10 Ways to Begin Bringing Others to Jesus October 28, 2017

10 Ways to Begin Bringing Others to Jesus, How do we do what Jesus said? Everywhere I go people say to me, “I really want to bring someone to Christ, but I just don’t know where to start.” Let me give you a few ideas that you can put into practice today… Bring others to Jesus. Share your faith, witnessing

10 Ways to Begin Bringing Others to Jesus

Have you ever had the joy of sharing Christ with someone and seeing that person come to know the Lord as their personal Savior? If so, you know there is nothing in this world like it! We know that Jesus said, “ye shall be witnesses unto me” (Acts 1:8).

But how do we do what Jesus said? Everywhere I go people say to me, “I really want to bring someone to Christ, but I just don’t know where to start.”

Let me give you a few ideas that you can put into practice today…

  • Create a soul-winning prayer list. Write down the names of those that you know need Christ and commit to praying for them every day. In addition, ask the Lord to use you to personally reach them. But remember, we cannot pray if we are not willing to obey.
  • Commit gospel Scriptures to memory. We are to be ready always to explain the gospel (Ephesians 6:15; 1 Peter 3:15). The greatest thing you can give to others is God’s Word. Begin with John 3:16 and great salvation verses out of Romans. Memorize them. Meditate on them. Minister them to others.
  • Share your story. If you are a believer you have a story to tell! It is the story of how you came to know Christ and what He means to you. Next to the Scriptures, it is the most powerful resource you have. As a result, practice giving it to someone and prepare to give it to as many people as possible. Those who will never listen to a sermon will listen to your story.
  • Demonstrate the love of Christ. The gospel message begins with “For God so loved the world that He gave…” His love breaks down barriers and removes prejudices. Ask the Lord to help you show kindness to others. A little kindness may open a big door for the gospel.
  • Give gospel literature to others wherever you go. So many people I have met through the years were brought to Christ when reading a gospel tract. Never underestimate the power of the printed Word. Carry literature with you. Accompany it with a personal word. God can use simple tools to accomplish His work.
  • Bring someone with you to a church service specifically to hear the gospel. Communicate to your pastor that you are bringing someone with you who needs the Lord. In addition, pray that God will open their heart as they hear the truth.
  • Have a Bible study in your home or on the job. Hosting an informal Bible study will give opportunities to discuss spiritual truths with neighbors and co-workers. Many people who would not go to a church meeting would come to a friend’s home. (Check out our Bible Reading Plans of the Bible App; you can study through them as a group).
  • Ask people to read the Gospel of John and to tell you what they think. I have had the joy of seeing people come to faith in Christ through simply reading the Scriptures. At the very least, it opens the conversation about who Christ is. The Word of God is powerful!
  • Pray daily for divine appointments. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you someone to talk to. That is a prayer He will answer! Then live expectantly, looking everywhere for people that you can share the good news with.
  • Begin. No one becomes an effective witness by reading about it. So, it is time to get off the bench and get in the game! We all get nervous, but as we obey the Lord He has promised to help us.

In conclusion, ask the Lord to prepare the heart of some soul and give you a divine appointment today! May God use us all to bring someone to Jesus.

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  1. W. L. Graham on October 30, 2017 at 8:12 AM

    A few miscellaneous thoughts about soulwinning–
    1) You can never give the gospel to the wrong person! [The unsaved need it, and the saved do not mind hearing it from another Christian.]
    2) Anything other than a definite “Yes!” is a definite “No!” [Regarding…when attempting to discern if one already knows Christ as their Savior.]
    3) You will never be a soulwinner if you never get started! [Decide today to obey Christ in this matter!]
    Remember: What you value will govern the pursuits of your life!

    • Michael McCann on April 1, 2023 at 5:29 AM

      Thank you. I will open my heart to Jesus and give others who are good the peace and love they deserve.

  2. Anita Caldwell in Colorado on October 1, 2018 at 11:02 AM

    Great tips to bring others to think about their salvation, I will give it a try, thank you very much, God Bless you.

    • Scott Pauley on October 2, 2018 at 3:35 PM

      Thank you and may God use you to bring many to Him!

      • Edwin Limo on September 2, 2022 at 4:58 PM

        God bless you I will use this tips tomorrow to teach others

        • scottpauley on September 14, 2022 at 2:25 PM

          Thank you for passing it on!

    • Caleb Turyomuriwe on June 4, 2022 at 5:43 PM

      Anita God bless you thank you for obeying to serve God.

