Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

Not Good
After creating everything and deeming it good, God saw Adam's lack of companionship and said, "It is not good that the man should be alone." Marriage is God's design and desire. Tune in to discover the purpose of marriage.

The First Command
When the Lord says "no," it is not because He is trying to keep something good from you. Rather, it is because He is trying to keep something bad from you. God's prohibitions are accompanied by His provisions. God wants what is best for you!

Don’t Forget Where You Came From
When you discover the origin of man, you can discern the objective of man. While God spoke other things into existence, He formed man with His own hands. Pause today and put your life back in His hands.

God’s Stewardship Accounting Principles (Pt. 1)
Christians are stewards of the greatest thing in the world. We are stewards of the revealed truth of God. For a time, these truths were unknown, but praise God, He has made them known to us! Listen to part one to discover a great investment opportunity the Lord has given His children.

Start Fresh
Adam's first full day on earth was a designated day of rest with God. God did not give Adam any work to do until he first learned to rest in the Lord. in As we rest, God encourages and equips us for a fresh start in His work.

Did you know the Lord built into creation a daily reminder that He is God, and we are not? This reminder is rest. Be reminded from today's episode of our need to be refreshed.

A Lesson for Laborers
From the very beginning, work has been linked to rest. Rest can be just as much of a discipline as work is. This great rest is not leisure; it is resting contentedly in the Lord. Come unto Jesus today and claim this rest.

The Stewardship of Life
Stewardship extends into every facet of life. God owns everything He's given us, and we are answerable to Him for those things. Live every day in light of your personal accountability to God.

Divine Purpose
Mankind was not only made to bear God's image, but we were also made to labor with Him. Our Creator has designed and assigned tasks for all of us. Learn more about this divine purpose as we continue our series, "Finding a New Beginning."

The Discipleship of Stewardship
Discipleship is not a series of lessons. It is the whole Christian life! Salvation is just the beginning of all Christ desires for His followers. Purpose today to pursue Jesus and point others to Him.

Blessed from the Beginning
From the beginning, God's intent for mankind was blessing. God made you in His image to reflect His glory and live in His goodness. As we study the crown of God's creation, don't miss why God made you!

It Was So and It Was Good
As you read through the creation account in Genesis, remember that it is not just a book of information, but it is a book of revelation. Discover in today's episode the power and wisdom of our great Creator.

Your New Start
Do you ever feel overlooked by the world? The Creator of the universe sees you. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by darkness? The Light of the world can divide the darkness from your life. Allow God to apply the first day of creation to your life through today's study!

The First Day
Imagine witnessing the first day of creation! In the emptiness and darkness, God moved and spoke. If you want a new beginning, or if you want order in the midst of chaos, yield to the work of the Spirit and get into the Word of God.

Beginning Truth
Someone has rightly said, "The Christian life is a series of new beginnings." Sin will always bring you to a dead end. God brings you to open doors. As we begin a new series from the first eleven chapters of Genesis, take advantage of the new beginning God is offering you today!

The Fellowship of Stewardship
What is your relationship to Christ’s church? Being members of the same heavenly family, Christians should not wait until they get to heaven to fellowship with one another! Listen to this episode of the weekend pulpit to hear about your individual responsibility in God’s family.

The Final Redemption
The moment you trust Jesus, your spirit is saved. Progressively throughout life, your soul is being delivered from the power of sin. Eventually, your body will be redeemed from the very presence of sin. Tune into our last episode of "God's Redemption Timeline."

Eternity’s Hymn
Would you like to know what we will sing someday at the worship meeting around the throne? Heaven's song is a song of redemption. Jump into the book of Revelation and begin rehearsing eternity's hymn.

Nothing But the Blood of Jesus
What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! Apart from the bloodshed of Christ, we could never be redeemed. Learn from today's episode about the essential nature of the blood.

Why Christ Redeemed You
Jesus Christ does not come into your life to leave you like you are! We are redeemed to enter into all that God has for us. Study the book of Titus and allow this theory to become a reality.

Divine Visitation and Redemption
Christ's short visit made an eternal impact. It was during His time on earth that Jesus redeemed His people. Learn from today's episode how your eternal redemption can cause a daily change in your life!

The Rest of the Story
Did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead to stop Mary and Martha from crying? Did He do it to stop people from mocking Him? He raised Lazarus for the same reason He gives believers new life, to point others to Him! Join us as we dive into "The Rest of the Story."