Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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The Secret Place

Matthew 6:5-15
What is your relationship with God in the secret place? When we worship alone with the Lord, it becomes evident in our public worship. It is not the form of prayer, it is the faith.
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Staying in the Word

Genesis 50:23-25
Today in Scripture, we see how Joseph endured the tough circumstances in his life by staying in God’s word. Although he did not have a physical copy of the Bible, he had the promises of God. Are you resting in the Lord's word?
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Lifting Up Others

Genesis 50:21-22
How do we have the continued blessings of God in our life? We must first seek to be a blessing to others. Christians should live in the presence of God so clearly that it is evident to those around them.
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Leaving the Details in God’s Hands

Genesis 50:14-20
If we want our story to end in victory, we must leave all the details of our life in God's hands. This lesson teaches us more then just giving it to God, it teaches us to leave it with Him.
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Remembering Those Who Taught You

Genesis 50:1-13
Today we realize that the prime of a believer's life is whenever they are in the center of God's will. While we are preparing for eternity, we must also be learning from the stewardship we have been given.
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Living for the Last Day

Genesis 50:26
Are you living today for eternity? Christians should view every day as if it were their last day on earth. Our story does not end the day we die but in eternity at the throne of God.
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God Is Able by Dr. Mike Edwards

Ephesians 3:20
God wants to do something mighty on our behalf. His power rests on us and works in us, but we must do more than believe it. We must live it.
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The Course of Blessing

Genesis 49:25-26
In today's Scripture, we discover how to receive the Lord's blessing and relay it to those around us. As you live in the presence of God, His blessings will flow though you to others.
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The Force of Blessing

Genesis 49:25-26
All blessings come from God, and God's blessing are always abundant. Come with us as we study four divine superlatives. Make knowing God and His presence the great priority of your life.
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The Source of Blessing

Genesis 49:25-26
Today we listen to the last words of a dying man. As Jacob gives his final blessing to Joseph, we are reminded that it is God alone who is the source of all true blessing.
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Family Blessings

Genesis 49:25-26
We are not only receiving an earthly inheritance, but also an eternal inheritance from our heavenly Father. The God of the Bible is the God of blessings, and one of the biggest things He's blessed us with is the family.
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Don’t Miss Jesus!

Genesis 49:23-24
Jesus Christ is the Shepherd and He is trailing you today! In this lesson we come to see that He is also the Stone, unmovable and the solid rock on which we can always lean.
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Some Things I Know for Sure

Daniel 2:45; 3:1-17
Do you want to know some things for sure? Throughout this sermon we see certainties that God teaches us in His word, and we are given a solid foundation on which to stand.
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Daddy’s Hands

Genesis 49:23-24
Today we learn how the hand of God strengthens us in our weakness. Often we have to come to the end of ourselves to realize that nothing can be done in our strength. Believers must be fully reliant on God's strength alone!
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In the Battle!

Genesis 49:23-24
We are all in a spiritual battle! In every stage of life you will have a new set of battles. However, we have confidence in God. For what He brings you to, He will bring you through. The Lord will always be victorious.
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Living By the Well

Genesis 49:22
One cannot produce fruit or branches without first having planted roots. We should be planting our roots by the well. The Lord is The Well, and we should be drawing everyday from God's presence.
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Still Growing

Genesis 49:22
What is the secret of true fruitfulness? Christ indwelling us. Through the life of Joseph we see fruitfulness that can only come from God. We cannot produce any fruit without first having a right relationship with Him.
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The Boys and the Blessing

Genesis 48:1-22
Most people live their entire lives focusing on what they have lost or never had. Joseph, of all people, could have fallen into this habit. But today we learn why we must focus on the blessings we do have from the Lord!
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Learning To Pray In Babylon

Daniel 2:16-19
Keeping your prayer life full can be challenging. Life always seems to get in the way of our time with the Father. But when we look at the life of Daniel, we see a powerful example of dedicated man of prayer. Tune in today to learn how to stay faithful, no matter where you are.
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An Exhortation from Ephraim

Genesis 41:52
God is always at work! Yet, so often, we miss God's preparing work in our lives. Ephraim is a reminder to us to look to the Lord, because God can always bring fruit in our lives - even in times of famine.
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A Message from Manasseh

Genesis 41:51
Do you know the significance of a name? Joseph named his son in a way that communicates his deep walk with God. One great truth his name emphasizes: God meets with us in the times of famine. Another, God helps us move past our past. Listen today to discover the full meaning of "Manasseh."
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What God Is About to Do

Genesis 41:25-32
Great trouble brings unique opportunities for God to work through His people. Don't focus on the famine! Believe that this is the moment when God will prove himself to you and those around you!
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It’s Time to Forgive

Genesis 45:4-8
One of the hardest things to do is forgive. So often, there are legitimate hurts and wrongs that push us toward bitterness. However, the life of Joesph teaches us that forgiveness will come as we learn to live in the presence of God.
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Don’t Get Stuck!

Genesis 41:50-52
Are you stuck where you're at? Genesis 41 shows us that Joseph refused to allow his past to define his life. Instead of getting stuck, like Joseph, choose to let God advance you! Give all the past, present, and future to Him.