“The Secret of Guidance” by F.B. Meyer March 21, 2017


Are you facing any decision right now? In need of guidance? Searching for direction?

Almost two years ago I came to a crossroad in my life. We all make many decisions every day, but there are seasons of decision-making that alter the course of our own life and the lives of others. These are critical moments.

Reflecting back on that period there are many things that I realize the Lord used to guide me into His will. Day after day my prayer was, “Lead me in a plain path” (Psalm 27:11). He answered that prayer.

Wise counsel. Divine confirmations. Peace. Answers to prayer. Specific Scriptures. The Holy Spirit used all of this and more to direct my steps.

Outside of the Scriptures the most helpful thing that I read during that period was a chapter from F.B. Meyer on “The Secret of Guidance.” Dozens of times in recent months I have recommended this piece to others. Now I would like to pass it along to you.

Meyer’s words are over 120 years old and yet they are as fresh today as the day he wrote them. Truth is that way. It never goes out of date.

God has a will for your life. It can be known. And you will discover His will one step at a time.

I am happy to put these few pages in your hand and do so with the prayer that God will use them in your journey as He has in mine. The principles are from God’s Word. The practical applications are from a godly man.

Read these pages slowly. Pray over each. Examine your heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you “The Secret of Guidance.”

Click HERE to download the chapter, written by F.B. Meyer.

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Friends From Gath


  1. Tony Perry on March 28, 2017 at 6:32 PM

    Thanks so much for sharing

  2. Rose on August 6, 2022 at 6:26 AM


    Send to me by a brother. Very Grateful.

    • scottpauley on August 6, 2022 at 9:10 AM

      You can download the free e-book at the bottom of the article.

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