What I Observed From A Seasoned Soulwinner April 25, 2019


On Tuesday a dear man in the church where I was preaching asked if we could go witnessing together. It was such a privilege to listen to him share Christ with holy enthusiasm. He has been doing it for over half a century.

I asked him how he started sharing his faith. He said that as a young professional he went witnessing with another believer. As he listened to his friend lead a family to Christ he said, “I was hooked!” It still has not grown old.

Through the years I have knocked on many doors and engaged lots of people in conversation. I have learned from others how to speak about Christ. But this man’s spirit was contagious! When I got back to where I was staying I quickly wrote down some things I observed. There was nothing new but a fresh reminder of what we all should be doing. Perhaps they will serve to inspire and instruct others…

  • He spoke with passion. It was obvious that my brother had not lost the excitement of sharing Christ.
  • He wept. My friend literally wept as he spoke with a woman about her soul and eternity. “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy” (Psalm 126:5).
  • He knew every house. As we drove through a neighborhood he told me the name of each family and their spiritual condition. He took it personally and felt responsible for getting each household the gospel.
  • He was joyful. It was thrilling to see a man still happy about just being out talking to others about Jesus. His smile and laughter were a great encouragement to me.
  • He found a way to connect to the person to whom he was speaking. Each conversation was personal. He was kind and sincerely interested in their life and family.
  • He avoided church and went straight to Christ. The main issue was the eternal soul.
  • He used a great deal of Scripture. It was more than a mere recitation of facts – the Word of God was the message.
  • He took his time. There was no rushing through the gospel. With an obvious lack of hurry he carefully explained the message of Christ.
  • He gave his testimony. Throughout the conversation his testimony served to illustrate salvation and the difference it makes in a person’s heart.
  • He used their name. It was obvious that he was not giving a speech, but carrying on a conversation with the individual in front of him.
  • He kept records of people and followed up on each person God gave him to minister to.
  • He believed in the power of prayer. With perfect ease he talked to God as we pulled into each house and as we left. Definite, believing prayers.
  • He gave God all of the glory. How he rejoiced in Christ when we saw the Lord work!
  • He prayed for the person before the visit was concluded.
  • He led the new believer to assurance using Scripture.
  • He had a New Testament ready to give to a new believer.
  • He explained the next step – to tell someone else about their faith in Christ.
  • He worked through every new believer to connect to other family members, friends, and neighbors who need Christ.
  • He trained others. Each week my friend takes different young men with him to help them begin.

At the end of our visit we had the joy of seeing a mother and her 18 year old son profess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was a very special afternoon, not only for them, but for me. We all need reminders of the power of personal witnessing. People are saved individually and the most powerful witness is the personal one. Ask the Lord to help you begin again right where you are…and believe that He will use you.

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  1. w. l. graham on April 25, 2019 at 10:45 PM

    Wow! Fantastic! Wise is the one who realizes that he has much to learn on this topic! Perhaps somewhat embarrassed to say, but when I taught about soulwinning I got a copy of that message and listened to it repeatedly! (My own teaching!) I realize that even one who teaches on that topic must never think that they know all there is to know! Without ever becoming cold or calloused by facts or duty, my desire is to have the sharing of the gospel be as natural and as comfortable as breathing! (I fear that the sharing of the gospel by most Christians is much like a person with breathing disorders; that is, with difficulty they fight their way through the presentation and never are at ease.)

    Just yesterday I happened to see some soulwinning notes I had written and one item seems to be stuck in my mind: Do not present a dead Savior! (Do not leave the Savior on the cross!) The gospel is the death, burial, and RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ!

    • Scott Pauley on May 13, 2019 at 12:16 PM

      Amen! Thank you for faithfully sharing Christ and encouraging others to do the same. May the Lord give you much fruit.

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