My grandpa remembered where he was when Pearl Harbor was attacked. My dad remembers where he was when JFK was shot. I remember where I was when the planes hit the World Trade Center on 9/11. My children will remember the global pandemic of 2020. There are moments in every generation that fix themselves forever in our memory.
Over 100,000 people have now died around the world from COVID-19. Many more have been awakened to their mortality and frailty. We all are thinking more about life and eternity. People are asking questions, reading Bibles, watching church services online, and wondering what the future holds.
I believe we are living in the greatest gospel moment in a generation. On this Easter Sunday people are even more interested in life because they have been surrounded by death. Jesus Christ offers more than physical life – He offers eternal life! He said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). This is the message that every person – healthy and ill, old and young, rich and poor – desperately needs to hear. We must not miss this window.
Three days after 9/11 I stood in Brooklyn, NY with a team of people. The smoke from Ground Zero could be seen from Flatbush Avenue. In the city that is always bustling people were willing to stop and talk. Hearts were hurting and souls were searching. I will never forget that day as many people received the gospel and a great number received Christ.
I was back in New York City a few months later and, to my dismay, life had basically returned to normal. Most people on the street were simply too busy to speak about eternal things. The moment had passed.
Soon our current situation will change and life will go on. People will go back to their schedules and plans. Now is the time for God’s children to share the good news of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible. Ask the Lord to use you where you are. Begin with those near you. This Resurrection Sunday is not just an opportunity for preachers to share the good news, it is a time for every Christian to share their faith and hope in Christ.
Don’t miss your moment. It will have eternal consequences. “…behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
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Thank you, this was a much needed blog.
Thank you. God bless!
I do believe people are searching for the true loving word of God . Hope many will except Him as Savior through terrible virus . Gid is able. If they will except the gift of life through Christ.