The Miracle Continues December 26, 2019


Around this time of year it is not uncommon to hear someone refer to “a Christmas miracle.” A miracle is something that cannot be explained by natural wisdom or human ability. It is an intersection with almighty God!

To be sure there are many miracles associated with the coming of Christ to Bethlehem:

  • There is the miracle of the incarnation itself! God became a man without ever ceasing to be God. Deity was robed with humanity, glory was veiled by humility. The highest became the lowest. (Philippians 2:5-8)
  • There is the miracle of the virgin birth. Never before and not since has a child been born without the aid of a human father. The miracle was not Mary, but the work of God in Mary’s life to give her a child. (Isaiah 7:14)
  • There is the miracle of simple, poor sinners being invited to His nativity. Shepherds! The “undesirables” – men who would not even be allowed to testify in a legal proceeding, called upon to witness the coming of the Son of God.
  • There is the miracle of fulfilled prophecies: the birth in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), the slaughter of the innocents (Jeremiah 31:15), and the journey to Egypt (Hosea 11:1).

But, this is just the beginning! Christ’s whole life was a miracle. From the miracle of His own sinless life and the miracles that He performed for others to the miracle of His resurrection – we have a miracle Savior!

More than three hundred prophecies have been fulfilled in the the Lord Jesus. I have been told that for one person’s life to fulfill 300+ prophecies in their lifetime the mathematical odds are 1 in 10 to the 157th power! THAT is a miracle.

And our miracle God continues His miraculous work in saving souls and sustaining our lives. The point is this: Christ’s miracles did not stop at the manger. They were just beginning. God’s miraculous power goes beyond Bethlehem.

The miracle continues today, the day after Christmas, in Christ. Believe God and expect to see Him at work every day.

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