Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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What Do You Need Today?

Judges 15:14-20
We all have needs. Whatever your need may be today it is God's messenger to you - a reminder that the strongest, most self-sufficient people need the Lord. Allow your need to drive you to God!
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Root Sins

Judges 14-16
If lust was Samson’s besetting sin then pride was his root sin. In some ways pride is the root of every sin. Ask God to root out every self-sufficient, proud thought in your own heart. We need God’s strength for our weakness.
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Be Careful Who You Give Your Heart To!

Judges 16:15-17
We all are a composite of the relationships of life. Be careful who you give your heart to! In this brief study we learn how a person gives their heart away and how not to give it to the wrong person.
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The Seeds of Sin

Judges 14-16
Sin starts small; it just never stays that way. Today we examine the little beginnings that lead to huge consequences. Learn from the life of Samson what NOT to do with your life.
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Separated to the Lord

Numbers 6:4, 5, 6, 8
The holy life has less to do with your distance from the world and more to do with your nearness to God. The closer you grow to a holy God the further you will find yourself from unholy things. From an Old Testament story we find an eternal principle about the life separated to God.
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Small Compromises on a Big Vow

Numbers 6:1-6
Samson was one of three men identified in Scripture as Nazarites. His calling was a holy one. Yet big vows are often broken by small compromises. Today we see how this strong man failed to keep the vow he had made to God.
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How Did This Happen?

Judges 14:1
Have you ever wondered how one life can get so messed up? This is what sin does one step at a time. Samson’s life is a warning to us all of the downward spiral of sin.
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The Days Before Delilah

Judges 14:1-3
Men are remembered for extraordinary days, but they are made on ordinary ones. When a man has a great public failure it is usually preceded by small private failures. A vivid picture of this is seen in Samson’s life in the days before Delilah.
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You Choose!

Judges 14:1
There are many things in life that you can’t choose, but there are some things you must choose. No one can choose God’s way for you. Others may influence, encourage, counsel...yet in the end, you choose!
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The Greatest Blessing In Samson’s Life

Judges 13:25-14:1
The greatest blessings are the ones that money cannot buy and the world cannot duplicate. Samson’s greatest blessing was not his physical strength - it was the presence of God! There is nothing greater than living in His presence.
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In the Early Days

Judges 13:8
The early days of life are formative ones. Today we examine the first chapter of Samson’s life and see that the Lord was working in him long before others knew his name. As you look at your history do not miss the providence and provision of God.
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The Goodness of God In the Life of Samson

Judges 13:3, 5, 24
Typically when we think of Samson we think of the bad in his life, but have you ever considered the goodness of his God? Look behind Samson’s successes and beyond Samson’s failures and you will see a good God.
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Every Man Is My Teacher

Judges 13:1-5, 24-25
Every character in Scripture is there for a reason. They may be a positive or a negative example to us - sometimes both! Today we begin our study of the life of Samson and discover the spiritual truths of man’s weakness and God’s strength.
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Pray On!

Romans 10:1
Throughout Scripture those who have made a difference for Christ are those who have carried a burden for souls. Keep praying and believing God for the salvation of the lost. Witness in faith and pray on!
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Three Things You Should Be Praying

Romans 10:1
The gospel is advanced through praying people. Pray these three definite things and expect to see the Lord at work!
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A Prayer List For Souls

Romans 9:1-5; 10:1-4
Do you have a prayer list for souls? Begin to identify individuals that you can pray for and witness to. As we pray the Lord works in both our hearts and the hearts of those we love.
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New Life In Christ

John 3:16-21
Christ accepts people where they are but He never leaves them there. Hear the rest of Nicodemus' story and see the difference that the new birth brings.
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How the Holy Spirit Works

John 3:5-8
The Holy Spirit works through the Word of God and faithful witnesses to bring sinners to Christ. In this study we learn more about how the Holy Spirit works in hearts, and how we can work with Him to reach needy souls.
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What Everybody Needs To Learn

John 3:1-16
Of all of life's lessons the most important deals with man's sin. The new birth only comes to those who realize they are dead. We must all learn that we are lost and only Jesus can save.
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Would You Like A New Start?

John 3:16
God is a God of new beginnings. Only Jesus can give a man a new heart and a new start. The simple and powerful truth of John 3:16 reaches to every person. Determine by God's grace to give it to someone today.
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A New Birth = A New Beginning

John 3:1-3
The new birth is not optional; it is a necessity. Today we examine why Jesus said, "Ye must be born again."
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Go, Go, Go!!!

1 Corinthians 15:10
There is no place to stop. The whole world needs Jesus and we have the good news to share. Begin where you are and as you go give the gospel.
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Don’t Keep It To Yourself!

1 Corinthians 15:1-2
Receive it. Relay it. If you have been given the good news of Jesus then you shouldn't keep it to yourself. Who will you give the gospel to today?
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Good News In A Bad World

1 Corinthians 15:1-4
In a world of constant bad news it is wonderful to hear some good news. God's Word alone records the good news of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. It is our job to spread it!