Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

Jesus and John
Revelation 10 takes us back to where the book began with simply Jesus and John. In the midst of great turmoil we are reminded that Christ rules over all. And, like John, our only task is to receive His Word and minister it to others.

Woe – Woe – Woe
The word "woe" is a warning that God reserves for the most severe judgment. Listen to the last three trumpets and you will hear the awful sound of judgment on sin and the continued victory of Christ. The Revelation brings woe to this world and worship to God.

Blow the Trumpet!
In the Tribulation another wave of judgment, the trumpet judgments, will sound the alarm of fear throughout the earth. In this study we examine the first four of those, each bringing disaster to this sin cursed world.

The Message of Silence
The final seal judgment cuts through all of the noise on earth and brings silence. Only God can do that. In the silence we find that the prayers of God's people are being heard and answered by God Himself. In every age prayer reaches heaven and sets in motion God's will on earth.

A Bright Spot In A Dark Time
When Satan is free, he is still limited. Revelation 7 is a bright spot in a dark time - a reminder that even when the devil is doing his worst God is still on the throne. This glimpse of the Tribulation age reveals that the Lord is still at work.

You Think This is Bad?
If you think the first four judgments were bad, consider the building intensity of the seal judgments. When man gets what he wants he soon discovers that he does not want what he gets! Our knowledge of what is coming should motivate us to reach the lost with the gospel now.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
You can almost hear the hoofbeats in the distance. The world is being prepared at this moment for the tribulation judgment that is soon to come. The first wave of that judgment can be seen in the four horsemen of Revelation 6. Today we discuss what each will bring.

What’s Next?
There is a great deal of speculation about both the current and future world situation. Only one person knows what is coming next - the God who holds the book in His hand. As He begins to open that book we find out what is next for believers and for this world.

How do you value the Lord Jesus Christ? We owe our lives to the One who died for us. He is worthy of everything, not only in eternity but every day. Determine to give Him all today.

Three Things From Earth That Will Be In Eternity
There are only three things on earth right now that will outlive this world. We will meet them in eternity. Find out what they are and how they should be our priority every day.

Weep Not
Are you troubled about the future and unsure about how it will all turn out? Weep not! Jesus Christ holds the title deed to the universe and He is going to bring His will to pass. Instead of weeping...worship!

Look Who’s On The Throne!
The Devil is not in charge. Christ is where He has always been - on the throne! Listen as John describes the Lord Jesus in three distinct ways and learn what each mean to your life.

What the Father Has Always Wanted
Jesus told us plainly the one thing the Father has always been seeking - worship. Soon we will all join the worship service that is already in progress at the throne, but we can worship Him now! Will you?

Listen to the Angels and Look to the Lord
What do angels say? Listen to their three verse song and you will see more of the King! Don't get enamored with angels - be consumed with Christ!

Four Pictures — One Purpose
Angels around God's throne reflect the glory of the One they serve. Each image tells us more about God. The Lord loves to teach through symbolism and in this study we see four pictures that serve one purpose.

The Throne
A throne is just a piece of furniture without an occupant. Our God is King and He has not abdicated His throne. Journey with John today and take a good look at the throne and the One sitting on it.

A View Unlike Any Other
There are some breathtaking views that are hard to forget. John saw a view unlike any other when he was ushered into the throneroom of God in heaven! Take a look for yourself...

How Its All Going to End
Is this the end of the world? How is it all going to end? Christians must remember that God doesn't lead to endings, He brings His people to new beginnings! This is what we are looking forward to...

Christ and His Churches
At this moment the Lord Jesus Christ is walking in and working on His churches. Only He can trim the candlesticks to make them give more light in a dark world. Today we ask Him to be thorough with us.

Open Up!
In so many ways the church at Laodicea pictures the church in the last days. There are three things that God says must be open to Him. When we get wide open to the Lord then He brings the greatest blessings.

My Favorite Church
My favorite church in Revelation is the church at Philadelphia. They were not a perfect church (there is no such thing!) but they were faithful to what God gave them to do. These believers are a pattern for us all.

Your Name Matters
There is a difference between having a good reputation with people and having a good testimony with God. We are not what we say we are or what others think we are - we are what God knows us to be. Study the church at Sardis and you will see that your name matters.

Jesus or Jezebel?
Someone sets the agenda in every church. Unfortunately, a woman in Thyatira began to teach and lead people away from the truth of Christ. She had the rebellious spirit of Jezebel and tried to take the place that is reserved for Jesus.

Getting the World Out of the Church
Where in the world was Pergamos? Today's study answers that question and deals with the bigger issue. This church's problem was not the world around it but that the world had crept into it. We are in a wicked world but the world is not to be in the church!