Taking Your Family To The Next Level June 8, 2021


When I was a young man in Bible College I remember Pastor Sexton telling us that as we grew we must always work to bring our families along with us. This principle is true both in life and ministry. Influence begins at home and the impact on our own families cannot be underestimated. Personal choices have consequences in the lives of others – most of all, those closest to us. “For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself” (Romans 14:7).

Each week our team posts a Bible message from one of our meetings to our YouTube channel. Over the next three weeks the messages will be ones given recently in a family conference. (The first one is available now.) In the Psalms known as the “Songs of Degrees” there are two psalms that speak directly to family life. Sung as the children of Israel ascended up to the Temple to worship, they now teach us how to take our family to the next level with God. There is always another spiritual step to be taken! Take the time to read Psalm 127 and 128 and join us for these studies.

In addition to the two messages from these Psalms we will make available a message given to fathers and sons on “My Father’s Proverb.” Taken from Proverbs 3, it deals with lessons my dad worked to teach me and truth our Heavenly Father wants all of us to learn.

None of us are better Christians than the Christians we are in the privacy of our own homes. It is my prayer that the Lord will help all of us to live more sincere Christian lives in private and build truly Christian homes. By God’s grace, determine to take your family to the next level with the Lord.

We hope you will visit us at YouTube.com/c/drscottpauley and subscribe to the channel today!

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