What I Have Learned in My First Year of Evangelism January 5, 2017

What I Have Learned in Evangelism. Evangelism tips. Don't choose a sermon - find God's message. Be prepared for spiritual attacks. Make time to read, study, and meditate on Scripture...

What I Have Learned in My First Year of Evangelism

It has been a privilege this week to take part in a special conference on revival and evangelism. I have enjoyed the fellowship with a number of wonderful evangelists and pastors, and have been honored to labor alongside men who have been in this work for so many years. As the meeting concludes today my heart and mind are full of the goodness of the Lord.

This month our family begins the second year of full-time evangelistic work. The adventure of following the Lord is never dull! I have been reflecting a great deal about what the Lord has taught me over the last year. Many of the lessons are reminders of truths previously learned. (I can be a slow learner!) Others are realities the Holy Spirit has brought home to my heart as we have walked with Him by faith.

I have failed the Lord in so many ways. He has never failed me once. The lessons below are in no particular order. They are just as I have them written in  my personal journal. I share them with the prayer that somehow God could use them to encourage you to press on in the work He has called you to do.

What I Have Learned in Evangelism…

  1. The family of God is big and God’s people are the greatest people on earth.
  2. Pastors need someone to talk to and someone to encourage them.
  3. Divine appointments are made for me in every place.
  4. God’s Word is powerful and all-sufficient.
  5. Ministry is wearying apart from the freshness and filling of the Holy Spirit.
  6. The gospel changes lives.
  7. Make much of the Lord Jesus Christ and much more will be accomplished.
  8. The Lord will provide for every need, and He can do it anyway He chooses.
  9. Don’t choose a sermon – find God’s message for every meeting.
  10. Be prepared for spiritual attacks.
  11. Make time to read, study, and meditate so that the heart stays fresh.
  12. Prayer makes all the difference in a meeting.
  13. Prepared hearts (preacher and people) are more important than prepared sermons.
  14. Take one meeting at a time and do not compare one to another.
  15. Expect God to work and people to respond.
  16. Relax and be yourself.
  17. Work to set specific things in motion that can continue after I am gone.
  18. My marriage and children are more important than any meeting.
  19. No one pays me to do what I am doing. I work for the Lord and He always takes care of His servants.
  20. I need constant wisdom and discernment to know what the Lord wants me to do and what He doesn’t.

I love the Lord. To Him be all the glory for His mercy and strength. I desperately need Him. He has much more to teach me and by God’s grace I want to learn all He has for me in the coming days. My prayer is that you will hear the voice of the Teacher today as well.

Your fellow student,

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