A Scripture for 2018 January 2, 2018

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Many of us have made definite commitments to give renewed attention to God’s Word in the new year. For me, that means something different every year. I try not to use the same reading schedule or plan. This keeps the routine from becoming a rut and helps me to approach it with fresh expectancy.

I offer my plan for this year to you in the hope that some idea might encourage you in your own time in God’s Word…

God led me to Psalm 119 for 2018. It is the longest psalm in the Bible. 174 of the 176 verses specifically reference the truth of God’s Word. And yet, I have discovered that this psalm seems to cover the gamut of life. It deals with relationships, thoughts, words, and a host of other issues.

God’s Word was meant to guide and guard every area of my life!

This year I am taking one verse a day. My goal is not reading; it is meditation. I want to think and pray through this psalm one verse at a time. What I really desire is for this psalm to read me! And indeed it is doing just that – its Author knows me very well.

I am writing out my daily verse in a small journal and using that same journal to record daily prayer requests. In this way, the Scripture is connected to my prayers for myself and for others.

We won’t all use the same reading plan this year…we probably shouldn’t. God has a personal path for each of us to walk with Him. But the principles may all be applied by us all:

  • Choose a definite passage to give special attention to.
  • Limit yourself to the amount of Scripture you can meditate on. (The goal is not chapters – it is to hear the voice of God.)
  • Record what God speaks to you about. Writing out the very words of Scripture will help you to see things in the verse you may not observe through a casual reading.
  • Meditate on the truth throughout the day. Look at it again. Think on it. Ask questions and apply truths.
  • Allow God’s Word to lead you to prayer. My dad told me as a boy that there were three talks I should have every day: talk to God, let God talk to you, and talk about Him. Do this with the Scriptures! Let God speak to you from them, talk to Him about them, and then share them with others.

I would love to hear how God has led you and how you are approaching God’s Word right now! What is your Scripture for 2018?

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  1. Tara E Mclaughlin on January 2, 2018 at 8:02 AM

    I have a personal renewed desire to reach children this year for Christ. I know this is not regarding scripture reading, however, The Lord spoke to my heart about this need while at a church meeting in Florida. I also have a plan to go on visitation twice weekly. Although I regularly witness, I do not have a set time to do so weekly. I have chosen Tues and Thurs unless The Lord changes this. I live in a rural area and do not have anyone to go with. The Lord knows all of this. Please pray for fruit, safety and continued strength as I engage others in rural Maine.

    • Scott Pauley on January 6, 2018 at 6:39 PM

      Praying with you about what the Lord has put on your heart. May God give you souls this year!

  2. Samantha Bell on January 2, 2018 at 9:58 AM

    This is such a good idea! I am definitely going to pray for the Spirit’s leading as to what passage I should go to. The verse for me this year is, “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.” James 4:8a

  3. Donald Sculley on January 2, 2018 at 11:29 AM

    Great idea. Last year I determined to read every book of the Bible all the way through in one sitting. Psalms took a special day. It was a challenge, but reading some of the longer books in one sitting was a unique blessing. Keep on for the Lord Jesus Christ!

    • Scott Pauley on January 6, 2018 at 6:38 PM

      That is a tremendous idea! I just read Hosea through today on a flight and what a blessing it was. Maybe I need to take your challenge! God bless.

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