Beyond Bethlehem December 18, 2020


I do love Christmas. While there are so many enjoyable aspects to this time of year, we must never forget that, for a Christian, every holiday should be a holy day and every celebration an opportunity to worship. You see, the reality is: I do love Christ. He has changed my life and eternal destiny!

There is a danger in being detoured by the secularization of the season, but there is also a pitfall in getting bogged down in only one part of the story. The manger, the stable, the star, the shepherds…all of this is just the beginning. In the words of the iconic radio commentator Paul Harvey, you have to get “the rest of the story.” We must go beyond Bethlehem.

  • Go beyond Bethlehem to Galilee and you will know the beautiful love and incomparable power of the God-man.
  • Go beyond Bethlehem to Gethsemane and you will hear the humble cry of a Son and the perfect prayer of a submissive Servant.
  • Go beyond Bethlehem to Gabbatha and you will see the torture and mockery of the Lamb of God being led to slaughter.
  • Go beyond Bethlehem to Golgotha and you will witness the suffering and sacrifice of the One who came to save sinners from their sins.
  • Go beyond Bethlehem to a Grave and you will observe both the complete submission of Jesus and the conquering power of Christ.
  • Go beyond Bethlehem to His Glory and you will find the authority and access of the ascended, and soon coming, King of kings and Lord of lords.

In your celebration of Christmas don’t forget to go beyond Bethlehem. That’s what Christ did.

Rainbow in Bethlehem

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  1. Brett Houston on December 19, 2020 at 11:42 AM

    Such a great reminder to share with everyone the real reason for Christmas. Not just celebrating the birth of Christ, but also the life, death, and his victorious resurrection. Thank you Bro. Pauley

    • Scott Pauley on December 21, 2020 at 11:34 AM

      Thank you my friend. Merry Christmas to you all!

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