Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

We all go through times of difficulty along the journey, but we have One who comes along side us - the Holy Spirit! He is with us to comfort, help, and guide us. Are you sensitive to Him today?

The Truth Behind the Titles
What do you know about the Holy Spirit? As we grow in our faith, our understanding of Him broadens. Today, we are introduced to the three definite titles assigned to the Spirit of God.

Meet the Holy Spirit
Today's episode begins a new study on the Holy Spirit. As we listen to what Jesus taught, we learn that the Holy Spirit is God, and He comes to live inside of every believer. Our prayer is that you will not only come to know more about the Spirit of God living in you but that you will learn to yield to His control.

The Secrets of Prayer
In this Bible message, we not only learn the importance of how we pray but also that we can enter into the secret place at anytime. Today, ask the Lord to teach you how to pray.

Joseph and Jesus
In this final study, we see parallels between Joseph and Jesus. Studying Joseph shouldn't lead us to know him better, but should lead us to know God better. Joseph is one of the most beautiful pictures of the Lord Jesus in the Bible.

God Uses His Word
We are learning from the example of Joseph's story that God uses people. But the most important thing is that He uses His Word. God's Word is the Spirit of Truth!

God Uses Time
Today, we learn the importance of waiting on God's time. In every season of life the Lord is preparing us, but we must be willing to wait. Our Heavenly Father is always right on time!

God Uses People
God wants to use you today! The Lord is looking for teachable people, so He can speak through them into the lives of others. God wastes nothing that is put in His hands. So, will you place your life in them today?

God Uses Difficulty
God uses difficulties to draw you closer to Him. Today, we see how Joseph put his life in God's hands and allowed himself to be used for the Lord's will.

The Secret Place
What is your relationship with God in the secret place? When we worship alone with the Lord, it becomes evident in our public worship. It is not the form of prayer, it is the faith.

Staying in the Word
Today in Scripture, we see how Joseph endured the tough circumstances in his life by staying in God’s word. Although he did not have a physical copy of the Bible, he had the promises of God. Are you resting in the Lord's word?

Lifting Up Others
How do we have the continued blessings of God in our life? We must first seek to be a blessing to others. Christians should live in the presence of God so clearly that it is evident to those around them.

Leaving the Details in God’s Hands
If we want our story to end in victory, we must leave all the details of our life in God's hands. This lesson teaches us more then just giving it to God, it teaches us to leave it with Him.

Remembering Those Who Taught You
Today we realize that the prime of a believer's life is whenever they are in the center of God's will. While we are preparing for eternity, we must also be learning from the stewardship we have been given.

Living for the Last Day
Are you living today for eternity? Christians should view every day as if it were their last day on earth. Our story does not end the day we die but in eternity at the throne of God.

God Is Able by Dr. Mike Edwards
God wants to do something mighty on our behalf. His power rests on us and works in us, but we must do more than believe it. We must live it.

The Course of Blessing
In today's Scripture, we discover how to receive the Lord's blessing and relay it to those around us. As you live in the presence of God, His blessings will flow though you to others.

The Force of Blessing
All blessings come from God, and God's blessing are always abundant. Come with us as we study four divine superlatives. Make knowing God and His presence the great priority of your life.

The Source of Blessing
Today we listen to the last words of a dying man. As Jacob gives his final blessing to Joseph, we are reminded that it is God alone who is the source of all true blessing.

Family Blessings
We are not only receiving an earthly inheritance, but also an eternal inheritance from our heavenly Father. The God of the Bible is the God of blessings, and one of the biggest things He's blessed us with is the family.

Don’t Miss Jesus!
Jesus Christ is the Shepherd and He is trailing you today! In this lesson we come to see that He is also the Stone, unmovable and the solid rock on which we can always lean.

Some Things I Know for Sure
Do you want to know some things for sure? Throughout this sermon we see certainties that God teaches us in His word, and we are given a solid foundation on which to stand.