What Does the Bible Say? February 8, 2025

The right question is: What does the Bible say? When this is our starting point we are on the right path. Because the Bible is the Word of God.

What Does the Bible Say?

It is impossible to get the right answer when you are asking the wrong question! Our world is full of issues that must be addressed, but it is imperative that we know where to go for direction and how to make decisions. In an age of relativism we must return to the absolute truth of God’s Word. Too often the question is…
What do most people think?
What do I feel is right?
What will people say?
What do others believe?

The right question is: What does the Bible say? When this is our starting point we are on the right path. Because the Bible is the Word of God, in reality, what we are asking is: What does God say?

At a pivotal time in Judah, King Zedekiah sent for Jeremiah the prophet, and asked, “Is there any word from the LORD?” (Jeremiah 37:17). The preacher’s answer was an emphatic: “There is.” Our world is still searching for answers and there is a Word from the Lord.

Every question and every debate must be brought into the light of God’s revealed truth. When you start with yourself you get what you want. When you start with people you arrive at what they think. But when you begin with the Bible you discover what God teaches. Let God speak for Himself.

Over the next 7 weeks we are going to examine many of the great doctrinal issues and questions of our day in light of Scripture. I am excited to share studies on What Does the Bible Say? on our daily ETJ podcast and hope you will be helped by our time together in the Word.

Plan to join us for the introductory study on Monday and share each study with others. The nearer we get to the return of Christ, the more fervently we must return again and again to the unchanging truth of Scripture. What Does the Bible Say?

*We plan to release one more week of “Current Questions and Bible Answers” at the conclusion of this study. Click HERE to submit your Bible question. 

About Scott Pauley

Related Article: 

The Bible is The Word of God

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