and people. Not all of us will be deacons, but all of us can become servants.
It’s Not Just About the Numbers
So much of life is measured by numbers, but the work of God is not just about the numbers. In this study we learn some higher math and are reminded that God's calculations are always greater than ours!
God’s Gospel Plan
God's command to take the gospel to the whole world was coupled with divine enabling and a divine plan. Human schemes and brilliant strategies fall short of the simple method the Lord set in motion. One verse summarizes God's gospel plan.
False Teachers and Lasting Truth
Gamaliel. Theudas. Judas. These little known men in Acts 5 are a reminder that all lies come to nothing in the end. Identify the marks of false teachers and remember that only the truth lasts.
We Ought to Obey God Rather Than Men
Everyone obeys someone. Our days will either be lived to please people or to obey God. God's power is demonstrated and God's protection is experienced through the life of obedience.
The Lord Opens Prison Doors!
Three times in the early church God miraculously opened prison doors. Each instance teaches us a truth about when the Lord demonstrates His power - and why! Find out what all three have in common in this episode.
What Ever Happened to the Fear of God?
If we do not have the right view of who God is, we will not fear Him. This is the missing element in so much of modern Christianity. The fear of God is not a dreaded thing, but a needed thing! When God is truly at work we will always stand in awe of Him.
A Great Tragedy
Everything God ordains, Satan opposes. As the first church grew, the enemy tried to gain entry! He caused Ananias and Sapphira to lie to the Lord and the church. If we are to avoid such tragedy we must guard our own hearts and homes.
Encouraging the Fallen
All of us have failed the Lord and others. Who around you has fallen and needs encouragement? Be a Barnabas, and look to lift up someone that God has placed in your path.
Encouraging the Preacher
The pastor encourages the church body, but who encourages the pastor? We see in Acts 13 that Barnabas was a blessing to God’s servant. Make it your business to minister to the leaders God has placed in your life through both your prayers and encouragement.
Encouraging the Church
Every Christian is in need of encouragement in their life. The joy of the Lord is meant to be shared. Join us as we look at how Barnabas shared the love of God with the people around him.
Encouraging the New Believer
Every time we find Barnabas in the book of Acts he is obeying the prompting of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 9, he is encourager a new believer — through his ministry, he gives us several steps we can also use to encourage new believers. Pray that the Lord will make you more like brother Barnabas and choose to encourage someone today!
Encouraging the Needy
Today we are stepping out of chronological order to study the message of Barnabas’s life. He was so completely given to the Lord that he viewed giving to others as an extension of what God had given to Him. We see three ways he gave, and his example teaches us how to be better encouragers to the needy.
Brother Barnabas
Barnabas was a good man filled with the Holy Spirit and a great help to the church.The only way to be a good man is by being filled with Christ. Would you pray today that the Lord would make you a Barnabas?
Praying in His Name
Have you ever wondered how many times you’ve ceased praying just before the breakthrough? The more you pray, the more you allow the Lord to work in and through you. Today we see several instances where God’s people prayed in His name and allowed Him to work in their lives.
Praising His Name
In Acts 4, we see a group of Believers praising the name of Jesus. As we study this Scripture, we discover that when you praise the Lord it not only gets Heaven’s attention, but it increases your faith to believe God for much more.
Preaching in His Name
Sadly, today there is a great deal of preaching that ignores the person of Jesus Christ. Preaching is to lift up the name of Jesus by proclaiming His Word! This is not just for preachers though, all believers are to exalt the name of Christ to those around them!
Pardon by His Name
In two verses we are given a picture, a principle, and a promise of salvation. When Christ changed one man’s life many came to know Him. If we have been forgiven, others should hear about the Savior from us!
Persecution for His Name
The name of Jesus is a reminder to those who hate it, but to Christians, it is an identification. How you feel about His name reveals what relationship you have with Him. Do not be intimidated — proclaim Jesus Christ to those around you!
Power in His Name – Part 2
Do you love to speak the name of Jesus? His name is the only one that has the power to bring conviction and blot out your sins. Take the challenge to share Jesus Christ with someone today!
Power in His Name – Part 1
The name of Jesus Christ is the only name that has the power to change our eternal destiny. Today we are given two applications about the power of His name. When you are weak and tempted to speak, do not forget the mighty name of Jesus!
A Moment of Truth
Today in Scripture the Lord gives us three pictures to help us share the truth of the gospel with others. The Lord wants to use you! Apply these principles today, and see what God does through you.
