Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes


Take The Next Step!

Acts 9:6
As we begin to follow the Lord continues to lead. One step at a time. One day at a time. There is a place to start - right where you are. And there is no place to stop. Learn from Paul's example how to take the next step in your life.

The First Step to Finding God’s Will

Acts 9:4-5
Is it possible we are not getting an answer to our prayer because we are asking the wrong question? Before you can see the next step you must see yourself and you must see God. Discover the first step on this journey.

Meeting Jesus Along the Way

Acts 9:1-5
The will of God is a journey, not a destination. It is not about finding some thing or some place - it is about meeting Jesus along the way! The goal is not to simply know the will of God; it is to know God Himself. Look for Him along your path.

Direction for the Journey

Acts 9:6
We all face daily decisions and we all need divine direction for life. Learning to ask, answer, and apply one question can help you to find God's way for you! Study these eight words from God's Word with us today.
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The Greatest Thing You Can Do for Your Church and Pastor

1 Timothy 2:1-2
Strong churches are built through prayer. Every believer has an opportunity and responsibility to be part of the prayer effort of their local church. Stand with your pastor and advance the cause of Christ on your knees!
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Praying for Your Pastor

Philippians 1:19
Much of a pastor's work is not done on Sunday. Every day true shepherds give themselves to feed, guide, and guard the flock God has placed them over. Learn to pray for your pastor every day.
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How to Pray for the Preacher

Romans 15:30-31
Spiritual leaders are on the front lines of spiritual warfare. Prayer brings protection and provision - reinforcements desperately needed in the midst of a war. Find your place in the battle through prayer.
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Pray for Us!

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13,25
We all need prayer! Pastors are to pray for their flock, and members of the church must pray for those who are ministering God's Word to them. If Paul needed prayer then surely preachers and teachers in these days need the prayers of God's people.
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Your Prayers

Colossians 1:9-12
Your prayers can make a difference! Do not allow your prayer life to grow stale and routine. Pray in faith. Pray definitely. Pray the prayers that are found in the Word of God.
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Paul’s Prayer List for the Local Church

Colossians 1:9-12
The Spirit-inspired prayers of the Apostle Paul provide us with a tremendous pattern for our prayers. Praying these requests will give substance and freshness to prayer. They go to God because they came from Him.
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Praying for “Me” and “Them”

Colossians 1:9-12
We should not pray for others what we are not willing to pray for our own lives. Learn to pray specific, spiritual prayers for yourself and fellow believers.
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Where Do We Start?

Colossians 1:9-12
One prayer purifies and precedes every other prayer. It is a prayer you can pray for any person and we should pray it for every one that we know! Discover this foundational prayer principle today.
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Praying for Your Church

Colossians 1:9-12
Great churches are made up of praying people. If you love the local church, and are grateful for the body of believers you belong to, then you should do everything you can to uphold them in prayer. Prayer is something every member can do!
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The Ultimate Prayer Request

John 17
The pinnacle of prayer is revealed in the way Christ concluded His prayer. In today's study we learn about the greatest thing in the world and how to pray it for those you love.
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My Prayer List

John 17
We continue our study of the powerful prayer of Christ for His disciples. Scripture provides guidance for our own prayers. As we pray the Word of God we can believe that we are praying in the will of God. Allow God's Word to become your prayer list!
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Jesus’ Prayer List

John 17
A walk through the high-priestly prayer of the Lord Jesus helps us learn how to talk to the Father. This is Jesus' prayer list!
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The First Prayer Requests

John 17
Do your prayers begin with what you want or what God wants? Charles Spurgeon once said, "The prayers that God answers are the ones that begin with Him." Discover how to begin your prayers as Jesus did.
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A Family Prayer

John 17
Learn to pray for those you love by following the pattern of perfect prayer. In John 17 Jesus prayed for His followers, His family. Intercession is the greatest thing you can do for those who mean most to you, and this is how to do it effectively.
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Rejoicing Before the Answer Comes

1 Samuel 1
Faith can rejoice before the answer arrives. Learn to leave your burden with the Lord and leave His presence with joy.
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When Others Don’t Understand

1 Samuel 1
Good people, even God's people, can discourage a believer from prayer. Keep your eyes on the promises of God and keep praying!
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Why Satan Fights Prayer

1 Samuel 1
Satan trembles when believers truly learn to pray. He knows that prayer unlocks Heaven's storehouse and unleashes the power of God. Give no place to the devil as you pray.
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Don’t Listen to the Devil

1 Samuel 1
In prayer we speak to God. As we pray God speaks to us. Yet it is important to remember that the devil loves to interrupt this conversation! He begins to speak words of fear and unbelief. We must not listen to the lies of the enemy.
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Keep Praying!

1 Samuel 1
All of Scripture reminds us that God answers prayer and that He does it in His perfect time. Keep praying!
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It’s Simple: ASK

Luke 11:13
Men make prayer so complicated. Christ made it so simple: Ask! Ask in faith. Ask in God's will. Ask in Jesus' name. Ask continually. Ask with a pure heart. Ask for the glory of God. BUT ASK! "Ye have not, because ye ask not."