When God Changes Your Direction
Sometimes the straightest line between A and B is not the route God chooses for us. His ways and thoughts truly are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). At times we chart the course and set off toward the destination, only to see God unexpectedly change our direction. If you have been there you know what I am talking about. At these times life can be more than a little disorienting.
Things to remember when God changes your direction:
1. God has not changed.
Thousands of years ago the prophet Malachi recorded God’s words, “I am the LORD, I change not” (Malachi 3:8). A.B. Simpson had it right when he wrote, “All may change, but Jesus never – glory to His name!” The Lord Jesus Christ said He would be the same “yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8). Go back to what you know for sure…and who you know for sure. He is always good. He is always faithful. He is always right. He will always finish what He started.
2. The destination has not changed.
Wait a minute! If the direction changes, doesn’t the destination change? It depends on which destination you are talking about. We have goals in mind and objectives that very often were not set by God. The goal of the Christian life is the knowledge and glory of God. That destination has not changed. You are still on your way to heaven and you are still headed toward the same agenda here on earth – God’s glory.
3. God is changing you.
When the Lord takes us on a divinely ordered detour there is always a purpose. Some excess baggage to remove. Some precious truth to pick up. Or perhaps just a private meeting with Him somewhere off the beaten path. It is why Abraham didn’t always take the simplest route, why Moses had to go to the backside of the desert, why the children of Israel went in circles for forty years, why David had to run to a cave, and God’s prophets were often on the move. When God changes our direction He is very often trying to change us.
So stop wondering about God’s choice and worrying about your future. The Lord already has it planned out. You just keep following and stay on the lookout for His messages to you. He is in charge of this trip and we are just along for the ride.
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Thank you Scott, I needed this today, yet I’m still at a loss for understanding. Your prayers for my family would be appreciated.
Thank you
This is exactly the message I was praying for.. thank you!
Hallelujah. Just got back from Lusaka, ZAMBIA. First visit to Africa. Only came back yesterday 11.4.23m, the Lord would have me to see this article today to express some of what He is doing – changing me, causing excess baggage to drop off, gain precious truth, encounter Him in different ways in my Pilgrims Progress. God richly bless and keep you and all yours.
Gotta love Psalm 37:23! Our job is to be that “good man”!
When God closes a door…praise Him in the hallway (…or “the inner prison” Acts 16:24-35)!
Thank you bro Pauley, this was encouraging. I was the pastor of a church in Canada which God had allowed us to plant in 2002. The Lord was blessing, the church was doing well, then out of nowhere, in March 2018 I had a very severe stroke resulting in my resignation from the pastorate in October 2018. To say that my world was turned upside down is an understatement however as you noted, I have learned much during this time and have had opportunities to testify of power to save and answer prayerthat I would not have had otherwise. It us such a comfort to know that God has a plan & my circumstances didn’t surprise Him at all.
God bless you my friend. The Lord is not through with you! I am encouraged by your faith. May your most fruitful days be ahead.
This was refreshing. This is me. I am on a new journey. I Was teaching domestic violence classes for the past 7 years (completion) and abruptly this March, that changed. It wasn’t easy accepting this new beginning. I know and I am encouraged that God has another plan and it is better than the road I was on. He planned this new direction at age 65? Wasn’t expecting it. Not retiring. I’m refiring. He’s leading and I’m following. He’s not through with me yet. I must not worry. I have to enjoy the journey as I often tell others. Thank you for this reminder.
God bless you on this stage of your journey!
I feel the Lord is moving my family from Michigan to Florida but not for sure not getting job offers in Michigan but more in Florida
Seek counsel from mature believers and ask God to give you a strong local church wherever you go. These will be anchors to help you make a wise decision.
Thank you for this message. I have been involved in education for most of my life, primarily as a teacher. I spent the last three years on a very rocky road in administration. It seems that my direction is in the process of shifting. I’m finding it hard to grapple with the shifting, but this message is really giving me some perspective. Thanks again.