For the last thirty-three years my dad has faithfully served as the pastor of Cranberry Baptist Church in Beckley, West Virginia. He and my mother have labored tirelessly to reach the lost and minister to God’s people. Next month dad is retiring from the pastorate and beginning a new season of life and ministry. We will have more to say in the days ahead, but we deeply appreciate you praying for them as they follow the Lord in this next step.
The church voted unanimously on Sunday to call Kevin Cormican, who has been serving with my dad, as the next pastor. Our family is thrilled about the future of our home church and so very grateful to be sent out of this local assembly. Below is an open letter from dad that will share more of his heart. I am most grateful that they are finishing this God-given assignment well and passing the baton in an exemplary way. He and mom will be traveling and available to help other pastors and churches beginning in September. I know they will continue to be greatly used in the work of the Lord in the days ahead. – SP
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Congratulations, brother Roger and sister Marcia On your retirement may God bless you and continue to Guide You
Wow , am so amazed by the story. May God reachly bless you and the all family. I am Andrew katende the senor pastor of Trinity’s love ministries int Uganda. I would like to have a zoom meeting and get connected to know more about this ministry as I introduce you to our congregation as well. Hope to ear more from you , God bless
Congratulations Pastor on a job well done!
from: Ben & Wendy
This is Brother Roger Pauley…
Loves the Lord…
Loves and cherishes his bride…
Loves his son and daughter with honor as targeted arrows from his quiver for God’s call…
Loves his son and daughter in law as treasures…
Loves his grands and greats…
Loves his family…(even Janet when she is picking on him)
Loves his Church family and has laid out his life for them.
Loves others first…and last…
Loves the Word and lives it…
He is my mentor and true friend…
George Webb