Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

Encouraging the Fallen
All of us have failed the Lord and others. Who around you has fallen and needs encouragement? Be a Barnabas, and look to lift up someone that God has placed in your path.

Encouraging the Preacher
The pastor encourages the church body, but who encourages the pastor? We see in Acts 13 that Barnabas was a blessing to God’s servant. Make it your business to minister to the leaders God has placed in your life through both your prayers and encouragement.

Encouraging the Church
Every Christian is in need of encouragement in their life. The joy of the Lord is meant to be shared. Join us as we look at how Barnabas shared the love of God with the people around him.

My Favorite Prayer
How well do you know the Lord's Prayer? If your mind goes to Matthew 6, you're in the wrong place. The true prayer of Christ is found in John 17 - here we discover that Christ is praying you and for me. Join evangelist Scott Pauley for this first message on "The Lord's Prayer."

Encouraging the New Believer
Every time we find Barnabas in the book of Acts he is obeying the prompting of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 9, he is encourager a new believer — through his ministry, he gives us several steps we can also use to encourage new believers. Pray that the Lord will make you more like brother Barnabas and choose to encourage someone today!

Encouraging the Needy
Today we are stepping out of chronological order to study the message of Barnabas’s life. He was so completely given to the Lord that he viewed giving to others as an extension of what God had given to Him. We see three ways he gave, and his example teaches us how to be better encouragers to the needy.

Brother Barnabas
Barnabas was a good man filled with the Holy Spirit and a great help to the church.The only way to be a good man is by being filled with Christ. Would you pray today that the Lord would make you a Barnabas?

Praying in His Name
Have you ever wondered how many times you’ve ceased praying just before the breakthrough? The more you pray, the more you allow the Lord to work in and through you. Today we see several instances where God’s people prayed in His name and allowed Him to work in their lives.

Praising His Name
In Acts 4, we see a group of Believers praising the name of Jesus. As we study this Scripture, we discover that when you praise the Lord it not only gets Heaven’s attention, but it increases your faith to believe God for much more.

The Queen of Sheba by Michael Plowman
Are there any passages that you have struggled to understand? Join Pastor Michael Plowman to learn the powerful truths behind the misunderstood account of the Queen of Sheba.

Preaching in His Name
Sadly, today there is a great deal of preaching that ignores the person of Jesus Christ. Preaching is to lift up the name of Jesus by proclaiming His Word! This is not just for preachers though, all believers are to exalt the name of Christ to those around them!

Pardon by His Name
In two verses we are given a picture, a principle, and a promise of salvation. When Christ changed one man’s life many came to know Him. If we have been forgiven, others should hear about the Savior from us!

Persecution for His Name
The name of Jesus is a reminder to those who hate it, but to Christians, it is an identification. How you feel about His name reveals what relationship you have with Him. Do not be intimidated — proclaim Jesus Christ to those around you!

Power in His Name – Part 2
Do you love to speak the name of Jesus? His name is the only one that has the power to bring conviction and blot out your sins. Take the challenge to share Jesus Christ with someone today!

Power in His Name – Part 1
The name of Jesus Christ is the only name that has the power to change our eternal destiny. Today we are given two applications about the power of His name. When you are weak and tempted to speak, do not forget the mighty name of Jesus!

What We Do Know
This is the concluding message from our series "What Is Going On?" In it you will discover the real question we all must answer; the question is this: what will I do with what I know? Listen today to learn what God wants His people to know and how He expects them to live.

A Moment of Truth
Today in Scripture the Lord gives us three pictures to help us share the truth of the gospel with others. The Lord wants to use you! Apply these principles today, and see what God does through you.

An Hour of Prayer
Peter and John went to the Temple to pray after coming out of a season of great answered prayer. They demonstrate how to make every hour an hour of prayer - keep praying! Run to the Lord and commune with Him today.

A Season of Blessing
God makes every day holy! When Peter preached at Pentecost it was not about a day, but a season. God is working even on the days we consider ordinary — do not limit Him to a certain day of the week.

Having God’s Favor
The favor of God is not something you can produce or manipulate. As we trust and obey the Lord, we find favor with God and He gives favor with men. Let's observe this pattern in the early church...

4 Duties of the Church
The Book of Acts is foundational to all of the Church Age. While looking at the closing verses of Acts 2, we discover the four duties given to us. May the Lord help all His disciples fulfill the great work He has given to us!

What’s Next
No man can tell what is going to happen in the future! But as believers, we know that at any moment we could be caught up to be with Jesus. Join us this week for our 4th message from 1 Thessalonians.