Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

The Cry that Never Stops
Our Lord’s forgiveness is immediate and perpetual. It restored the thief on the cross, and to this day remains powerful and available. Walk by Calvary again and listen to Jesus say you’re forgiven. Be inspired to share that wonderful message with someone along your path who is yet bearing the weight of their sins alone.

This cry from the cross is not only a prayer, but also a pardon. If anyone had a reason to bring judgment, it was our Lord. Yet He cries, “Father, forgive them!” Today we’ll grow in our understanding of forgiveness and be challenged to forgive like Jesus.

Faith Near the End–Noah’s Family
We live in extraordinary times. We are closer now to the return of Christ than we may even realize. So, What can we learn from the life of Noah? Join Scott Pauley in Hebrews 11 as he preaches about the difference one obedient family can make in hard times.

Praying at the Cross
If you’re dealing with some difficulty today, you can learn to do what our Lord did. Pray! Sometimes Jesus prayed in the peaceful quietness of a garden, but today we listen to Him pray at Calvary. We find Him in the hardest place, on the hardest day, praying for the hardest people. That means something for you and me!

The Cry of His Humility
Have you ever wondered what Jesus’ voice sounds like? Although we cannot hear it with our ears today, every cry we hear Him utter from the cross teaches us about our Lord’s heart. His humility is heard in the words we’ll study today.

The Cry of His Humanity
As we listen to the first cry of Jesus from the cross, we are reminded of his humanity. We see His love for His mother, His physical thirst, His pain. There is great hope in knowing that whatever we are going through, He understands. He has experienced what we experience, and He cares. Trust Him to see you through!

No Answer
The cries we hear first near the cross of Christ were not from Jesus Himself. Pilate’s bewildered “I find no fault in Him,” the Jews angry “Crucify Him!” the Roman soldiers’ mockery… yet Jesus silently suffers in humility and surrender to the will of His Father. What love is displayed in the silence of Jesus!

Famous Last Words
How powerful it is to hear a person’s last words! They carry unique significance. As we begin a study of the words spoken by Jesus at the end of His life on earth, we will consider the final words of several famous individuals. What will these statements reveal about Heaven, Hell, peace, and hope?

What That Meaneth by Johnny Pope
This Bible message was given by Pastor Johnny Pope at the Southwide Baptist Fellowship Meeting on October 13, 2021. The text for the message is Matthew 9 and Matthew 12.

The Last Verse
With God, endings are always new beginnings. We’ve come to the end of Psalm 119 and so many of us are prone to wander. Let us remember His commandments and renew our commitment to spend time in God’s Word every day. It truly is all you need!

His Word and My Words
God not only wants you to hear His Word - He wants you to repeat it. He not only wants you to receive His Word - He wants you to relay it. In this broadcast we will discover three verbal responses from us to God’s Words.

Every Good Thing
Today’s section offers a summary of every good thing we find in God’s Word, and together we will make a list of them. But what good is it if we only talk about the good things found in God’s Word? What are we going to do about it? God’s Word will keep us – will we keep it?

As a key opens a door, so a keyword can open our understanding of a portion of Scripture. Such is the case in our study today. The section emphasizes both who is against us and Who is for us. Let’s spend a few minutes together considering our affliction, our affection, and God’s attention.

Sometimes We Cry
Where should we turn our attention when we feel like crying? God’s Word teaches that we can bring our emotion, feelings, and desperation to the Lord, and His Truth never changes. Even when we’re crying, we can find an anchor in God’s Word.

God Says Go
Many believers have the idea that only missionaries are to go out and give the gospel. However, Jesus gave all believers the command go with the gospel. The place? Wherever God has put you! Join Scott Pauley as he brings this message from Mark 16.

What Are You Zealous About?
Zeal can reveal! It can also be misplaced or grow cold. Unless we are careful to root our zeal in God’s righteousness, it can lead us away from what matters. What else will we learn about zeal in today’s study of God’s Word?

Seeking God’s Face
So often we seek God’s hand, but not His face. We look for something from Him but fail to truly seek Him. When our eyes view God’s face, we find that it shines, smiles, and speaks to us. Let’s investigate another portion of Psalm 119 and remember to seek God’s face.

I Am Thy Servant
In a world of injustice, we may resist the thought of being a servant. But when your Master is perfect, there’s no better relationship to have. You can take your eyes off those who would oppress you and draw confidence, mercy, and instruction from your wonderful and perfect Master. Today we dive into the gift of servanthood.

George Whitfield, the renowned preacher of the Great Awakening said, “I am immortal until God is finished with me.” As we look at another section of Psalm 119, principles will be discovered that help us understand the safety we have in the Lord. He always takes care of His own.

To the End
God wants you to experience His blessing in your life from beginning to end. Many who start well do not finish well, but it doesn’t have to be that way. God will give you, through His Word, all you need until the very end.

God Is Our King
Our great God made all things. Earthly kings fight and war for their earthly kingdoms. But our God is King over all. Every person will bow to the Lord one day; let today be that day for you. Join Scott Pauley as he brings this message from Psalm 93.

8 Things to Do with God’s Word
How do we make God’s Word our own? As we look at these 8 verses again (Psalm 119:105-112), we find 8 things that every Christian ought to be doing with God’s Word. Listen today to determine which actions are you doing well and where you have room for improvement.

“My” and “Thy”
The Bible is our manual for life, but it’s so much more than that! It’s God’s love letter to us. Psalm 119:105-112 emphasize the personalization of God’s Word. In this brief section, the words “my” and “Thy” appear 15 times. What do they reveal about the deep eternal value of God’s Word?

A New Dimension for Your Devotions
Have you experienced a certain emptiness in your devotional life? You find yourself going through the motions of prayer and Bible reading but feel like you’ve gotten “nothing out of it.” The missing ingredient is most often meditation. Not Eastern meditation, but Biblical meditation. Let's talk about what biblical meditation looks like in today’s study of Psalm 119.