  3. Lou Romano on January 28, 2019 at 6:53 AM

    They will tell we are Christians by our love one for another. The greatest commandment is love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul strength. The second is like it love your neighbor as yourself. On these two hang all the law and the prophets. One might ask what is love? Read 1st Corinthians chapter 13 love is patient love is kind love does not envy it does not boast it is not rude it is not self-seeking it is not easily angered it keeps no record of wrongs love does not Delight in evil but rejoices with the truth it always protects always trusts always hopes always preserves Love Never Fails. Now there are three things that remain faith hope and love but the greatest of these is love. Glory to the father in the highest

    • Scott Pauley on January 29, 2019 at 9:30 AM

      Thanks for reading and your comments!

    • Michele Gray on March 20, 2022 at 9:38 PM

      Thanks for sharing this .

      • scottpauley on March 26, 2022 at 7:52 AM

        We appreciate you taking time to read it.

  4. Penny Coviello on May 21, 2019 at 5:04 PM

    I just asked God and Google to give me more ways to be a soul winner. Good stuff. Thank you very much

  5. Isaac on October 7, 2019 at 3:08 PM

    May God continued to show you the way to bring men him

    • Scott Pauley on October 22, 2019 at 1:00 PM

      Amen! Praying God will all of us.

    • Todd on February 10, 2021 at 1:20 AM

      Thank you lord for answering me on how to bring some one to Christ. Amen

      • Scott Pauley on February 11, 2021 at 5:50 PM

        Praying God will use you!

        • JACKLNE KIMARO on February 21, 2022 at 12:08 PM


  6. David Onuoha on December 25, 2020 at 6:24 PM

    Thank you for this

    • Scott Pauley on December 28, 2020 at 1:40 PM

      Happy that it was a help. God bless you!

  7. Thabiso on January 1, 2021 at 3:51 PM

    Thanks very much!

    • Scott Pauley on January 2, 2021 at 3:17 PM

      May God use you to bring many to Christ!

  8. Beatrice Ndayizigamiye on March 12, 2021 at 10:37 AM

    Thank you so much for the guidance. Iam going to give it a try
    God bless you!

    • scottpauley on March 20, 2021 at 12:23 PM

      May the Lord use you to bring many to Him!

    • Diane Woodard on August 18, 2021 at 3:08 PM

      Hello I’m Sister Diane,
      And I just wanted to take a moment to say Thank you for sharing this great news for I’m a Devotional Teacher on Facebook @Daily Devotional Reading and have enjoyed reading this for I have been struggling with a vision that God has given me, in my vision I was on a beach teaching and from the distance people are coming in. Now the struggle isn’t what my calling is, it’s where do I go to teach for I already know my hometown isn’t going to believe me or accept me for my calling and honestly that’s find with me even though my family says I do not teach I preach ?.
      P.S. Can you help me or lead me in the right direction please for it’s like my calling is bursting to come out!

      • scottpauley on August 24, 2021 at 9:17 AM

        I believe that every Christian is commanded to “preach the gospel.” This does not mean that everyone will speak to great crowds or deliver sermons. Begin where you are to share the gospel. Give the message of Christ to those immediately around you. As we take the first step God will open additional opportunities.

    • Rev Philip T. Ikyoosu on March 23, 2022 at 11:50 PM

      I want to be a soul winner, May God help me in Jesus name. Amen

      • scottpauley on March 26, 2022 at 7:51 AM

        May God use you to point many to the Lord Jesus.

  9. Marylyn Uyanah on February 17, 2022 at 7:14 AM

    Thank you very much. This has blessed me in no little way.

    God bless you.

    • scottpauley on March 4, 2022 at 11:30 AM

      I’m so glad. May God use you to bring many to Jesus.

    • Kelvin Amah on April 23, 2022 at 8:30 AM

      Thanks so much I have been thinking on how to start my evangelism in Italy seriously am grateful

      • scottpauley on April 26, 2022 at 4:06 PM

        May God use you to point many to the Lord Jesus Christ!

  10. JACKLNE KIMARO on February 21, 2022 at 11:57 AM

    uuuuuuuh this is powerful thank you i starting now

  11. Joshua Benjamin Vuppula on July 30, 2022 at 12:15 AM

    Yes I would like to know about how god can use me for his work

    • scottpauley on August 6, 2022 at 9:09 AM

      He will if you will yield to Him.

  12. kay on September 14, 2022 at 12:54 AM

    The church I attend never offer salvation, or do out reach , just preaching and conferences. Is this Good?

    • scottpauley on September 14, 2022 at 2:27 PM

      New Testament churches must give themselves to the gospel. We believe this work should be evident both in the gatherings of the church and through the outreach in the community. Pray and talk to your pastor. See what you can do to help get the gospel out and encourage evangelistic work in your church. It has to start with someone!

  13. Roy comulog on January 14, 2023 at 5:21 AM

    I need more of this, for soul winning thsnk you

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