A Word for 2018 January 3, 2018


There is power in one word from God. I hold a personal conviction that the very words and every word of Scripture are given by inspiration of God. They have been preserved for us. Every word.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable…” (2 Timothy 3:16).

“…It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word the proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

One word from God’s Word is so full of power and potential that if understood and applied it can change a person forever. Many words have been used by the Holy Spirit in this way in my life. From time to time God puts one word on my mind in a definite way. This is never by accident…

The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd” (Ecclesiastes 12:11).

Our Good Shepherd uses words to prod us to action (goads) or to fasten something down in our heart (nails).

The word God has put on my heart for this year is the word “worship.” I want to be a true worshipper but am ashamed that so many days I have failed to truly worship God. I want to lead my family to worship God. I long to teach others the joy of worshipping the Lord.

And so I am taking this word as my word to study and apply in 2018. I have started by examining the first time the word is used in the Bible in Genesis 22. Already the Holy Spirit is showing me so many rich truths!

How wonderful is one word from God! In an age of so much confusion over worship, only the Lord can teach us what He wants from His worshippers. I am excited about what the Lord has to say to me this year.

Is there some word from the Scriptures that God is using in your life? What is your word for the year?

If you don’t have one, ask the Lord to lead you to one today! Adopt a word from God and apply it to your life.

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  1. CHARLIE SCOTT on January 4, 2018 at 9:42 PM

    Thank you for the challenge. I am praying for the Lord to lead me to the WORD He has for me in 2018.

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