An Hour of Prayer
Peter and John went to the Temple to pray after coming out of a season of great answered prayer. They demonstrate how to make every hour an hour of prayer - keep praying! Run to the Lord and commune with Him today.
A Season of Blessing
God makes every day holy! When Peter preached at Pentecost it was not about a day, but a season. God is working even on the days we consider ordinary — do not limit Him to a certain day of the week.
Having God’s Favor
The favor of God is not something you can produce or manipulate. As we trust and obey the Lord, we find favor with God and He gives favor with men. Let's observe this pattern in the early church...
4 Duties of the Church
The Book of Acts is foundational to all of the Church Age. While looking at the closing verses of Acts 2, we discover the four duties given to us. May the Lord help all His disciples fulfill the great work He has given to us!
It’s Time to Respond.
In this study we are given several thoughts about the response on the day of Pentecost — and how we can apply it. We cannot control the response of others, but we can share the truth with them. Take this challenge and urge someone else to come to Him this week!
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
When the Holy Sprit came in Acts 2, He came to speak about Jesus. As we study this Scripture we see the demonstration, crucifixion, resurrection, and exaltation of Jesus Christ. We are reminded that as we speak about Him the Holy Spirit begins to work.
So What?
Until we connect the truth of the Word of God to our lives, it makes no lasting impact. The message given on the day of Pentecost still speaks to us about the work of the Spirit and our response to Him. Stop and acknowledge your own need, and then share the truth with someone else.
Peter’s First Sermon
Today we listen to Peter’s first sermon after the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Lord gives us this message as a model of New Testament preaching. His sermon on the day of Pentecost helps us consider both the past and the prospect of the future.
The Mark of New Testament Preaching
Do you know how to identify New Testament preaching? In Acts 2 we discover three simple elements that mark the preaching of the Word. May the Lord help us all to become better hearers of truth and true New Testament students!
What We Know About Tongues
On Pentecost the Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to communicate in languages they did not previously know so that all people could hear the gospel. As we learn more about the miraculous sign gifts given on that day, we discover more about both God’s heart and His power.
Wind and Fire
In Acts 2 the Holy Spirit describes the day of Pentecost to us. That day will never be reproduced, but the power exhibited can be lived out in our own lives each day. We all need the fresh life-giving wind and the blazing fire of the Holy Ghost in our lives.
One in Christ
While studying the life of the disciples, we realize that true unity only comes through the Lord. The only way God’s people can have true oneness is by making it all about Christ. Stop trying to manufacture His power, and allow God to use you!
How to Find God’s Choice
As we study in the book of Acts, we find Peter leading the remaining disciples in a business meeting. Throughout this account, we are given four practical applications for finding the will of God. Trust the Lord’s leading in your life today!
What Happened to Judas?
Have you ever wondered what happened to Judas? As we study the life of one of the saddest men in history, we see how he missed the value of Jesus. Just as his life displayed, you can be in the crowd but not in God’s family.
God’s Time, God’s Place, and God’s Power
In Acts 1, the Lord gives us three things that every disciple needs and an outline of His advancing work throughout history. He has given us the tools needed. Don’t miss the adventure we are on with Him!
Still Praying!
Prayer is not just for special times — it is for all times! As you continue in prayer, use the Scripture as a guide, and allow the Lord to direct your decisions. We must connect our prayer to His will.
Prayer is the faith of man put into words. In Acts 1, we find not only a prayer meeting but a season of true prayer. God desires the unity of His people— the secret to the Lord’s blessing is united prayer!
We learned the secret of waiting, but now we learn the necessity of believing. In today’s Scripture, the Lord is teaching the disciples how to wait on Him in faith. As we study three new truths, what in your own life do you need to believe God for?
Our God is the God of perfect timing. Even when it seems we are just waiting, He is at work! Come with us today as we learn three ways we should be waiting on the Lord.
Pass It On!
As we study the gospel according to Luke and the book of Acts, we discover a beautiful pattern of discipleship. Two books of our New Testament reveal the testimony of Luke to Theophilus. Luke did what we all must do - pass it on!
Who Is Your Theophilus?
Who is your Theophilus? Though little is known about this man, it is obvious that Luke invested much in teaching him God's truth. Luke's example should challenge us all to find someone that we can reach and teach for Christ.
God Always Finishes What He Starts
God always finishes what He starts. He is the "author and the finisher of our faith." As we study Acts 1 we see the continuing work of Christ in His people. Rejoice today that He is still working in you!