Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

False Gods vs. the True God
Psalm 115. Our world is filled with idols - things made by men to try to take the place of God. But there is only one true and living God! Today we are reminded to fear Him and trust Him alone.

The Second Exodus
Psalm 114. The same God who delivered Israel from Egyptian bondage delivered them from Babylonian captivity, and the same God who saved you from sin can deliver you from evil. Do you need a second exodus?

Where the Praise Begins
Psalm 113. As we begin a series of psalms that were designed specifically for praise we learn foundational truths for the life that brings praise to God. This is where praise begins!

Psalm 112. This beautiful psalm shows us what the blessed life looks like and how to live it. In times of conflict and confusion God's people can still be blessed.

God’s Work in this World
Psalm 111. How often do you pause to consider God's works in our world? He IS at work! Join us as we fInd out how, and how we should respond.

Our King and Priest
Psalm 110. Only One has ever served as both King and Priest. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. In today's study we will see Him and His work in our lives. Praise God for Jesus!

A Word to those Being Persecuted
Psalm 109. True followers of Christ have always faced persecution and it seems to be increasing in our world. In today's study you will hear both the voice of the persecutors and the Word of God, and discover what you are to say in response.

Singing through the Battle
Psalm 108. The Lord's soldiers can sing their way through the conflict. His joy is our strength. At the end of this little psalm are 3 prepositions that reveal what we have to sing about.

What Can We Say?
Psalm 107. It is time for God's people to speak up! In a world of noise there must be a voice of certainty. This testimony psalm will give you several things that you can, and should, say today!

Now Is the Time to Be Close to God and God’s People
If ever there was a time to stay close to God and His people, this is it! The Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon. In an age when many are falling away from Christ and His church we should be growing nearer.

There Is No Substitute for the Assembly
By its very definition the church was always meant to gather together. The assembly sets in motion the advancement of the church. Soon we will all meet together around the Father's throne, but now we are to be meeting with the family.

Your Church Family Needs You
The church is a family and families need time together. God designed it so that what strengthens the individual believer also strengthens the whole body. At this critical moment in history, your church family needs you...and you need them!

Our Forgetfulness and God’s Faithfulness
Psalm 106. As we conclude the fourth section of the Psalms we are led to remember our own forgetfulness and God's faithfulness. Men fail God but God never fails man. "Praise ye the LORD."

The Blessing of History
Psalm 105. In our day history is being ignored, rewritten, and erased. This historical psalm reminds us of the God who transcends time and works in every generation. History is connected to theology.

Creator, Sustainer, and Judge
Psalm 104. We all need to know our God in a deeper way. As we study this psalm we gain a clearer glimpse of God as Creator, Sustainer, and Judge. He is the beginning, the end, and everything in between!

Don’t Forget to Remember!
Psalm 103. How forgetful we are! Especially when it comes to the goodness of God. In this study we reflect on all of God's blessings and it leads us to bless God.

Psalm 102. The Creator of the universe uses a sparrow, a pelican, and an owl to teach us something about ourselves and about Him. Let's go birdwatching today and we will see the Lord at work in our lives.

When The Lord Comes To Your House
Psalm 101. What if Jesus came to your house today? In a very real sense He IS walking through your house - your heart - at this moment! The Lord gets personal in this psalm and reveals what He wants (and what He doesn't) in His house.

The Power of Praise
Psalm 100. In five brief verses God tells us why praise is so powerful. Praise brings us into the presence of God and the power of God into our circumstances. Learn the discipline and the joy of praising God.

How To Approach A Holy God
Psalm 99. The only way any of us can approach our holy God is through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Discover several practical, definite things we are commanded to do as we approach God in prayer.

Two Reasons to Rejoice Today
Psalm 98. Every song has a story and this psalm was written when God's presence came to His people. Regardless of your current situation you can rejoice that the Lord has come...and He is coming again!

Holiness and Happiness
Psalm 97. There are two responses to the revelation of the holiness of God. It all depends on your relationship! For those who are right with the Lord His holiness brings true happiness.