Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

2007-17 Truth for Youth SLIDE.jpg

Three Things Every Young Person Needs To Hear

1 Samuel 1:27-28
Young people growing up in this world are sure to hear many lies. It is our job to tell them the truth! In today's episode we discuss three things that every young person needs to hear.


Psalm 89
Psalm 89. How appropriate that the Leviticus Psalms that have showed us the way to live in the holy presence of God should conclude with His faithfulness. Study this psalm of instruction and you will see the God who is always faithful.

Are You Having “One of Those Days?”

Psalm 88
Psalm 88. We all have them: "one of those days." Trouble comes and God seems far away. It is difficult to understand why or when it will pass. Here are 3 things you can do when you don't know what to do.

Living In the Presence of God

Psalm 87
Psalm 87. The greatest place in the world to live is in the presence of God. It was God's presence that made Jerusalem special and it will be God's presence that makes eternity wonderful for the believer. You can live in the presence of the Lord today.

That About Sums It Up!

Psalm 86
Psalm 86. Certain Scriptures are summary passages on specific subjects. Psalm 86 is quoted in at least twenty of David's psalms and summarizes so many of the great themes of this great book. This will encourage your heart!

A Patriot’s Prayer

Psalm 85
Psalm 85. If you love the Lord and love your country you should be serious about praying for the spiritual needs of the nation. Take this patriot's prayer and ask God to work as only He can!

From Strength to Strength

Psalm 84
Psalm 84. Do you need strength today? We need more than what we can muster up - we need God's strength. So many believers seem to live from failure to failure, but this psalm shows us the secret of moving from strength to strength.

The Greatest War

Psalm 83
Psalm 83. The greatest war in the world is the spiritual conflict that rages at this moment between light and darkness. In these few verses we get a glimpse of the battle, the enemy, and the Victor. God is greater.

Where Is the Justice?

Psalm 82
Psalm 82. Our world seems to be filled with injustice. Where is the justice? Real justice is only served when the true Judge brings the final verdict. We must get our eyes off of wicked men and on the righteous God.

Wide Open

Psalm 81
Psalm 81. Are you enjoying all that God has for you as a believer? The Lord Jesus brings all of heaven's blessings to our hearts if we will simply stay open to Him. This study helps us to see how to stay wide open to God.

A Prayer for Us All

Psalm 80
Psalm 80. Today's psalm is one of the great revival prayers of the Bible. It was the prayer of a desperate man, and it is a prayer for us all. Take these prayer requests and make them your prayer today.

When Everything Is Gone But God

Psalm 79
Psalm 79. There are times in life when everything and everyone we depended on have disappeared. It is at those moments that we must remember that all may be gone, but God is not. Today's study begins with a sigh but ends with a song.

Don’t Turn Back!

Psalm 78
Psalm 78. What will you do when the battle comes? The foes around us and the fears within us all say to go back. But this is no time to stop - this is the time to press on. God will give the victory if you don't turn back!

God Still Leads

Psalm 77
Psalm 77. In the dark hours, in the times of confusion, in the seasons when we cannot understand which way to go, God is still leading. Just do the 3 things that Asaph did and keep following. The Lord always knows where He is going.

The True Ruler

Psalm 76
Psalm 76. Men like to think that they "rule" but there is a God who rules the good and overrules the evil. He is the true Ruler - the King of kings and Lord of lords. And in this study we find three things He desires and deserves from every one of us.

Human Politics and Divine Power

Psalm 75
Psalm 75. This world system moves on political agendas, human charisma, and power plays. However, behind it all there is a sovereign God, and beyond all of the human politics there is a divine power. This psalm will strenghten your faith!

What To Do With Your Questions

Psalm 74
Psalm 74. We all have questions that we cannot seem to answer. It is what we do with these questions that matters. The psalmist demonstrates what we can do with our uncertainty. God has a way of taking question marks and making them exclamation points!

Four Things That Help You Live In God’s Presence

Psalm 73
Psalm 73. The Leviticus Psalms teach us how to live in the presence of God. In today's episode we discover 4 things that will help us to come into His presence every day. You may be surprised at some of the things God uses!

Are You Ready?

Ezra 7:6, 10
Revival is not hard. In just a moment the God of life can send spiritual awakening! The hard thing is getting ready for revival to come. Ezra gives us an example of how to prepare for the revival that God desires to send.

This Is No Time To Stop!

Ezra 4:24-5:5
When opposition comes—and it always does—that is no time to stop! If the devil is fighting that is the very time to press on with God. This is no time to stop...this is the time to get back to what we know for sure.

Moving Forward

Ezra 3:8-9
Moving forward requires more than emotion, more than an initial decision, and more than good intentions. God is always advancing and He wants us to advance with Him. In today's study we find 3 things that must be done if we are to move forward.

Where Revival Begins

Ezra 1:1-6
Like every good thing, revival begins in the heart of God and it is born in the hearts of His people. A spiritual awakening is always personal before it is national. Will you allow revival to begin in you? Get ready for revival "roll call" as we study the book of Ezra.

David’s Final Prayer

Psalm 72
Psalm 72. As we conclude the second section of Psalms we find the final prayer of David. Hear his heart as he neared the end and you will hear the heart of God. Be ready to add these three things to your prayer list!

A Lesson for Youth and Old Age

Psalm 71
Psalm 71. It is amazing how quickly youth turns in to old age! Life passes so quickly. None of us know how many days God will allow us to live, but He does tell us how to make the most of every day. Here is something that will help you in youth and in old age...