Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes


Questions, Criticism, and Persecution

Acts 21:21-40
As we come to the end of Acts 21, Paul is facing tough questions, harsh criticism, and trying persecutions. What is the Apostle's response? Paul simply declared what Christ had done in his own life.

What God Hath Wrought!

Acts 21:15-20
Sometimes we forget that God is the One who works through us. Wouldn't it be great if we lived such lives that others must confess that God has done a wonderful work? Let us speak boldly of what God has done!

The Will of the Lord Be Done.

Acts 21:10-14
When you die to self, the fear of the future no longer binds you. When you are surrendered to God's leading for your life, you can rest in His perfect will for you. No matter what may come, the will of the Lord be done.
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After the Altar

Genesis 12:7-8
God brings all of us to places of surrender to Him. However, these times at the altar are not the endpoint, but the beginning. God has so much more for you than one decision. Discover what God's Word teaches about "After the Altar."

Our Greatest Work

Acts 21:8-9
God has given all of us work to do. Sometimes it changes forms and locations. However, in the midst of all that change and labor, we must never forget our greatest work - living for Christ in our own homes. Learn more about our greatest work on today's broadcast.

Goodbyes Are Hard

Acts 20:26-21:7
If you've ever had to leave a place you love, you understand how difficult it can be. Yet, for the believer, it is also an opportunity for the grace of God to shine through.

A Word to the Local Church – Part 2

Acts 20:31-36
Many believers are going through difficulties. You never know how God wants to use you in your local church to encourage others. Listen today to discover some practical ways the Lord wants you to be involved in your church.

A Word to the Local Church – Part 1

Acts 20:28-31
Today and tomorrow we will seek to understand some important truths Christ wants for His people to know. The church belongs to God, not man; God has a specific plan and purpose for your church, get involved!

Finish Well

Acts 20:24-27
Many people start so well; yet, we all know those who have fallen along the way. The beginning can be easy, but finishing well is difficult. In Acts 20, we find 3 keys to finishing life as God would have us finish!
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The Most High God

Genesis 14:17-22
When confronted with many false gods, Abraham was faithful to the Most High God. When confronted by earthly power, he would declare his dependence on the Lord! We are continuing our study of the faith of Abraham and Sarah..

7 Ways I Would Like to Be Known

Acts 20:24
All of us will be remembered in some way. What about you? In Acts 20:24 we see 7 ways to be remembered as Christians. Determine, by God’s grace, to have these 7 ingredients in your own life.


Acts 20:19-23
God is always seeking to make you more like Christ. Today we see how God works to bring humility into the life of the believer. Allow God to work in you, and serve Him with a humble heart!

Long Days and Long Nights

Acts 20:8-18
Are you growing weary? We are so often overwhelmed by the troubles of life and the tasks around us. Take heart! God is faithful in the midst of it all; determine to stay faithful to Him!

Developing Disciples

Acts 19:35-20:7
God desires to have true disciples of the Lord Jesus. Do you want to develop a disciple of Christ? Show the love of God to them, exhort them, invest your time in them, fellowship with them, and faithfully preach the Truth to them.

Religious Rage

Acts 19:21-34
In Ephesus, Paul found greed, wrath, anger, confusion, and mob mentality. Does this not sound like our world today? This is what a lost world will always have. The answer for this raging time is the truth and love of God!
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The Lord and Me

Genesis 11:31-12;4
This week, we begin a new series on the lives of Abraham and Sarah. Studying this remarkable couple will do your soul great good. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley to learn how essential it is to have your own encounter with God.

God Always Wins

Acts 19:13-20
In a time of confusion, idolatry, and wickedness, the Word of God will still prevail. The Word of God alone will make the difference. Will you pray today that God's Word will mightily grow and prevail in your life?

A Beachhead for the Gospel

Acts 19:1-12
The Church at Ephesus was used by God to reach all over Asia Minor. The testimony of that church serves to challenge all churches to be a beachhead for the gospel in their community. There is no telling how greatly God will use it!

The Difference One Couple Can Make

Acts 18:25-28
Have you considered how God wants to use you as a couple or as a family today? Priscilla and Aquila were mightily used by God in their day! Listen to how they allowed God to direct their lives together for His glory.

He Continued

Acts 18:11-24
This is no time to give up the battle. There are so many things to do for God and His glory. This is the day to keep advancing for God. It may be difficult, but just keep moving forward - continue!  

Resting in the Presence of God

Acts 18:1-10
In Acts 18, the Apostle Paul experienced a season of spiritual opposition and warfare. Yet, in the midst of it all, Paul found rest in the Lord. Are you in a battle today? Learn to find your rest in Christ.
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The Heart of A Faithful Father by Tom Odom

Luke 15
Join us this week for a powerful sermon on our wonderful, faithful Father. Pastor Tom Odom brings this stirring message from Luke 15.

The God They Do Not Know

Acts 17:24-34
While Paul was in Athens, he faced complete ignorance about Jesus. Paul simply began where God begins. He taught them who Jesus is and about their responsibility to Him! Find opportunities to share Christ with those who do not know!

While You Are Waiting…

Acts 17:16-23
If God has you in a time of waiting, it is not a time to waste on the temporal. Waiting times are gospel times! There are people around you hungry to know the Truth! Invest these moments in eternity!