Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

The Name of Jesus, Part 2
The announcement of Christ's birth is the first mention of the word "save" in the New Testament. God chose the earthly name for His Son as a revelation of His divine purpose. "Call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."

The Name of Jesus, Part 1
Parents choose meaningful names for their children. The Heavenly Father is no exception! Jesus is the Son of God and the Saviour of sinners. Even His name says "Jehovah saves!"

Will You Take The Challenge?
Every person must speak for themselves. No one else can share your story. Believers should be enthused about the opportunity to tell someone else how wonderful their God is! A great difference could be made in this world if Christians would just begin to have conversations about Christ. Will you take the challenge?

Keep It Personal
A good Christian testimony is always present tense. The Lord's work in our life is not simply an event in the past. Speak from your heart about the difference the Lord has made in your life.

What They Can’t Argue With
People will argue with your church and your opinion. The one thing they have a difficult time arguing against is a changed life! Learn how to effectively share Christ with others by simply using your testimony.

The First Part of Your Personal Testimony
Never forget what it was like before you came to know the Lord Jesus. Never forget what it was like to be lost. The first step in bringing sinners to Christ is to help them identify their own condition and the first step to connecting with sinners is identifying where God brought you from.

Say So!
Witnessing is not simply presenting facts - it is praising God to others! Thanksgiving and gospel witnessing go together. Learn the secret of using your story.

Who Is On Your List?
Thanksgiving should continue in our prayers and in every interaction we have with others. Make a list today of those for whom you need to both pray and thank God.

Take a brief look at thanksgiving in Scripture, in history, and in your own life. Imagine what one day would be like without God. We have much for which to thank the Lord.

Grateful for What I Never Got
We praise the Lord for the good things we have received. Have you ever considered all of the evil that you have never received? He is at work in both giving and preventing. Thank God for what you have never seen!

Top of the List
While there are many things for which we should be grateful there is one thing that should be at the top of that list. Thank God most of all for those things that are spiritual and eternal. Thank God for Jesus.

Thanking God for Others
God chooses and uses people in all of our lives to help us become what He desires. Identify those people. Thank God for them every day, and never forget to pray for them.

My Thanksgiving List In One Sentence
Every blessing in life can be boiled down to God's mercy. Never get over the mercy of God. It is perenially fresh and never ending.

The Greatest Work You Can Do Today
Giving God praise is the highest, noblest work in the world. It is the work of angels and will be the work of God's people throughout eternity. You can begin it now!

Praise Opens the Door
When we praise the Lord we are brought near to God. It opens the door to life in His presence. This is the secret to joy and gladness in the ordinary and mundane of life.

Beginning A Praise List
Begin to list the blessings of God. "Count your many blessings; name them one by one!" Each gift is a revelation of the Giver.

The Power of Praise
Praise is one of the most powerful things in the world. It causes us to see God for who He is and it helps us show Him to others. Learn to be a person of praise.

Thankful Repentance
Thanksgiving and repentance are connected in Scripture. Both help us to see and respond to the goodness of God. Consider today God's goodness to you and your heart toward Him.

A Life of Thanks
Giving thanks affects every relationship you have. Discover the connection between thankfulness and all of life!

Gratitude Brings You To God
Discover how thankfulness brings you near the Lord. The practice of thanks leads us to the presence of God.

Giving Thanks In Hard Times
It is one thing to give thanks when all is well. God gives a recipe for a grateful heart in every circumstance. Learn the lesson of "giving thanks always for all things."

Thankfulness transforms a heart and a home. It brings joy in an unhappy world. Yet true gratitude is not an emotion - it is a decision. Determine to be grateful and develop the discipline of thanks.