Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

Three People in Trouble
Psalm 31. Everybody has problems! We all deal with difficult circumstances and difficult people. In this psalm you will see 3 people in trouble and learn how to have victory in your own times of trouble.

How to Dedicate Your Home to God
Psalm 30. Home is to be holy ground - a place where God's presence rules. When David dedicated his own house to God he did three specific things. Use his pattern with your own family.

Learning to Worship
Psalm 29. In today's episode we approach one of the greatest subjects in Scripture: what it means to worship God. In eleven verses David teaches us much about what true worship looks like. Learn to worship and it will affect every other area of your life.

A Song In the Night
Psalm 28. The sweetest songs are born out of the darkest hours. Listen to David's song and you will find the way to keep a happy heart in the hardships of life.

One Thing
Psalm 27. If you could have one thing from God, what would it be? David tells us his greatest desire - and it is the desire that brings every other good blessing with it. Make this one thing your prayer and goal!

Psalm 26. Integrity is in short supply in our world today. God is a God of integrity and He desires that His people be people of integrity. As we study today's Scripture we discover the elements of true integrity.

Five Lessons for Being a Good Student
Psalm 25. We are all students in God's school and He has much to teach us. The Teacher identifies five truths that every good student needs to learn. What kind of student will you be?

The Blessing
Psalm 24. Today's psalm not only describes the greatest blessing in life it also details how to receive it! If we want God's blessing we must obey His principles.

The Shepherd In the Shadows
Psalm 23. Can you see Him? The God of Light meets you in the shadows of life. Look carefully today at this familiar psalm and then look at your own situation...somewhere in the shadows you will find Jesus!

Look At the Cross!
Psalm 22. A thousand years before Calvary, exact expressions and explanations of Christ's sufferings were recorded! In this study you will gain a fresh glimpse of what Jesus did for you. Join us as we look at the cross.

How To Find Strength In Your Battle
Psalm 21. The theme continues! On the other side of the battle the king records how God gave the victory. God is going to bring you through your battle too. Let an old soldier show you how to find the strength you need...

There’s Power In His Name
Psalm 20. Our world is full of conflict and each of us have our own battles. In this war psalm the Lord shows us how to have power for the fight and victory in the end.

Three Things God Reveals to Us
Psalm 19. This nature psalm reminds us of the beauty of the created world and the power of the Creator. But there is more! David shows us three things God wants to reveal to all of us. He gets very specific - and very personal.

Will You?
Psalm 18. If you let your emotions run your life they will ruin your life. God gave you emotions and only He can control them. The Lord intends for us to exercise our will - this often means choosing against how you feel. David shows us three things we must choose every day. Will you?

Staying Right With God In a World Gone Wrong
Psalm 17. Watch the news and you can grow dismayed at the lack of justice in our world. Look to the Lord and you will realize that He is a God of justice. You can't straighten the whole world out but you can stay right with God and rest in the truth that someday He will.

In the Night Seasons
Psalm 16. When "the lights go out" in life it is easy to get confused, frustrated, fearful. How will you respond in the night seasons? Remember that God works the night shift and often gives the greatest light in the darkest times.

What Ever Happened to Holiness?
Psalm 15. In this powerful psalm God identifies the life that He will bless. Few talk about holiness today but that is what God is looking for in every generation - people who live in His holy presence!

Dealing With the Atheist
Psalm 14. This psalm will help you know how to answer those around you who say there is no God. But there is will help you to deal with the practical atheism that can creep into our own daily living! Only God's truth can deal with the atheist.

Turning a Sigh Into a Song
Psalm 13. Discouraged people usually overstate their problems. We groan to ourselves and grumble to others. Do what David did and you will turn your sigh into a song!

How Firm a Foundation!
Psalm 12. This psalm continues the theme of the previous one. There are four things God's people can do in a changing world and difficult circumstances. Follow this pattern and you will not be blown away!

What Can We Do?
Psalm 11. When it seems that the world is shaking and others are shifting we must go back to what we know for sure. Our foundation is not going to move! Use this psalm to check your faith today and be sure your trust is in the God who never changes.

A Prayer When You are Hurting
Psalm 10. When bad things happen to good people we all wonder why. The psalmist shows us what to do with our why! Bring your complaint and concern to the One who can do something about it. This is a prayer you can pray for yourself or for someone that you know who is hurting.

Some Good News In a World of Bad News
Psalm 9. Do you ever get tired of hearing so much bad news? Scripture not only describes the wicked world in which we live, it gives us some good news from our God! Look at current events through the lens of this Word from the Lord.

The Creator and the Christ
Psalm 8. One of the most beautiful psalms ever written points us both to nature and to the Messiah. The Creator is the Christ! As we walk through these few verses we look around us to the world that God created and then we look up to the God who came to earth as a man.