Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

Gospel, God's Redemption Timeline

“I Have Bought All”

Ruth 4:3-10
Ruth is a book of romance and redemption. Through Boaz, a beautiful type of Jesus, we are reminded of Christ's right, ability, and desire to redeem us. Join us as we continue our study of "God's Redemption Timeline."
Gospel, God's Redemption Timeline

God’s Might and Mercy

Exodus 6:6, 15:13
Redemption reveals something to us about who God is and what God wants. God is mighty enough to save anyone, yet He is also merciful enough that He longs to save everyone. Study "God's Redemption Timeline" with us from the book of Exodus!
Gospel, God's Redemption Timeline

It’s a Covenant!

Genesis 15:6-18
Redemption is solely an act of God. Although we have nothing to do with the task of redemption, we are the target of God's redemption. Discover in today's study a beautiful Old Testament picture of a New Testament truth.
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Don’t Miss Jesus

John 10:19-30
As we go through Christmas season, the temptation is to miss what Christ is doing in the world today. In every time and season, God is at work, and you miss Jesus, you've missed it all.
Gospel, God's Redemption Timeline

An Ancient Cry and a Modern Need

Job 19:23-26; 33:24
Even in the oldest chronological book of the Bible, Job, we find God's great work of redemption. Years later since this book was penned, man's great need remains the same. Praise God, our need-meeting Redeemer lives!
Gospel, God's Redemption Timeline

The First Mention of a Savior

Genesis 3:15
All promises of God culminate in the person of Christ, and there is no greater promise than the promise of redemption. Study this first mention of the Savior today to learn a lasting truth!
Gospel, God's Redemption Timeline

From the Foundation of the World

1 Peter 1:20
Did you know God made preparation for our redemption before He created the world? His great purpose was that we would be redeemed and become more like our Redeemer. In today's study, we find out what our part is in God's redemptive plan.
Gospel, God's Redemption Timeline

The Greatest Story in the World

Revelation 13:8
From the very beginning of time, our eternal God had planned the redemption of mankind. The payment Christ made on the cross was not some emergency plan! Tune in for the first episode of a brand new series, "God's Redemption Timeline."
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Finishing with Joy!

Philippians 4:17-23
The Christian life is to be a joyful journey from start to finish. A final look at the closing verses of Philippians reveals powerful promises that we can claim. "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."
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The Secret Principle

Matthew 5:14-15
Every evil fruit grows in the soil of unforgiveness. When we withhold forgiveness, God withholds His blessings. As we conclude our study of the model prayer, choose to be a forgiven person who forgives others.
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How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 7

Philippians 4:14-16
As we conclude our study of How to Stay Happy in Jesus, we are challenged to live a life of selflessness. In a world full of takers, choose this moment to be a giver.
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How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 6

Philippians 4:10-13
A happy life is a life consciously lived in the presence of Jesus. It's in His presence that we are reminded of God's perfect provision. Tune in to today's episode as we continue our study through Philippians.
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How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 5

Philippians 4:10-13
God is not bound by our circumstances. No wonder Paul was able to be content in a prison cell! Listen to today's study to find out another key to contentment.
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How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 4

Philippians 4:8-9
As we continue our study of being happy in Jesus, we realize the necessity of staying content in Christ. Learn today how to be satisfied with God's sufficiency.
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How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 3

Philippians 4:5-7
A key to staying happy in Jesus is being prayerful. Prayer brings all of life into the presence of God, and His presence brings His peace. Learn from this episode the benefit of bringing everything to the Lord.
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The Secrets of Prayer

Matthew 6:8-13
We come this weekend to a classic passage on prayer. So often, we are the origin and object of our prayers. Learn today how getting a proper perspective of God can purify your prayer life.
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How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 2

Philippians 4:1-4
If you want to stay right with your Heavenly Father, you must stay right with His children. As we continue our study, we find staying happy in Jesus requires unity with other Christians.
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How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 1

Philippians 4:4
The great challenge in life is not finding joy, but keeping it! The Lord gives a prescription for a life of joy. Learn these open secrets to happy days.
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Taking the Next Step, Part 5

Philippians 3:20-21
Someday, you will take your last step on earth and your first step into eternity. In this episode, we learn to take every step living for that last step.
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Taking the Next Step, Part 4

Philippians 3:17-19
To take the next step, we must take proven steps. Proven steps are ones made by other Christians who direct us to the Lord. Learn from today's episode the importance of spiritual influence.
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Taking the Next Step, Part 3

Philippians 3:15-16
Frequently in Scripture, two things which seem to be opposite work together. Discover in this episode how God wants us to take new steps while still taking the same steps.
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The Secret Place

Matthew 6:5-8
We begin studying some of the Lord Jesus' prayer secrets. Open your Bible to Matthew 6 for this week's Weekend Pulpit.
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Taking the Next Step, Part 2

Philippians 3:10-14
A step Christians should take every day is one toward personal fellowship with Jesus Christ. Hear today how important it is to intentionally walk with the Lord.
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Taking the Next Step, Part 1

Philippians 3:10-14
Every believer is stuck at the last place they refused to take the next step of obedience to God. What is the next step and how do we take it? God's Word answers these questions and gives guidance for the journey.