Christmas in Heaven? December 20, 2014

There is a well-known song that imagines what Christmas must be like in Heaven.  In truth, Heaven is one endless season of joy.  In that beautiful place the wonder of Christmas does not come just once a year.  Years are not counted in that city; it is one endless day – one continuing celebration!

At this season I think of my grandparents more than ever.  There was no place quite like Grandma’s house for Christmas.  They are all with the Lord now.  Perhaps it is fitting that we think of Heaven more at this time of the year when home is so very precious.

There are many things we do not know for sure about Heaven.  Based on Scripture’s description of that celestial city, there are a few things I believe are going on in Heaven this Christmas…

  • The angelic choirs are still singing the glory of God.
  • Wise men and poor shepherds, saved sinners from every spectrum, are still worshiping the One who came for them.
  • Peace and good will, occasionally seen on earth, are constantly enjoyed there.
  • The Son of God is no longer in a humble manger but on an eternal throne.
  • The most important name there is that name above every name – “thou shalt call his name Jesus.”

Heaven is home.  Someday soon all of God’s family will be home for Christmas!  Christ will return for us and we will spend all eternity celebrating the second coming of our Savior.

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Friends From Gath


  1. Tim Hammond on December 24, 2018 at 12:18 PM

    Scott, first of all Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!
    Thanks for sharing this today. It came at a good time for me.
    Ten years ago today my dad was buried on Christmas Eve. I had prayed for many years that dad would get saved and those prayers seemed to be going no where. That is until God’s Perfect Timing, dad was saved in the hospital a few months before his death. I saw his life change before my eyes. Those last few months were some of the hardest in my life and yet some of the very best days.
    I can still remember dad asking me to read to him from the Bible by his bedside, him telling his brother that he had been saved, our conversations were now different. There are so many things I could write here but will save that for another time
    On his death bed he taught me so much. As he pointed up and smiled and took his last breath I knew he had just seen God.
    Merry Christmas Scott, I love and appreciate you.

    • Scott Pauley on December 27, 2018 at 11:46 PM

      I appreciate so much you sharing this. God bless you dear friend!

  2. Mrs. J. Carrol Jones on December 24, 2018 at 3:15 PM

    Amen! Bro. Pauley!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family

    • Scott Pauley on December 27, 2018 at 11:45 PM

      Thank you! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. God bless you and the family.

  3. Judy Hutcherson on January 11, 2019 at 7:40 PM

    I was waiting for my daughter and had BBN on the radio. I loved your sermon – will be listening
    every day now. Thank you.

    • Scott Pauley on January 12, 2019 at 12:48 PM

      I’m so glad! Thanks for joining us. God bless you.

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