Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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I Wonder…

Luke 11:14-16
If you watched Jesus cast out a devil and restore a man who was never able to speak, you would wonder in amazement! And you would likely ponder some questions. If you wonder when God’s power comes, what it can do, and Who it comes through, then today’s broadcast is for you!
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Life Choices

2 Corinthians 10:7-18
We all must make choices. We must learn to make the choice God desires for us. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as he speaks about "Life Choices: from 2 Corinthians 10:7-18
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Don’t Miss the Lord

John 9:1-7
The Lord sees you, knows you, loves you, and is speaking to you. When Jesus saw the blind man, He spoke to him. The man willingly obeyed the Lord and then he saw the miracle-working power of Christ in his life. Don’t focus on your problems. Focus on the Lord, and you’ll find He is enough.
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The Coin, the Fish, and the Christ

Matthew 17:24-27
Christ did not want to be an unnecessary offense. Because we are connected to Christ, we should live by the same principle. Once again, we see Christ’s power demonstrated, and we are reminded that He always knows and provides exactly what we need. Christ is enough!
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Lessons in the Valley

Luke 9:37-43
Often in the valleys of life, we are tempted to look only for the next mountain. Yet in the valley, Christ reveals to us more of His heart and purpose, more of what He desires for us. Let’s stop impatiently looking for the next mountain. Instead, let’s look for what God is trying to teach us in this valley!
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The Truth in the Transfiguration

Mark 9:2-8
The transfiguration was not a miracle of Jesus changing into something or someone else. Rather it was God “pulling back the curtain” so that Peter and the others could get a glimpse of the eternal glory, grace, and goodness of Jesus. You can get a glimpse of the Lord Jesus Christ today through His Word, and it will change you forever.
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Just Let Him Work!

Mark 8:22-26
Today we learn about the only miracle Christ performed gradually. We will be reminded that when we are “in the process,” and we don’t know exactly what God is doing, and things are not clear, we can take heart! The Lord knows what He’s doing, and it will be beautiful in His time! Have patience and just let Him work.
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Every Thought and Every Thing

Although, as believers, we have been redeemed. We all have a war going on for our mind. The mind is a battlefield. True victory comes by bringing our mind to Christ, for Him to transform. Join us for another message from 2 Corinthians 10.
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Many Needs—One Christ

Mark 8:1-9
We’re reminded from the story of Jesus feeding 4,000, that when Christ does his miraculous work, it’s always a complete work. He doesn’t just want you to have enough to eek by, to endure life. No! He gives you enough to enjoy the journey. He gives more than you can imagine. There are many needs, but Christ is enough to meet them all.
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The Beautiful Work of Jesus

Mark 7:31-37
After healing the man in this story, multitudes of people were astonished and exclaimed that “He doeth all things well.” “Well” is the same word as beautiful. Indeed Jesus continues to do beautiful work in the lives of individuals who will receive His tender touch.
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Desperate Times and Desperate Prayers

Matthew 15:21-28
A desperate woman came to Jesus seeking help for her daughter. Surprisingly, after she asked for help, Jesus “answered her not a word.” However, in her desperation she exhibited greater faith than many of the mature disciples, and Jesus met her need – like He always does!
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It Is I

Matthew 14:22-33
“Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.” The disciples were right where Jesus had sent them – in the middle of a storm. But these words of Jesus assured them, as they assure us today, that the One who sent you into the storm has not forgotten you and will not forsake you.
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Miraculous Multiplication

John 6:5-14
God doesn’t ask for what you don’t have. He simply asks for what He’s already given you. When you’re willing to put it in His hands, He multiplies it! We see this truth demonstrated when Jesus uses one boy’s small lunch to feed more than 5,000 people. What’s in your hand that you can release to Christ?
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This Is War!

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The Miracles Continue!

Matthew 10:1
The greatest miracle is what Christ does in our lives! He uses normal people. He shares His supernatural power. He allows us to participate in His great work. Yes! Miracles continue all around us because Christ is enough!
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Are You Missing Jesus?

Matthew 9:32-35
The mute man’s physical problem was rooted in a spiritual problem. When Christ cast out the devil, the man was able to speak! The multitude who witnessed it worshipped Jesus. The Pharisees who witnessed it criticized Jesus. Same miracle. Same message. Some believed and some rejected. What could Christ do in your life if you believed He is enough?
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Wide Open

Matthew 9:27-31
Two blind men came to Jesus for healing. After they opened their hearts to Him, Jesus opened their eyes! In turn they opened their mouths to spread the fame of Jesus. Would to God that all of us would open our hearts to Jesus and open our mouths to make Him famous!
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Ultimate Power

Mark 5:22-24, 35-43
When Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead, we see His ultimate power over death. His great power comes at the point of desperation and can even conquer emotion. Sometimes the hardest thing we must do is choose to reject our feelings and exercise our faith. Do you believe God is able?
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All the Truth

Mark 5:25-34
In Mark 5, the woman with an issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and was miraculously healed. Knowing some of His inexhaustible power had gone out, Jesus asked, “Who touched my clothes?” The woman timidly replied telling Him “all the truth.” In today’s broadcast we’ll learn several truths about ourselves and our Savior.
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The Meekness and Gentleness of Christ

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Satan’s Worst and Christ’s Best

Mark 5:1-20
We see four pictures in today’s miracle – a picture of the sinner, a picture of demonic spirits, a picture of society, and a picture of the Savior. Christ cared enough to cross a sea to deliver one demon-possessed man. He continues to deliver sinners by His power today. Christ is enough and He is worthy of our worship!
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Peace in the Storm

Mark 4:35-5:1
Have you noticed how it’s so much easier to believe God for somebody else’s problems than for your own? But Christ is enough to bring peace during your personal storms. In fact, without the storms you may never really get to know the One who stands on the bough of the ship and calms the sea.
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Bring the Hard Case to Christ!

Matthew 12:22
Today we see Jesus heal and restore a wild man possessed by a devil, unable to speak, unable to see. The kind of man most people would avoid. The text reminds us that somebody brought this man to Jesus. No matter how difficult or how desperate, Christ truly is enough. Let’s bring everybody we can to Jesus!
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Interrupting a Funeral

Luke 7:11-17
How precious to know that Christ has a heart of compassion! Everything God brings into our life, and everything Christ does in that circumstance, is for one purpose –that we will come to know Him more personally and more intimately. Let’s learn from the funeral that Jesus divinely interrupted!