Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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It’s Time for Inviting

Revelation 22:17
Truth demands a response. As we give the gospel out we must also invite people to come into the family of God. On the last page of the Bible God once again reveals His heart with a simple invitation: "Come."
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It’s Time for Testifying

Revelation 22:16-20
Once we know the truth it is our responsibilty to share it with others. This is not some academic or professional work - it is deeply personal. Today someone you will meet needs to hear your testimony about Jesus Christ.
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It’s Time for Obeying

Revelation 22:14-15
In the end there are only two groups of people: those who obey the truth and those who don't. Which group do you belong to? Now is the time to obey - Jesus is coming soon!
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Where We Must Begin to Get Ready for the End

Revelation 22:14-15
If Jesus is coming soon, what should we be doing in preparation? A life of obedience begins by obeying the gospel. There is blessing for this life and the one to come for those who will obey.
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Making Your Work Count

Revelation 22:8-12
What is your life's work? Does it connect to God's work? Will it be pleasing to God? Christ is coming and He is bringing His reward with Him. Let's determine to make our work count for eternity.
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This Book

Revelation 22:8-12
In the first and last chapter of Revelation we are commanded to give attention to the Word of God. Soon we will see Him face to face! Here are four things we all should do with His Book until He comes.

This Book

Revelation 22:8-12
In the first and last chapter of Revelation we are commanded to give attention to the Word of God. Soon we will see Him face to face! Here are four things we all should do with His Book until He comes.
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Worship God!

Revelation 22:8-12
God alone is worthy of worship and He will have it for eternity. In light of the fact that Christ is coming at any moment we should give more attention to our personal worship today. Take the challenge to begin worshipping God.

Worship God!

Revelation 22:8-12
God alone is worthy of worship and He will have it for eternity. In light of the fact that Christ is coming at any moment we should give more attention to our personal worship today. Take the challenge to begin worshipping God.
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Revelation 22:6-7
One little word can convey great truth. Consider today the word "shortly" that is found 15 times in Scripture. It is given in the first verse of Revelation and in the last chapter. This is what it means.


Revelation 22:6-7
One little word can convey great truth. Consider today the word "shortly" that is found 15 times in Scripture. It is given in the first verse of Revelation and in the last chapter. This is what it means.
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Seated With Christ

Revelation 22:5
The best seat in the house is reserved for the Lord Jesus Christ. He will sit upon the throne, ruling and reigning for all eternity. But in His grace He makes a way for us to be seated with Him. We are getting ready to reign.
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What Will We Do Forever?

Revelation 22:3
Have you ever wondered what we will DO for all eternity? The last page of Scripture gives us a little insight and it is exciting!
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Three Things That Come From God’s Presence

Revelation 22:1-5
Every good thing comes from God and every good thing leads us back to Him. There are three things that will characterize the city where we will live someday and each of them reflect the perfect character of our God.
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We Will See Him!

Revelation 22:1-4
The greatest thing we will see in eternity is not a place, but a person: we will see Jesus! Let's learn what seeing Christ means for every believer.
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My Future Residence

Revelation 21:10-27
I am planning to move and my future residence is grander than you could ever imagine! Listen as the Lord describes the future residence of believers. This is the place where we will live with Him forever...
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How Will You End?

Revelation 21:8-9
Look at the list of those who will not go to heaven, and take careful note of who is first on the list. At the end of the story there are those who end fearful and those who end loving the Lord. How will you end?
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A Stark Contrast

Revelation 21:1-8
Life is full of contrasts. Revelation 21 reveals a stark contrast between the eternal homes of those who reject Christ and those who accept Him. There two distinct groups of people with two destinations...and they are very different.
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What Makes Heaven Home

Revelation 21:3-7; 22:3-4
While there are many things that make home comfortable, there is one thing that makes it sweet - the presence of family. Heaven will be wonderful, but the one thing that will make Heaven home is the presence of our God.
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No More!

Revelation 21:1-27; 22:3-5
When the Lord makes all things new there are many things that will be "no more." In this study we discover a list of many things God says will be removed. In eternity the curse of sin and all its effects will be gone forever!
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All Things New

Revelation 21:1-2
The God of new beginnings will very soon make "all things new." We shift our attention today from the lake of fire to the new heaven, the new earth, and the new Jerusalem. We have so much to look forward to!
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It’s Final.

Revelation 20:7-15
The end of Revelation 20 shows us both the last mention of Satan but also the final destination of lost souls. We rejoice over the conquering of the Devil, but we weep for the many who will be seperated from God forever. It's final.
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1,000 Years

Revelation 20:2-7
All of the kingdoms of this world will soon bow to the Kingdom of our Christ. Imagine what it will look like on the earth when our Lord rules here for 1,000 years! In this study we look at the millenial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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The Day the Devil Gets Shut Up

Revelation 20:1-3
What is God going to do with the Devil? It is a wonderful comfort to know that Satan does not have free reign and endless power. There is coming a day that the devil gets "shut up."