A Brand New Series Of Bible Messages Now Available August 20, 2019


When I was a student in college, Dr. Frank Sells once challenged us to choose a “life book” – a book of the Bible to immerse ourselves in and to hide in our hearts. That book became the New Testament letter of Philippians for me. It has for many years served as both an anchor to keep me from drifting and a prod to move me forward. 

Over time the truth of “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice” (Philippians 4:4) became the ministry emphasis of “Enjoying The Journey.” We all preach and teach out of the overflow of what God is teaching us. I love sharing with others the reality of joy that is found in Jesus Christ alone.

Some time ago it was my privilege to bring a series of messages from this rich portion of Scripture, and now I am excited to pass them along to you. This new cd set includes six messages from Philippians and an audio book that we recorded of the book of Philippians. My hope is that, in addition to the Bible messages, you will enjoy listening to the Scriptures again and again and that this portion of God’s Word will minister to you as it has to my life. It is a great book for memorization and meditation. It is definitely a book for application.

There are two ways to get this preaching series:

Option 1: You may order directly from Faithworks Media. Our friends at Faithworks Media have produced the set and will continue to stock this resource. The cost is $25. Release date on the set is September 1 but you may pre-order now and they will ship directly to you as soon as they are available.

Option 2: For the next two weeks we wanted to do something special for our friends. We would like to send the Enjoying The Journey series to anyone who makes a tax-deductible donation to our ministry between now and September 1. These gifts will be used to advance the gospel message and help us continue developing the podcast, radio ministry, and other helpful resources. Simply make your gift at enjoyingthejourney.org/invest and we will ship the set to you as soon as they are available.  We deeply appreciate whatever God leads you to do and thank you for having a part in this work.

I look forward to getting these messages to as many hearts and homes as possible and hope you will help me pass them on! Praying that God will help you to enjoy the journey today…

Your friend,

Scott Pauley

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