4 Stages In A Prayer Meeting January 25, 2021


Recently I saw where a prominent Christian leader suggested that perhaps this would be a good time for churches to begin having prayer meetings again. The real question is: why did we ever stop having them at all? Even the churches that advertise a weekly “prayer meeting” typically do more talking about prayer or rehearsing of prayer requests than actual praying.

When believers are not living in an attitude of prayer it is difficult to get them excited about the action of prayer. The loss of the prayer closet has caused the death of the prayer meeting, because corporate prayer has no power when we are never alone with the Lord. Public prayers become cliche, stiff, and formal when we have not recently been in His presence. Even times of stillness and silence feel awkward when we are thinking more about who is around us than who is above us.

Yes, true prayer meetings are increasingly rare and rarely well attended in our day. Yet the first church was empowered in a prayer meeting…indeed, every church that has ever made a difference has been built upon prayer! When God’s people get serious about prayer they begin to see the power of God at work. 

Return to dedicated seasons of prayer yourself and then see how you can begin a prayer meeting with others. What would happen if hundreds of revival prayer groups sprung up around our world at this critical hour?

There are four stages in a prayer meeting. Use this as a pattern for your time together…

  1. Confession: We cannot pray when there is sin separating us from the One to whom we are praying (Isaiah 59:2)! Prayer meetings should not begin with us talking to one another or praying about what we want – they should begin with each individual talking to God directly and getting thoroughly clean before Him. Agree with God about your sin. Call it by name and call it what God calls it in His Word. This is the only way to come to a holy God. Confession always precedes communion. Begin your time of prayer by confessing who you are, who He is, and who you are in Him.
  2. Consecration: Dedicate yourself afresh and your time of prayer to the Lord who knows everything. Personal surrender is key to effective prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to control your thoughts and guide your prayers into what God wants (Romans 8:26).
  3. Communion: Take time to worship God. Encourage people to spend time thanking Him for answers to prayer and praising Him for who He is. All of our requests are to be made “with thanksgiving” (Philippians 4:6).
  4. Communication: Now that we have truly entered God’s holy presence and come into conscious fellowship with Him we can begin to communicate our needs to Him. Be specific. Concentrate on definite requests and, most importantly, on spiritual needs.

There is nothing this nation needs more at this moment than a return to prayer. According to Psalm 106:23 this was the condition in Israel as well, “Therefore he said that he would destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath, lest he should destroy them.” One intercessor, one prayer saved four million people. What could our prayers do?

Watch a brief session on “How To Lead A Revival Prayer Meeting” here.

Some people are taking the Revival Praying book and study guide and beginning prayer groups. Visit revivalpraying.com for helpful resources.

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  1. Delbert Hawley on January 26, 2021 at 12:27 PM

    Beautiful and wonderful instructions for we as believers if we would only heed the instructions given us by a true man of God. Thank you Brother Scott

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