Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

So What?
Until we connect the truth of the Word of God to our lives, it makes no lasting impact. The message given on the day of Pentecost still speaks to us about the work of the Spirit and our response to Him. Stop and acknowledge your own need, and then share the truth with someone else.

Peter’s First Sermon
Today we listen to Peter’s first sermon after the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Lord gives us this message as a model of New Testament preaching. His sermon on the day of Pentecost helps us consider both the past and the prospect of the future.

The Mark of New Testament Preaching
Do you know how to identify New Testament preaching? In Acts 2 we discover three simple elements that mark the preaching of the Word. May the Lord help us all to become better hearers of truth and true New Testament students!

What We Should Pray For
In a world gone wrong, what should we pray for? God gives us the answer: A growing faith, an increasing love, and deepening holiness. We should seek the Lord to stir us to be more like Christ! Join us for the third message in our study through 1 Thessalonians.

What We Know About Tongues
On Pentecost the Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to communicate in languages they did not previously know so that all people could hear the gospel. As we learn more about the miraculous sign gifts given on that day, we discover more about both God’s heart and His power.

Wind and Fire
In Acts 2 the Holy Spirit describes the day of Pentecost to us. That day will never be reproduced, but the power exhibited can be lived out in our own lives each day. We all need the fresh life-giving wind and the blazing fire of the Holy Ghost in our lives.

One in Christ
While studying the life of the disciples, we realize that true unity only comes through the Lord. The only way God’s people can have true oneness is by making it all about Christ. Stop trying to manufacture His power, and allow God to use you!

How to Find God’s Choice
As we study in the book of Acts, we find Peter leading the remaining disciples in a business meeting. Throughout this account, we are given four practical applications for finding the will of God. Trust the Lord’s leading in your life today!

What Happened to Judas?
Have you ever wondered what happened to Judas? As we study the life of one of the saddest men in history, we see how he missed the value of Jesus. Just as his life displayed, you can be in the crowd but not in God’s family.

What Matters In the End
Undoubtedly, great challenges are ahead for the people of God. So, are we to do about it? We must care for the only thing that matters in the end...the souls of men. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this 2nd message in our study: What Is Going On?

God’s Time, God’s Place, and God’s Power
In Acts 1, the Lord gives us three things that every disciple needs and an outline of His advancing work throughout history. He has given us the tools needed. Don’t miss the adventure we are on with Him!

Still Praying!
Prayer is not just for special times — it is for all times! As you continue in prayer, use the Scripture as a guide, and allow the Lord to direct your decisions. We must connect our prayer to His will.

Prayer is the faith of man put into words. In Acts 1, we find not only a prayer meeting but a season of true prayer. God desires the unity of His people— the secret to the Lord’s blessing is united prayer!

We learned the secret of waiting, but now we learn the necessity of believing. In today’s Scripture, the Lord is teaching the disciples how to wait on Him in faith. As we study three new truths, what in your own life do you need to believe God for?

Our God is the God of perfect timing. Even when it seems we are just waiting, He is at work! Come with us today as we learn three ways we should be waiting on the Lord.

What We Are Waiting On
Just as surely as Christ rose from the dead, He is coming back. This truth should affect every area of our lives! Join Scott Pauley for this first message in a series entitled, "What Is Going On?"

Pass It On!
As we study the gospel according to Luke and the book of Acts, we discover a beautiful pattern of discipleship. Two books of our New Testament reveal the testimony of Luke to Theophilus. Luke did what we all must do - pass it on!

Who Is Your Theophilus?
Who is your Theophilus? Though little is known about this man, it is obvious that Luke invested much in teaching him God's truth. Luke's example should challenge us all to find someone that we can reach and teach for Christ.

God Always Finishes What He Starts
God always finishes what He starts. He is the "author and the finisher of our faith." As we study Acts 1 we see the continuing work of Christ in His people. Rejoice today that He is still working in you!

Where It All Begins
Every good thing starts with God! From the beginning, God was at work in this world, and He is still working in our lives. When we allow Christ to work in our lives, He always brings a new beginning.

The Rest of the Story
The work the Lord did in Acts 1, is the same work He is doing now - God is advancing His purpose in the world! In this study, we learn three things about the continuing Christ. Let's look at the rest of the story...

A Love-Hate Relationship
Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this study from Psalm 119. As you begin this New Year, what will you do with the Word of God in your life and what will you let God’s Word do in you?