Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

How Not to Be Offended

Mark 14:27-31
We live in a world where people are easily offended. Perhaps you have offended someone or someone has offended you. In today's study the sinless Lord Jesus shows His disciples and all of us the way to not be detoured or distracted, the way to finish well.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

In the Upper Room With Jesus

Mark 14:12-26
It was a high, holy moment to be with Christ at the last supper. In that upper room the Lord shows us all the secrets of victory and power in the crisis hours of life. Make a visit to that room, spend time in His presence, and you will discover the joy that Jesus knew.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Just Do What You Can

Mark 14:1-11
You cannot do everything, but you can do something. If you will do the thing God leads you to do you will find the joy of joining Him in what He is doing in this world. Today we study one of the great women of the Bible. Follow her example!
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley


Mark 13:32-37
One simple story. One word. One truth. Don't miss the one thing Jesus repeated.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Christ’s Message to Every Man

Mark 13:32-37
Jesus' words as He neared the end of His earthly ministry were not just for the original disciples - they are for every one of us! See yourself in today's story and hear the Lord's message to you at this moment in history.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Jesus Is Coming!

Mark 13:24-31
"What is this world coming to?" We often hear such questions in our chaotic culture. The better question is: "Do you know who is coming to this world?" Jesus is coming! We don't know the day but today is the day to get ready.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Four Marks of the Tribulation

Mark 13:11-23
At the end of the church age there will be a seven year tribulation such as this world has never seen. Learn the four things that will mark that period of time and how you can avoid it by coming to Christ now.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Living on the Edge of Eternity

Mark 13:5-10
We are living in this world but at any moment we may step into the world to come! Christ tells his followers exactly what they should expect and how they should live as they near the end of time and prepare for eternity. His words will encourage you and challenge you!
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Impressed With the Wrong Things

Mark 13:1-4
It is so easy to get enamored with buildings and material things. We often get impressed with the wrong things - things that will not last. Listen in on a private conversation between Christ and four of His closest disciples. There is a truth we all need to hear.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

She Gave It All

Mark 12:41-44
Meet a woman who gave all that she had to God. What she did not know was that Jesus was watching! He is watching us today. What will we give?
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

A Message for the Common Man

Mark 12:35-40
Christ speaks to common people. Very often it is the common man who is most ready to receive His message. The Lord Jesus has a message for all of us today if we are ready to believe and obey.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

All the Questions End Here

Mark 12:31-34
Jesus cuts through all of the questions and confusion. He brings life down to one thing and that one thing guides every relationship. In our study today we learn what that one thing is and how to apply it. All the questions end here.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Do You Truly Love the Lord?

Mark 12:28-30
It is easy to say it, but do you truly the Lord? Your life reveals what you love. Listen to Jesus describe what a life of love looks like.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Don’t Miss God!

Mark 12:18-27
The greatest mistake in the world is to miss God. In this study we see a group of intelligent people who made the most foolish error. Only as we believe the Scriptures do we see the power of God at work. Don't miss God!
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Four Truths We All Need

Mark 12:13-17
In an age of lies and deception God gives truth that we all need. Today we learn four specific truths about ourselves, our world, and our God. Only His truth can cut through the confusion in our world.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Reverence Or Rejection?

Mark 12:1-12
Everyone will either reverence or reject the ruling presence of Christ in their own life. Don't make the mistake so many religious people made in Jesus' day. He is the Son of God and He is worthy of His rightful place in our hearts.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Recognizing God’s Authority

Mark 11:27-33
Authority is part of life. Recognizing it and responding rightly to it is the secret to an ordered life. Ultimately the authority we all must submit to is the authority of God. Learn to let Christ rule in your life!
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Is Your House a House of Prayer?

Mark 11:15-19
The Temple was always meant to be a place where people communed with God. His temple today is no different. The Lord who lives within the believer desires to communicate with us! Is your house a house of prayer?
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

How to Get Your Prayers Answered

Mark 11:11-14, 20-26
In today's study we discover two required elements for effective praying. On His way to the cross Christ gave both instruction and an illustration of how to get your prayers answered. Listen in as the Master taught His disciples the secrets of true prayer.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley


Mark 11:7-10
What a powerful word! The word Hosanna holds great truth for us today. In this powerful story we earn to praise and pray to the true King.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

When the Lord Comes Calling

Mark 11:1-7
When the Lord calls for you, how do you answer? The Lord can use simple, humble things to bring Him glory, but He only uses willing vessels! Say yes to Him today.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Meet Blind Bartimaeus

Mark 10:46-52
A blind beggar became one of the greatest examples in Scripture of faith in Christ. Get acquainted with him today and with the One He trusted! No sight equals the life of faith.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Learning to Be a Servant

Mark 10:41-45
Life is not so much about who you are over as it is about who you are under. A man may rise to the top only to find that it is an empty and sad place to live. In Christ we learn what it truly means to be a servant...and how the Master takes care of those servants.
Journey with Jesus Audio devotional series with Scott Pauley

Prayer Lessons

Mark 10:32-40
Ever prayed something you wish you could take back? Sometimes we pray for the wrong things and for the wrong reasons. Learn today how to line your prayers up with what God desires. This is the secret to answered prayer.