Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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I Am a Stranger

Psalm 119:19
In a world where God’s people often feel like strangers, His Word remains our guide and map bringing clarity on our pilgrim journey. It is the one thing we ought to know well. Do you feel like a stranger in this world? As we remember His commandments, we will.
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Staying Clean In An Unclean World

Psalm 119:9
Sins of a lifetime often begin in youth. Young people are bombarded with temptation, and Satan continues his attacks throughout all of life! Fortunately, it’s not hard to get right with God. Unfortunately, it’s hard to STAY right with God. But God’s word has the answer! In today’s episode you’ll be invited to accept a powerful 22-day challenge. Join us!
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Missing His Mighty Work

Mark 6:1-6
Do you want to see all the God has for you? Do you want to see His mighty work in your life? Well, there is one thing that will keep you from it. Listen to this Weekend Pulpit to find out what it is.
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Blessing the Lord

Psalm 119:9-16
When’s the last time you blessed our Blesser? Does your study of the Word lead you to think more of God and less often of yourself? The Word always leads to worship. We must decide day by day to live a life of true worship in the Word of God.
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The Answer

Psalm 119:9-16
What is the greatest thing a young man (or any person) can discover? We will find the answer to this question beginning in Psalm 119:9. And another truth brought to light in today’s study is this–it’s a happy life when we learn to live in God’s Word. Let’s find out why!
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Nine Words for the Word, Part 3

Psalm 119:9, 91
In this final look at the terms used in Psalm 119 to describe God’s Word, we see “word” and “ordinances.” The first simply refers to God’s spoken commands, and the second reminds us of the order by which God rules His creation. May we humble ourselves and allow the Word of God to order our steps today!
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Nine Words for the Word, Part 2

Psalm 119:4-8
We continue our look at the nine terms used in Psalm 119 to describe God’s Word. Precepts, statutes, commandments, and judgments are words that will help us see God is concerned about the details of our life. He is unchanging. His commands guide us, and His judgments are the rules He has established for our good.
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Nine Words for the Word, Part 1

Psalm 119:1-3
Words matter! Nine different terms are used in Psalm 119 to describe God’s Word, and each one is significant. In today’s lesson we will seek to understand three of those terms – law, testimony, and ways.
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Guiding Young People Through the Seasons of Life

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Working with young people can be difficult. Young people are at a critical and often confusing time in their life. Join Scott Pauley as he teaches from Ecclesiastes 3, how to keep "Guiding Young People Through the Seasons of Life."
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Whole-Hearted Christianity

Psalm 119:4-8
It’s one thing to know the Word of God, but it’s another thing to know the God of the Word. Is your passion to know the Lord with your whole heart, not just academically or intellectually? Whole-hearted Christianity means getting to know Him and striving to keep His statutes!
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Positive and Negative

Psalm 119:1-3
Sin always brings a curse and obedience to God and His way always brings blessing. So, how do you keep sin from having dominion over you? Let’s look at both the positive and negative sides of obedience as we continue our study today in Psalm 119.
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The Beginning of the Blessing

Psalm 119:1-3
Sin is the dam that holds back the floodtide of God’s blessing. We’ll see today that when God blessed people in the Bible, they weren’t perfect. But they had confessed their sin and were living upright lives. Is there anything between you and God, between you and the blessing of the Lord today?
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God’s Bookends

Psalm 119:1, 176
God’s blessing in your life is always connected to His Word. Yet sometimes we find ourselves tempted to neglect it. Today, as we look at the bookends of Psalm 119, we’ll be challenged to walk in the Word because all that we need for life and godliness is found there!
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All You Need

2 Peter 1:1-4
Today we begin a rich study of Psalm 119 - the longest psalm in the Bible. Nearly every verse references the word of God. Our lessons will come from the overflow of what God has been teaching me in this amazing passage. Plan to personally apply what we learn today!
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What Do You Think of God?

Jeremiah 9:23-24
Our view of God will determine every other area of life. What do you think of God? Join Scott Pauley as he preaches from Jeremiah 9. This message was originally preached to young people at a Bible camp.
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Miracles! Miracles! Miracles!

John 21:25
In this study we conclude our series through the recorded miracles of Christ. There are "many other" miracles that Jesus did that are not recorded, and He continues to show His miraculous power in our lives every day! Every miracle is Heaven's reminder: Christ is enough.
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Our Ascended Lord

Luke 24:50-53
At the heart of the gospel message is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. But have you ever considered the miracle of Christ's ascension and what it means to all of us? The ascension set in motion every good thing we now have. Let's look at this truth in God's Word today.
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One More Time

John 21:1-14
Jesus is so patient with us all. In this study we see His first followers having an experience much like one they had earlier in their time with the Lord. Once again, they learn their inadequacy and Christ's sufficiency.
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40 Days!

Acts 1:1-3
Imagine spending 40 days with the risen Christ! Every resurrection appearance was a miracle. The disciples would never be the same after seeing and hearing from the Master. Spend some time today with the resurrected Christ...
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Action at the Tomb

Mark 16:1-7
The pinnacle of Christ's miracles was His own resurrection. In a world filled with death our Lord Jesus continually brought life. Join us as we study the miracle that touches us all!
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Where It All Begins

Mark 3:13-19
We all must begin somewhere; God is our Creator, and we must look to Him for His guidance. This message was originally given to young people at a Bible camp. Join Scott Pauley as he preaches from Mark 3.
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At the Cross

John 19:16-18
The death of Christ on the cross to pay for our sins is truly miraculous, but it’s not the only miracle that took place when Jesus was crucified. The miracle of the cross is accompanied by several others, each with a message for us to hear. How many miracles at the cross will we discover today?
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Many Miracles

John 20:30-31
The Bible does not record every miracle of Jesus. In fact, John says He did “many” more miracles than have been written. How might this truth encourage believers today? Do you have many burdens to bear or many requests to bring to God in prayer? Say it out loud – Christ is enough!
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Miracles in the Garden

Luke 22:49-51
What is one of the most neglected miracles in Scripture? You’ll have to listen to find out! But in this episode, we’ll see love in the face of hatred, gentleness in the face of adversity, and power in the face of animosity. Are you facing a difficult or aggressive adversary? Learn to depend upon the Lord and not your favorite fleshly weapon.