A Man Like Us In Times Like Ours October 11, 2024


Elijah | A Man Like Us In Times Like Ours

These are days of political turmoil, economic uncertainty, natural disasters, moral confusion, social unrest, and spiritual lethargy. “It’s never been like this before!” Actually, it has. 

The historical books of the Bible are a tremendous reminder of the wicked times of previous generations and the men and women who stood faithfully for truth in the midst of them. Enter Elijah

Elijah was a man like us in times like ours. We know he was a man like us because the New Testament tells us that this man of prayer was “a man subject to like passions as we are” (James 5:17). I don’t know about you, but that encourages me! 

We also know from a study of Israel in his day that he lived in times like ours. Ahab and Jezebel ruled the land and sin ruled the culture. Yet in spite of this spiritual opposition, God used him to make a difference in his nation.

You can read the Biblical record of the prophet Elijah in 1 Kings 17-19 and 2 Kings 1-2. The biographical account is just a few chapters – a reminder that each of our lives are a short story, but the contribution of his life continues to impact us today. As I have meditated on this Spirit inspired example, my faith has been encouraged and my hope has been increased.

Study the Life of Elijah

For the next several weeks I would like to share several observations with you from the life of this Old Testament prophet and pass on some present day applications that we all could use at this time. Elijah was a man like us in times like ours. Most of all, he served the same God we serve – the God who never changes.

Truth is not “old” and it is not “new.” It is eternal, and it is for us. Join me Monday as we begin our journey with Elijah to Cherith, Zarephath, Carmel, Jezreel, Beersheba, Horeb, Damascus, and eventually to Heaven in a chariot of fire. It is going to be quite a trip and there is so much truth for us to learn along the way. I look forward to studying the Word of God with you.

The view from Mount Carmel, Mount Carmel Israel

Our view from Mount Carmel during our last tour.

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