Togo: A Gospel Opportunity! May 10, 2024

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Togo. What do you know about it? For most people, the answer would be, “not much.” Yet, in Togo, many faithful believers are laboring to see millions freed from the deep bondage and demonic darkness that holds them captive. It is a nation of deep poverty and great darkness, particularly in the villages and remote areas. Yet, the light of the gospel is still shining, transforming lives – as it always does.

I recently heard of a new church (one of five) that was started by my friend, Tim, and his father. They have been thrilled by the adults saved and the many children being reached. As I asked Tim how the churches function there, several things were revealed that moved me deeply.

May I share them with you?

  • Scriptures: These new believers, in remote towns and villages, love God’s Word but often share one Bible for an entire family group, with several generations. I don’t know about you, but I have several Bibles. In Togo, Bible study resources are extremely hard to obtain and internet access is very limited. Bible training is a great need, especially in the remote areas. Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine“( 1 Timothy 4:13).
  • Buildings: Many village churches meet faithfully in shanties, huts, or church structures they build with their own hands. One new church has been meeting under a patch of trees until they can save enough to build a roof. Another village church is excited (soon) to have a tent to meet in. Consider this the next time you are tempted to grumble about the temperature in the church auditorium.
  • Faithfulness: While every church has unfaithful Christians, many local churches in remote areas are comprised of people who will walk several miles to meet together. They take assembling seriously (Hebrews 10:23-25). It is a reasonable service to obey the One who died and rose again for us (Romans 12:1-2).
  • Love: Our initial reaction is often one of pity when we hear of the overwhelming difficulties our brothers and sisters face worldwide. Yet, those who have so many difficulties do not live in self-pity or defeat; they live lives of extreme gratitude to Jesus. The children especially want desperately to hear of the One who loves them in their struggles. They have nothing, yet they are grateful. How’s our gratitude?

An Opportunity

I must be honest with you, I have prayed for many nations of the world throughout the years. There are regions of America and nations around the world that my heart longs to see reached for Christ. Togo is a seemingly forgotten nation because of its small size. I have several friends who are doing gospel work in this African nation. God has faithful believers worldwide, and we are just a part of God’s worldwide, eternal work (1 Corinthians 3:1-11)!

This past year, I have gotten to know Tim from Togo. He and his family are passionate about reaching their nation and continent for Christ. Their zeal has been stirring! The Lord is allowing me to spend a few days there in early June with Tim and his team. We will work in several new churches and travel to three villages across Togo to conduct VBS for thousands of children. They will continue all summer and be in nearly a dozen villages. We are also conducting an ETJ Bible Seminar to teach Bible study and evangelism to national pastors and church leaders. Tim and the team there have translated our materials into French, and the men we instruct will be able to take the same Bible teaching to their nations, cities, and villages.

We are grateful for many friends who partner with us in gospel work. We must have God’s help. Would you pray for God to work greatly this summer? Would you pray for blinded eyes to be opened and for God’s people to be instructed and equipped? Subscribe to our newsletter for ministry updates along the way. If God leads you to give toward the expenses of this trip and the purchase/transport of French (Togo) and English (for a group coming from Liberia) Bibles for the believers there, you may invest HERE. We are grateful for your prayer and support.

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