A Simple Idea for Families June 27, 2017

Scott Pauley

Families are busier than they have ever been. One of the most challenging things to do as a spouse or parent is consistently read the Bible with your family. I must confess that I feel I have failed in this area more often than I have succeeded. We have done better at certain seasons than at others, but I want to be more diligent in putting the Word of God into our hearts and home.

Pastor Sexton instructed us that a Christian home has more to do with what you put into it than what you take out of it. In one of the classic passages on the family the Heavenly Father reminds us that a key element in home building is His Word:

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord (Colossians 3:16).

A good home is not just about where we dwell. It is about the Word of God dwelling in us!

Are the Scriptures prominent in your conversations? Is the Bible used in your home? Does the Word of God have its rightful place at your house?

Recently God led us to do something with our family. I share it with you in the hope that it may be of some help in your home as well. Each day we adopt a “family Bible verse.”

The verse of Scripture is chosen by a different family member each day from their own Bible reading. This encourages each of us to be faithful to God’s Word personally. The kids have enjoyed sharing a verse with us and I have been encouraged to see the verses that have spoken to them.

We use a group text to share the verse with one another and then try to refer to it throughout the day. Over dinner we have some conversation about why the family member chose that verse and how we all could apply it.

A verse a day won’t keep the devil away…but it will help you be more prepared when he comes! Arm yourself, your spouse, and your children with “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17).

We all have a long way to go, and only the Bible can help us to get there. Choosing a family Bible verse each day will encourage accountability and spiritual interactions with each member of your family. Allow the Word of God to live at your house!

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