A Mother’s Day Meditation: “The Law Of Thy Mother” May 13, 2018


Proverbs opens with a father speaking to his son and closes with a mother speaking to her son. Children need the influence and instruction of both dad and mom. In the first chapter of this book of wisdom Solomon wrote, “My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother” (Proverbs 1:8).

I am thinking today of many things that my father has instructed me in. But as we approach Mother’s Day I have returned again to this beautiful phrase, “the law of thy mother.” Mother’s have laws for sure! And they know how to enforce them.

Yet the greatest laws are not laid down in words but in actions. Life teaches more than lips. Works more than words.

My mother’s law in a word is kindness. Those who know my mother know that she is a gracious, loving person. That is not just true in public; it is true in private. She was at home the same gentle soul that others saw at church. Yes, she could be stern. (Man, do I have some stories!) But even her firmness was coupled with kindness.

That is interesting because in the last chapter of Proverbs we find this description of the virtuous woman: “in her tongue is the law of kindness” (Proverbs 31:26). The law of thy mother. Law is not a negative thing. It is a positive one. It influences a child all of his life and guides the home at every stage.

I am grateful to God for my mother. And I am more grateful than ever for her law.

They say that young men tend to marry someone that is much like their mother. I don’t know about all of that, but I do know that God gave me in Tammy the same kind of kind, gentle, loving soul that I saw in my mother. Unlike her husband, she always seems to speak in a kind tone. I hope our children are learning her law.

Try to identify one law your mother gave you and give God thanks for both her and for that truth. If your mother is still alive, thank her too! And determine to pass on that law to your children.

This coming Lord’s day let’s determine to fulfill this verse: “Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her” (Proverbs 31:28). Thank God for kind mothers.

Read more about honoring mom here.

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