
Did you know there is only one verse in the Bible that has the word eternity? Similar terms like everlasting and eternal are used frequently, but the Holy Spirit reserved the word eternity for one passage in Isaiah 57:15:

For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

The prophet connects eternity to the highest and the lowest. God inhabits eternity…and God has made a way for sinful man to come into a relationship with Him for eternity. I have preached several times on this amazing text and have yet to exhaust it. You never reach the end of eternity! (You may listen to the full length Bible message “Eternity” here.)

While preaching in Australia, I was reacquainted with the story of Arthur Stace. This man was passionate about helping as many people as possible think about eternity. Over 500,000 times he wrote that simple and profound word around Sydney. The man now known as Mr. Eternity was used of God to make many consider their eternal destiny.

Our generation is consumed with time – controlled by it. Yet very few ever pause long enough to really reflect on eternity. This is why I wrote a newly released piece of gospel literature on the subject. Our new tract tells the story of Arthur Stace and examines what the Bible says about:

  • The eternal God
  • Man’s eternal soul
  • Two eternal destinations – Heaven and Hell
  • The only way to eternal life

It is my prayer that, like Arthur Stace, we can help many people stop and consider eternity. Would you help us? One piece of gospel literature, one word, can open a conversation about spiritual truth.

Through a partnership with Faithworks Media, the Eternity tract is now available at a bulk rate, and it can be personalized for your local church. Pastors who would like to order the tract may do so at a 15% discount if ordered before December 1. Use the promo code EnjoyingTheJourney to receive the special rate on your order. You may visit our ETJ store for more details or to place an order.

The Gospel is timeless because it is the revelation of the eternal love of God. Even in the terrible days of the Tribulation age to come, we are told that the Lord will send an angel to preach “the everlasting gospel” (Revelation 14:6). The good news of Jesus and the grace of God is the only thing that will outlive this world.

It is our privilege and responsibility to preach the everlasting gospel now. The truth of eternity affects time and decisions made in time will affect eternity. Consider this: there are only two eternal things on earth – the Word of God and the souls of men. We have the privilege of connecting the two. May God use you to make a difference where you are for eternity.

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